FM3 Firmware Version 7.00

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We will tho. And then new updates will come out for the III and on the ball rolls :)
I hope so, I feel like they have been a lot on the « user firmware request » side and they must scratch their heads « Allright how do we implement that on other units now »

We’ll see
I usually check every Friday, just in case a new update has dropped with any of the new features from the Ax3 :)
Would really love the seamless switching, but i don't know if its going to happen. To be fair , i don't even need it.
I tend to use one patch with applicable fx for each song on our set. But i can keep dreaming :)
Before I update, I want to make sure people aren't still getting their ears blasted by that previous problem that was reported by a number of users.

Was this issue resolved for good in the official firmware update?
Before I update, I want to make sure people aren't still getting their ears blasted by that previous problem that was reported by a number of users.

Was this issue resolved for good in the official firmware update?
I have made the official FW update as soon as it launched and never experienced that audio blast bug.
My two cents…
Before I update, I want to make sure people aren't still getting their ears blasted by that previous problem that was reported by a number of users.

Was this issue resolved for good in the official firmware update?
I’ve only had it happen once on one of the betas.

Never since on the current firmware, which I’ve been running since it released and I switch between dyna and legacy cabs pretty often tinkering with presets which is what triggered the loud noise for me anyways.

I’d say go ahead and update, I’ve been enjoying the current firmware with no issues.
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