FM3 Firmware Version 5.01

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I’ve been wondering the same. While I’m sure Cliff was confident the CNFB theory and code was sound and ready for prime time. I wonder if there has been some refinements that are taking some time to get tested and out. I have been thinking that perhaps the CNFB algorithm(s) are maybe too “perfect” in a sense. I think what those that seem to be sensitive to and what they refer to as “odd distortion” (for lack of a better word) is just the effect of the difference between listening to your guitar through a guitar amp and guitar speakers standing 10 feet away vs. putting your ear 1 inch away from the speaker. That’s when you realize all the nastier sounds that get filtered through air. Even when close micing it isn’t the same because every microphone is not perfect and has a filtering effect, which in the case of the SM57 becoming a mainstay.

Also, as many have pointed out the sound settled on in a mix for electric guitar is not the tone we want to set up our sound when we’re just listening to our tone by itself. Also, I’m not trying to say what some are experiencing is their imagination.
I wish they could get the same effect with Fm3 through FRFR monitors, as hearing a real tube Amp. Every day they get closer!. Through the computer is similar to put a mic in front of an amp to record your music.
Carol Ann OD 2 sounds phenomenal!!!!! sounds so freaking good
I think Dizzy Silver 2 and 3 channels are sound like their swapped. Dizzy silver 3 sounds a lot like JCM 300 it's interesting
Too many good amps to choose from
Did y'all see the "Scene Ignore" feature brought to the Axe III and improved CNFB? Who wants to place bets WHEN these features will come to the FM3. I'm saying 3 weeks. Who's taking the over/under? What's the vig? (I don't really know betting or gambling terms...)
Did y'all see the "Scene Ignore" feature brought to the Axe III and improved CNFB? Who wants to place bets WHEN these features will come to the FM3. I'm saying 3 weeks. Who's taking the over/under? What's the vig? (I don't really know betting or gambling terms...)
This week or next
I would have thought the same, but we don't even have a beta yet (and a beta doesn't count lol), so I'm erring a couple weeks out... But I'll put you down for this week or next :D
I count betas. Sometimes rarely but sometimes we don’t even get a beta it’s just the next one if it’s pretty good to go
The latest CNFB changes have been successfully ported to the FM3. We're investigating the possibility a new pitch tracking improvement now. Tomorrow Cliff will talk to the team about planning the release.
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The latest CNFB changes have been successfully ported to the FM3. We're taking a look at a new pitch tracking improvement now. Tomorrow Cliff will talk to the team about planning the release.
Has the internal latency been looked at as well as there was a post on the axe3 discussion where Cliff was saying the FM3 latency should be something like 3.7ms but it currently wasn't that and he had instructed the team to look into it?
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