FM3 Firmware Release Version 1.05

Just out of curiosity what are you doing on the FM3 when it freezes? Recording in a DAW, Editing presets? Nothing? I’ve had mine for a little over a week now and am still on 1.04 that was shipped from factory and reluctant to go to 1.05.
Editing presets mostly. But it also happened without any editing, just playing. The last time I powered it on, I directly got a black screen and an ultra loud tweeter-killing noise - which didn't disappear when I put the volume pot at zero. And this was on a preset with which I didn't have any issue before. Anyway, I'm in contact with support about that.
There’s a thread on here if you search it.....I think it was for headphone units not you.
There’s a thread on here if you search it.....I think it was for headphone units not you.
I had an issue with feedback when I enabled the wah block. Wailing feedback at even whisper volumes. It was a non-headphone version. Sent it in and was given a replacement unit. No problems at all with the new one.
I'm a bit worried about playing out this weekend? I have been running 1.05 for about a week now, no problems on my Mac. I've rehearsed one time on 1.04, no problems, and again tonight on 1.05. I think I will bring a Princeton Reverb and a pedal just in case? I have a non headphone unit and have nothing but good experiences, hope that continues!
Unfortunately, after 1-2 minutes the unit hangs if I edit the FC settings via FM3 Edit.
Editing them in the unit is not a problem, though. Might be an issue with FM3 Edit?
Sorry to hear this stuff, mines working flawlessly fortunately on 1.05. I have jammed it every day and had rehearsals with the band twice.
I'm a bit worried about playing out this weekend? I have been running 1.05 for about a week now, no problems on my Mac. I've rehearsed one time on 1.04, no problems, and again tonight on 1.05. I think I will bring a Princeton Reverb and a pedal just in case? I have a non headphone unit and have nothing but good experiences, hope that continues!
I have 2 shows this weekend. Not to worried as it seems 1.05 has been stable for me so far. It is always a good idea to bring a backup. I have a Mooer PreAmp Live that I always bring just in case.
Hey guys,
I'm having a hard time updating my FM3. First, I can't get FM3 edit to connect to the FM3, nor will Fractal Bot recognize it. I had an Axe III and remember it being a pretty seamless process. Why would the FM3 not be recognized by these programs?
Hey guys,
I'm having a hard time updating my FM3. First, I can't get FM3 edit to connect to the FM3, nor will Fractal Bot recognize it. I had an Axe III and remember it being a pretty seamless process. Why would the FM3 not be recognized by these programs?
Did you install the drivers?
I was able to identify the reasons behind most (not sure if it's all) of my freezes with the FM3 : using modifiers on amp parameters (gain, volume mostly). Anyone else has experienced this ?
Rehearsed last night and in the middle of the practice, the unit power cycled? Could have been a power fluctuation? It was in the middle of two songs, so no big deal. Anyone else have this issue? Not connected to any computer. Have a gig tomorrow outdoors and still a bit unsure?
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