FM3 Firmware Version 5.01

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I lol'd for real at that :)

Real talk, though; I am a little worried by his remarks on the pitch tracking. The thing is, it works so well now (although cleans still sound a bit wonky) that I fear any change to it from here on out. Will the "improved tracking" come with increased latency or have they decided that increased latency is unacceptable and will require any improvement henceforth to be as good or better than it is now? Will I be forced to do another round of measurements?!?!

See? I'm already losing my mind about it :sweatsmile::sweatsmile::sweatsmile:

Lol - I'm not sure FAS is out to make things worse.

But Death, Taxes, and @Ugly Bunny being worried.... ya know?
Lol - I'm not sure FAS is out to make things worse.

But Death, Taxes, and @Ugly Bunny being worried about future FWs making the VC's latency worse.... ya know?
FTFY lol!

But, no, of course they're not out to intentionally make things worse lol. However, as an armchair quantum physicist, I understand that you can only know the velocity of a subatomic particle with precision OR you can know the position; not both: The knob in the VC seems to work the same way; you can either have great tracking or low latency, depending on where you set it from center. An increase in one - from everything we know about the system and how it works with the given parameters and DSP - invariably leads to a decrease in the other... Hopefully this is not the case and, as I said, hopefully they've set a hard limit on how much latency they're willing to accept with ANY improvement in tracking, and this hard limit is at least as good/bad as it is now. I'm praying to the god of atheism that they aren't seeing the reports from users about how great the latency is and taking that as license to compromise it just a tad in the name of better tracking. But this is a rabbit hole I don't like to go down...

So, the hope is that, and what seems to be implied with the announcement, with the knob remaining in the center, the pitch tracking improves without compromising the latency EVEN A LITTLE. Even a few ms would be a loss, IMO. But, given that I'm the only one who seems to care about the latency, at least as vociferously as I do, I can understand why they would err on the side of those who care more about the tracking, which, honestly, is already really good with everything but clean tones, where a noticeable tremolo-like effect is present.

I JUST WANT MY CAKE AND I WANNA EAT IT TOO!!! Is it too much to want everything?!?! :tearsofjoy:
Been away a while. Was the volume issue ever addressed, or are we waiting on the big overhaul?

Volume was fixed for me in 5.01 personally but I'm holding out for the weird noise on clean bass instruments to get resolved and checking for .02 or whatever the release will be called daily. I really want to get my bass set up with this but I don't want to deal with noise.
If the virtual capo is updated to the III, or close, I'll drop the Drop.
Latency wise atm if you run it at tracking 5 or less its the same more or less but soundwise the Drop is better.
Running it at 8+ sound is improved but doesnt feel great.
If the virtual capo is updated to the III, or close, I'll drop the Drop.
Latency wise atm if you run it at tracking 5 or less its the same more or less but soundwise the Drop is better.
Running it at 8+ sound is improved but doesnt feel great.
I personally run tracking on 10 and can't notice the latency to be honest. Any improvement on top of what's there already is awesome though
I had not visited this thread in awhile and missed @Admin M@‘s post.

I was playing the old kid game when it was snowing “the more you look to see if it’s still snowing the more likely it will stop”. Mostly done when in school way back in the day and it would snow and we all would be wondering if school would be dismissed early. I was thinking if I stopped checking it would possibly make it happen.

Speaking of being a kid…I turn 57 years old today. Perhaps the F/W will drop today or tomorrow as a little gift from FAS.😉 Need to get some play time in and continue to improve. I guess that’s all we can do? Have a good day FAS gadget creators, users and forum members!👍
I had not visited this thread in awhile and missed @Admin M@‘s post.

I was playing the old kid game when it was snowing “the more you look to see if it’s still snowing the more likely it will stop”. Mostly done when in school way back in the day and it would snow and we all would be wondering if school would be dismissed early. I was thinking if I stopped checking it would possibly make it happen.

Speaking of being a kid…I turn 57 years old today. Perhaps the F/W will drop today or tomorrow as a little gift from FAS.😉 Need to get some play time in and continue to improve. I guess that’s all we can do? Have a good day FAS gadget creators, users and forum members!👍
Happy Birthdaday!!! Hopefully today will be the release date!
I had not visited this thread in awhile and missed @Admin M@‘s post.

I was playing the old kid game when it was snowing “the more you look to see if it’s still snowing the more likely it will stop”. Mostly done when in school way back in the day and it would snow and we all would be wondering if school would be dismissed early. I was thinking if I stopped checking it would possibly make it happen.

Speaking of being a kid…I turn 57 years old today. Perhaps the F/W will drop today or tomorrow as a little gift from FAS.😉 Need to get some play time in and continue to improve. I guess that’s all we can do? Have a good day FAS gadget creators, users and forum members!👍
Happy Birthday! :guitar:
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