help noob setup audio

  1. T

    Left Audio Only

    Hi there! Long story short, using output 1 (L/R Humbuster), directly from the Axefx3 into my monitors, Klipsch R-41PM monitors, on PHONO. Only issue, I am only receiving audio from my left monitor, and static from the right monitor. however, if I pan everything hard right, you can slightly...
  2. Fabrilax

    Should I get an Axe FX 2?

    Hey, ever since I started out playing guitar I wasn't satisfied with my tone (or any tone I came up with). My first amp was a cheap modeling amp and then I moved on to tube (Peavey 6505) and now I'm playing via Reaper and some free VSTs. But none of these could give me that sort of satisfaction...
  3. O

    Fm3 into powerstage 700 volume settings

    Last night at band practice I had to CRANK up the volume on my powerstage 700. Like 80% into a Mesa 4x12 8 ohm which feels wrong. I was worried about blowing the speakers in it. So my question is regarding output levels from output 2. Right now it is set to unity gain. Is that not correct? Do I...
  4. A

    Intro to Axe FX II and Real Amplifier Heads

    Hi guys I'm new to the world of the Axe Fx (especially the two) and I have become curious about the use of an actual amplifier head with the unit together. I have a couple patches and a couple of actual amps that I use for re-amping and performing with and I would like to combine both. I use a...
  5. M

    Complete Noob

    Hey all, I had a final evening of tone searching with my 5150iii and have come to the conclusion that i'm finally going to make the jump to full digital modelling. I've used Bias' apps and jamup for the past few years and found myself using it more and more. The last six months ive only used...
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