Firmware Version 10 + Updated Axe-Edit Here!

Can anybody comment on how drastic the new presence controls change existing patches? I want to update to 10.1 but have daily gigs beginning tomorrow through next Sunday. If it's too much I'll just wait....but after that i'm out of state on vacation for two weeks.

I'm using double verb, vox, plexi2 & pro jr amp blocks if that helps.

megalowmatt said:
Can anybody comment on how drastic the new presence controls change existing patches? I want to update to 10.1 but have daily gigs beginning tomorrow through next Sunday. If it's too much I'll just wait....but after that i'm out of state on vacation for two weeks.

I'm using double verb, vox, plexi2 & pro jr amp blocks if that helps.


Dude, stop scaring me. I was like, "there's a 10.1 already?" :lol:

I LOVE the new update. Whatever Cliff did, I bet he's not giving us the complete story. All models sound more awesome than what I heard just a few days ago. Same guitar, same speakers, awesome! Yeah, the presence knob finally does something past its 12 0'clock position. I had to crank it past the 4 o'clock position to hear any difference.

The sag and damp changes the feel a LOT. Marsha HBE is my fav Marshall tone of 'em all. It sounds like a nice Marshall with a hot boost in front of it. I'm so glad I did the update. I too was gonna sit on 9.03 for a while but now I'm so happy.

thanks Cliff!!
He just turns the "awesome" knob a dot further... You know that's all he does for every update, don't you.

Truly awesomeness has again been achieved, Cliff!
Never hesitate to upgrade!
Dear Cliff, dear Tom and the rest of the FA-Crew....

Awesome update! Had no needs to re-tweak my tones I used under 9.02 before. :ugeek:

The new stuff feels great so far! Have a good weekend!

Greetings from switzerland :cool:
megalowmatt said:
Can anybody comment on how drastic the new presence controls change existing patches? I want to update to 10.1 but have daily gigs beginning tomorrow through next Sunday. If it's too much I'll just wait....but after that i'm out of state on vacation for two weeks.

I'm using double verb, vox, plexi2 & pro jr amp blocks if that helps.


To me (and I've mentioned this in a couple of other threads), the new Presence sounds very much like it always has when it's in active mode (the new changes to the Presence only effect passive mode). There just seems to be maybe a little more low mids in the sound, but there isn't much difference to my ears.

On your current 9.03 patches, go to the amp block's advanced menu, scoll down all the way to "PRES/DEPTH TYPE" and select "Active Presence". That should give you a good idea what your patches will sound like with 10.0 (IMHO of course). :)
Love the Shiver Ld & the Marsha HBE! Plus the presence controls on all amps react more "real" Thanks for the update Fractal! :D
What's up with the link on the main page for new firmware 10.0? Clicking on it loads the page for the 9.03 firmware.
I may have missed something, but while the new amps got included in the axe edit update, the new drives did not. Maybe off base here, just a heads up. Great work on everything by the way, I love it all.
Zorran said:
man.. i hate to sound like one of the crowd.. but this update truly rocks. the shiva lead model is pretty awesome.. it cleans up alot better than alot of amps. i think you guys who use your volume knob are gonna spend ages with this one model.
Played a gig yesterday direct to pa (a wonderful db rig) using a single preset. Shiva lead into srock metal (Bogner) cab, with switchable drive (BB) delay chorus and wah. Great fun, feels just right. I gigged regularly with a shiva b4 getting the axe, and it was spooky how real it felt and sounded.
Finally I got some time to mess around new amps,
ohhhh buy, this update IS something, well done Cliff, Tom and everyone involved in the job,
can't thank you enough guys!! :)
I upgraded from 9.01 to 10.01 this weekend - Improved yet again - Thanks again FAS for making this the best guitar investment I've made (and I've made many in recent years).

Tom - I downloaded the latest Editer after a long period of using the Axe buttons. It's a great improvement over previous versions I used. I can easily say that I'm a bonified Editor User now - no more buttons for me.
What's Next for Axe-Edit?

Here is a glimpse at some of what's being considered for coming versions Axe-Edit:
Asset Manager - The Preset Manager will be overhauled and replaced with a powerful, user friendly new way to handle your files, integrate with Axe-Edit, and
Axe-Change Innovations - Asset manager will includes new ways to search, share, upload, sort, and save presets and cabs.
Merge function to allow Axe-Edit and a midi controller to be used simultaneously (via a multi-port midi interface)
Improvements to common dialogs, the preset selector menu, and other similar areas
New Preferences with a redesigned UI And more.
Thanks for the great suggestions and bug reports at our forum. There will be perhaps only one or two more public beta versions required before the project is moves from beta to a final version.

however ;)
jhuggins said:
I may have missed something, but while the new amps got included in the axe edit update, the new drives did not. Maybe off base here, just a heads up. Great work on everything by the way, I love it all.
PC ? Mac ? Standard or Ultra ?
Anyone know if the new editor fixed the global noise gate bug? In older versions of the editor, if you edited the noise gate, the threshold control stopped responding on the Axe for that patch.
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