Firmware 10: Plexi Treble on default settings

Today I started the process of turning these riffs into a real song. Figured I'd keep you guys in the loop as progress is made. Here's a preview of how it sounds in a mix

Cool!! :)
This reminds me alot of a really cool band,i listent to when i was 16-17. It`s still a cool band,in my mind
The band was Dizzy Mizz Lizzy.

They play like you did in the last part of the song part

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Cool!! :)
This reminds me alot of a really cool band,i listent to when i was 16-17. It`s still a cool band,in my mind
The band was Dizzy Mizz Lizzy. Time to put on my hipster glasses...I never met anybody in the US that knew about Dizzy Mizz Lizzy besides myself and my buddy from college that introduced me to them. I don't even think they had a record label here. But they were a HUGE influence back in the day. I'm guessing they were more popular in your neck of the woods...

Good ears!
Yeah,i own all cd`s of them. Been a fan,a long time. Shit 19 years.. haha
There were not alot of fan`s here in norway. So i got to let my friends hear them.
For a 3 pice band,they sound quite huge.

Well..funny,you like them to. The world is small. If you got into them,a long time ago.

Cool music!
Keep up the good work.
And i look forward to FW 10,it sounds sick!
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My hope is that Cliff's innovations in firmware 10 will forever put to rest the idea that the Axe-FX II requires some special tweaking knowledge to be "dialed in".

Here is a preset that is:

1. Amp Block -> Plexi Treble type on DEFAULT SETTINGS
2. Cab Block -> Stereo blend of new Factory Cab 82 "1x12 Hot Kitty" and new Factory Cab 90 "4x12 Basketweave Mix" on DEFAULT settings
3. Reverb Block -> Medium Room guessed it...DEFAULT SETTINGS

The little jam is a combination of some new riffs I'm working on + some extraneous wanking at the end just so I could mess with the volume knob a bit and show you how the amp reacts.

Non-compressed version available on my Dropbox: 10 jam.wav

Edit: Now in a mix also!

adam, what guitar/pickup did you use for this!? HB or SC!?

it sounds great, well defined and clear.
i remember the plaxi modell very well, it always sounded boomy and nasal to me,
even i tweaked it to hell and back i couldn't get that clarity and definition.
It is another one of Cliff's "epiphanies" for V10 that helps with the less nasally and improved clarity of the sound for this model when the master is cranked. It comes down to improved transformer modeling.

The guitar used is a PRS 408 which you can see in my Youtube videos. The mix-down I did one track of bridge humbucker and one track of coil-tapped bridge single coil. The raw guitar track was all on the humbucker if I recall correctly.
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