FM3 Firmware Version 5.01

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Ah good, glad this firmware-thread-turned-Dream-Theater discussion can be ignored for good now, thanks for the heads up.

Also that thread doesn't mention 5.01 :)
Perhaps you should be made aware that new firmware == new thread.
True. But, also, the dev tends to make a post in the previous firmware thread that a new one is out before locking the old one. That's the reason I at least follow this one.

But yeah, the new AXE FW has some CNFB optimization stuff in it, so I guess that will be ported to us as well. Time will tell.
True. But, also, the dev tends to make a post in the previous firmware thread that a new one is out before locking the old one. That's the reason I at least follow this one.

But yeah, the new AXE FW has some CNFB optimization stuff in it, so I guess that will be ported to us as well. Time will tell.
I’ve been wondering the same. While I’m sure Cliff was confident the CNFB theory and code was sound and ready for prime time. I wonder if there has been some refinements that are taking some time to get tested and out. I have been thinking that perhaps the CNFB algorithm(s) are maybe too “perfect” in a sense. I think what those that seem to be sensitive to and what they refer to as “odd distortion” (for lack of a better word) is just the effect of the difference between listening to your guitar through a guitar amp and guitar speakers standing 10 feet away vs. putting your ear 1 inch away from the speaker. That’s when you realize all the nastier sounds that get filtered through air. Even when close micing it isn’t the same because every microphone is not perfect and has a filtering effect, which in the case of the SM57 becoming a mainstay.

Also, as many have pointed out the sound settled on in a mix for electric guitar is not the tone we want to set up our sound when we’re just listening to our tone by itself. Also, I’m not trying to say what some are experiencing is their imagination.
I'm glad neither Marco nor Gavin are in DT. That means they're out there making good music with Steven Wilson.

Yup. Drummer is the least of DT's issues. :) It bugs me when people compare DT to Rush as these stellar
benchmarks of Progressive music. Rush was a far more adventurous and compelling band. Rush took so
many left turns and they only had 3 minds and hearts contributing. DT feels like they are at a dead-end
musically, kind of like this thread----which will be terminated as soon as we get a firmware update. :)
Yup. Drummer is the least of DT's issues. :) It bugs me when people compare DT to Rush as these stellar
benchmarks of Progressive music. Rush was a far more adventurous and compelling band. Rush took so
many left turns and they only had 3 minds and hearts contributing. DT feels like they are at a dead-end
musically, kind of like this thread----which will be terminated as soon as we get a firmware update. :)
I tried to get it back on track…oh well.

IMHO DT’s problems started when they proceeded to try and cater to the oddity of having in many cases two opposing fan bases. That would be the 70’s and 80’s Progressive fans and the Metal Heads. Truthfully they should have left the “lacking in taste” Metal Heads in the dust and stuck with those of us who can recognize tasteful music. Unfortunately as we all know there’s more money in bad music, thus the conundrum. Albums like Images and Words, Scenes From A Memory, Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence are top level stuff. Then they started to try and please everyone and lost their way for the most part. Losing Portnoy was absolutely a major downturn. He added so much more than drumming to the band.

I realize this will piss off a bunch of people, but the truth usually has that effect. Flame away!
I tried to get it back on track…oh well.

IMHO DT’s problems started when they proceeded to try and cater to the oddity of having in many cases two opposing fan bases. That would be the 70’s and 80’s Progressive fans and the Metal Heads. Truthfully they should have left the “lacking in taste” Metal Heads in the dust and stuck with those of us who can recognize tasteful music. Unfortunately as we all know there’s more money in bad music, thus the conundrum. Albums like Images and Words, Scenes From A Memory, Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence are top level stuff. Then they started to try and please everyone and lost their way for the most part. Losing Portnoy was absolutely a major downturn. He added so much more than drumming to the band.

I realize this will piss off a bunch of people, but the truth usually has that effect. Flame away!
Well, they’ve always been clear about their influences and Metallica is a huge one. I don’t think things went downhill after Portnoy, but this latest album is just blah. The last LTE was just over the top wanking, IMO. I loved the previous album, Distance Over Time, The Astonishing had some pretty cool stuff (though it’s hard to listen to 2.5 hours of music in one sitting), the self-titled was phenomenal, and A Dramtic Turn of Events has some of the coolest stuff.

I ain’t gonna flame ya :) We can disagree and still be friends!
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