FM3 Firmware Version 7.00

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I'm on FW 7.0
last night I started it and controlled it via the hardware (normally I use FM Edit) and a funny thing happened...
I got to a preset where the CPU was over 85% (no sound) and I couldn't switch it to another preset.

Has anyone experienced this?
I think I have. The only time I've ever had issues with my FM3 is when the CPU is real high, like when trying to load a preset designed for AXEIII. I've learned to be careful by and keep presets lower in CPU. I always stay below 75% (and usually much lower) just to give it some buffer, and I don't try to load presets from AXEIII anymore.
No issues with firmware 7 but I mostly have been using my Axe FX III. I built a new FM3 pedalboard with my Boss GM 800 so we will see how it goes as I build patches for Both together. I will post any issues I find.
...soooooo..... <draws breath and prepares to run behind sofa to hide>
How are we doing with this gapl*ss switchi*g for us FM3 users?
...asking for a friend.
You can have gapless now, just use 1 amp channel, and scene controllers to vary the gain as needed between scenes. I primarily use the BE100 amp, but any decently dynamic amp should work. Using scene controllers to vary the gain from about 40% to 70% with a boost from the preamp section of the amp block covers a LOT of ground. Combined with a filter block for a solo/volume boost on its own scene, I can go from nice and chimey clean (backing down guitar volume) to fire breathing solo tones - no gaps.
Maybe the little guy will get the gapless. Channel or scene switching is pretty quick. If timed right the small gap fits right in to the song. Hopefully we’ll find out soon.
You can have gapless now, just use 1 amp channel, and scene controllers to vary the gain as needed between scenes. I primarily use the BE100 amp, but any decently dynamic amp should work. Using scene controllers to vary the gain from about 40% to 70% with a boost from the preamp section of the amp block covers a LOT of ground. Combined with a filter block for a solo/volume boost on its own scene, I can go from nice and chimey clean (backing down guitar volume) to fire breathing solo tones - no gaps.
That doesn't cover preset changes...
I would like the new gold plate and other new reverbs, new 5150 Stealth and Marshall and Mesa Mark V models, and would rather have these sooner without gapless switching since it’s been six months now since the last update. The coolness of gapless switching notwithstanding
FM3 is more suitable for live performances. FM3 and FM9 need gapless switching first.
There are so many ways to get around the lack of gapless switching. We didn’t know it could ever be a thing. So why is everyone so impatient to get it now?

Even if there is a gap most times it is so short it isn’t even noticeable to anyone but the player. I’m actually much more excited for the updates to the reverbs and tube modeling.

I think the biggest desire for it are those that switch presets mid song. Though I don’t personally get why that is necessary…
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FM3 is more suitable for live performances. FM3 and FM9 need gapless switching first.
Indeed. Gapless switching would be an amazing feature on both FM3 and FM9. These are floor units used mainly for playing live.
Certainly all the other new goodies (new amps, updated algorithms, etc.) would be easier to port to these units if there's no hardware limitation.
gapless switching effectively means we can have many more amps for one, being able to switch seamlessly across presets on the FM9, FM3 is a game changer. I believe it may (emphasis on the may ok?) have been better to start this one on the FM line before doing it on the AX3, but I see their reasoning behind it obv. as an FM3 user, I'm definitely interested because it would mean being able to acess so many more presets instantly. again, if it doesn't happen, I still have a kicking unit, but, well, in truth, I am pretty excited about it.
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