FM3 Firmware Version 9.00 public beta 1

Thanxs a lot.
Can try this beta cause I’m on tour right now but I’m a plexi user I’m sure this update is awesome.
I'm seeing random crashing when typing amp block parameter values into the new 1970 Plexi 100W via the latest FM3 Edit (still passes input to output, but no processing, reboot fixes). I'm utilizing the FX Loop in series and scene controllers 1+2 on the amp block's treble volume and block output, plus there are no Dyna-Cabs loaded to minimize emergency boot times on stage, though it's doubtful they are a contributor (correction, it is the mising Dyna-Cabs LOL, see below!).

That said, the 1970 Plexi 100W update does sound great (as well as the cathode follower and phase inverter updates), and once set the 1970 Plexi 100W seems stable enough.
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I'm seeing random crashing when typing amp block parameter values into the new 1970 Plexi 100W via the latest FM3 Edit (still passes input to output, but no processing, reboot fixes).
I can't reproduce that issue here. Are you sure you're running the correct editor version? Did you RANF?
I can't reproduce that issue here. Are you sure you're running the correct editor version? Did you RANF?
Yep (FM3-Edit-Win-v1p06p10), and yep.

I'm utilizing the FX Loop in series and scene controllers 1+2 on the amp block's treble volume and block output, plus there are no Dyna-Cabs loaded to minimize emergency boot times on stage (using a Torpedo CAB in the FX Loop to conserve CPU).
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Yep (FM3-Edit-Win-v1p06p10), and yep.

I'm utilizing the FX Loop in series and scene controllers 1+2 on the amp block's treble volume and block output, plus there are no Dyna-Cabs loaded to minimize emergency boot times on stage (using a Torpedo CAB in the FX Loop to conserve CPU).
When you say, “the FX Loop,” do you mean you’re using In/Out2? There is no FX Loop block.

Can you describe the crash? What does it look like?
When you say, “the FX Loop,” do you mean you’re using In/Out2? There is no FX Loop block.

Can you describe the crash? What does it look like?
Yes, I/O 2 in series (i.e. an external FX Loop).

The editor freezes and the hardware stops processing audio, though the input sound is still routed to the output, though without being processed. A reboot restores.

Cause: Dyna-Cabs not installed dialog on hardware screen, hardware frozen, reboot required (this is the second display of that dialog, first is during boot and I exited it away). Crap, I guess they need to be installed which slows the boot time considerably, though perhaps it's only a problem when the editor is connected and/or with the 70 Plexi 100W (probably not LOL!), as it's only happened in those scenarios so far. I just played it for an hour without the editor connected and no problems.
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Yes, I/O 2 in series (i.e. an external FX Loop).

The editor freezes and the hardware stops processing audio, though the input sound is still routed to the output, though without being processed. A reboot restores.
Are you over CPU on the preset?

Yes, I/O 2 in series (i.e. an external FX Loop).

The editor freezes and the hardware stops processing audio, though the input sound is still routed to the output, though without being processed. A reboot restores.

Cause: Dyna-Cabs not installed dialog on hardware screen, hardware frozen, reboot required (this is the second display of that dialog, first is a boot and I clicked it away). Crap, I guess they need to be installed which slows the boot time considerably, though perhaps it's only a problem when the editor is connected and/or with the 70 Plexi 100W (probably not LOL!), as it's only happened in those scenarios so far. I just played it for an hour without the editor connected and no problems.
Sorry, can't help you there. I've been using Dyna-Cabs since they were in beta.
Sorry, can't help you there. I've been using Dyna-Cabs since they were in beta.
Cool, it's a mystery for now LOL! I love the Dyna-Cabs, but use the Torpedo CAB just to save CPU as it supplies cab/mic(s)/room reverb and EQ for a savings of 20% to 30% CPU depending on the FM3 reverb it replaces (and no, it's not near as good as the FM3's reverb, but it's good enough for live use where not much reverb is needed).
Very early days.

Just test recorded and played back at live levels my main preset which is based on the AC20 EF86 Treble ... absolutely identical preset settings in each FW ..... comparing 9.00 Beta 01 to FW 8.00:-

=> using FW 9.00 Beta 01 - mids are less honky
=> using FW 9.00 Beta 01 - lows are rounder and less-loose

Given this is my main preset, so far, this FW 9.00 Beta 01 is a definite keeper.

Great work Fractal !

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Now spent some more time doing all 4 of my presets:-

=> Clean 107 Deluxe Verb Normal
=> Crunch 030 AC-20 EF86 Treble
=> Rock 323 Wrecker Express
=> Hard Rock 016 1959SLP Treble [with a Soft Reset Done as per FW 9 Instructions ]

I don't really understand what was done but in each of the above:-

=> using FW 9.00 Beta 01 - mids are less honky compared to FW 8.00
=> using FW 9.00 Beta 01 - lows are rounder and less-loose compared to FW 8.00
=> and interestingly, the low E and A strings "feel" easier and nicer using FW 9.00 Beta 01 <= yes, subjective weasel words, I know ;)

Whether this is "psychosomatic" or "real" .... the above is how using FW 9.00 Beta 01 compares to FW 8.00 in my 4 presets to my ears and feel.

Of course, now I'll be told there were no changes impacting the above 4 amps and I'll look like the fool that I am most of the time :)

All the best,
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