FM3 Firmware Version 7.00

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I have high hopes that we will get the full firmware update with the Mark V, gapless switching, new algorithms and effects and everything I mean is there any reason to doubt that we would be getting it? Wouldn’t it just be as always the same stuff by and large that’s in the other Fractals but we can just only use much less stuff at any one given time?

I just ask because I am starting to wonder why everybody is so worried that we won’t get everything, don’t we usually get the goods but just must use them within the capabilities of our hardware so less blocks and not go high res on everything right?

I’m really looking forward to this but also want them to take their time and figure out how to make it all happen.
Because Cliff specifically said regarding gapless that he didn't want to promise anything. That's a big sign that it's likely a non-trivial change.
I just came back after a couple of week to my presets that I converted over to Dyna cabs and without even know what I was playing I was thinking "man this sounds great"! Lo and behold it's my standard Plexi 50 with my tweaked Dyna cab. Very cool!
Because Cliff specifically said regarding gapless that he didn't want to promise anything. That's a big sign that it's likely a non-trivial change.

Here's the quote:
We hope to implement it on the other products. I don't see why we wouldn't be able to but I don't want to promise anything in case there are unforeseen issues.

Since it made it to the FM9 we can be hopeful, but we have to remember that the FX3 has 2x the power of the FM9 and the FM9 has 2x the CPU power of the FM3.

If they can get it working I think we should all chip in and buy them a coffee and a doughnut. At least. :)
If gapless uses a fair amount of cpu I could live without it. I do want the rest of it though, new amps and such. That’s always fun. New spring verb bring it on.
Here's the quote:

Since it made it to the FM9 we can be hopeful, but we have to remember that the FX3 has 2x the power of the FM9 and the FM9 has 2x the CPU power of the FM3.

If they can get it working I think we should all chip in and buy them a coffee and a doughnut. At least. :)
From what I've read, gapless on FM9 uses about 1,5-2% cpu. If (BIG if, who knows how this works) it would use twice that on the FM3, it's not bad at all. Around 5% hit to cpu to gain gapless would be trivial, especially on a turbo. The cpu is probably not an issue, but maybe something else could be.
Compromise depends: my main preset on the FM3, which is not the „kitchen sink“, but has a fair amount of blocks, clocks in at ~78% on a non-turbo. For me, gapless would get rid of at least one PEQ block which I use for a „hi-gain to crunch“ gapless switch, and with my never needed „80s front of amp“-delay removed I would comfortably have enough room for more than 5% CPU increase.
And this is by far no „bare bone“ preset.

It always sounds like people can only run an amp block and a Cab without hitting the CPU limit :)

And even so, if it is optional, one may opt-out if it doesn’t work for the use cases.
Just looked through the FM9 release notes. That is a huge update. Wow. Won’t be too long now.
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Compromise depends: my main preset on the FM3 which is not the „kitchen sink“, but has a fair amount of blocks clocks in at ~78% on a non-turbo. For me, hapless would get rid of at least one PEQ here which I use for a hi-gain 2 crunch hapless switch, and with my never needed 80d front of amp delay removed I would comfortably have enough room for more than 5%.
And this is by far no „bare bone“ preset.

It always sounds like people can only run an amp block and a Cab without hitting the CPU limit :)

I like Ultrares IR’s. Probably a bad habit on the FM3. But still I have plenty in the preset. Drive delay reverb looper and then I can fit in some color like a chorus or trem or pitch in a lower cpu mode or maybe a compressor. Also a GEQ block to comp my phones. I just make preset copies of the same amp and cab block with other effects. It works. Best rig I’ve ever owned. Certainly the most fun. If it takes 5% I’ll still make it work.
If it’s 5% that’s a lot on the non turbo.
I think it has to be considered that gapless can possibly change how the FM3 is used entirely. between the FM3, FM9, and AFIII, I think that gapless will make the biggest impact in the FM3 where CPU is the limiting factor in many things. Perhaps we will no longer need any inactive blocks to have that effect available, just instantly switch to another preset instead of another scene. even if it costs 5% CPU, it may alleviate 20-30% CPU in unused blocks in some cases. I think we will have to re-learn how to make our presets if we get gapless switching.

Anyone heard if its in private beta for the FM3?
I think it has to be considered that gapless can possibly change how the FM3 is used entirely. between the FM3, FM9, and AFIII, I think that gapless will make the biggest impact in the FM3 where CPU is the limiting factor in many things. Perhaps we will no longer need any inactive blocks to have that effect available, just instantly switch to another preset instead of another scene. even if it costs 5% CPU, it may alleviate 20-30% CPU in unused blocks in some cases. I think we will have to re-learn how to make our presets if we get gapless switching.
That's exactly why I'm waiting for gapless
I think it has to be considered that gapless can possibly change how the FM3 is used entirely. between the FM3, FM9, and AFIII, I think that gapless will make the biggest impact in the FM3 where CPU is the limiting factor in many things. Perhaps we will no longer need any inactive blocks to have that effect available, just instantly switch to another preset instead of another scene. even if it costs 5% CPU, it may alleviate 20-30% CPU in unused blocks in some cases. I think we will have to re-learn how to make our presets if we get gapless switching.

Anyone heard if its in private beta for the FM3?

We'll see. The biggest limitation I see is spillover must be enabled for it to work. And if one wants delay/reverb tails to persist changing presets then those blocks with same setting needs to reside in both presets which doesn't save any CPU. Not saying no one would benefit...but personally I'm much more excited about faster channel switching than faster preset switching.
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I think it has to be considered that gapless can possibly change how the FM3 is used entirely. between the FM3, FM9, and AFIII, I think that gapless will make the biggest impact in the FM3 where CPU is the limiting factor in many things. Perhaps we will no longer need any inactive blocks to have that effect available, just instantly switch to another preset instead of another scene. even if it costs 5% CPU, it may alleviate 20-30% CPU in unused blocks in some cases. I think we will have to re-learn how to make our presets if we get gapless switching.

Anyone heard if its in private beta for the FM3?
I use a Airstep with my fm3 selecting scenes on my kitchen sink. The fm3 switches are just for effects.

I think I’m gonna use 1 preset per tones.
Clean, break up, crunch, distortion and gonna use per preset switches on the fm3 for specific songs presets.
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