Fender FR-12 compared to PXM-12. My experience so far.

when use the FR12 cab I have to be really careful with my reverb, too... I tend to dial in way too much when I practice by myself vs with the band
Any music gear can sound different in different environments.

And modelers aren't really going to sound any different, though the speakers may produce different sounds due to acoustics and volume. It also can be affected by placement of the speaker cabinet.

Most likely, you are experiencing the Fletcher Munson effect.

Try dialing in your presets at home with a similar volume to what you use with your band.
It might be the room. The room has odd acoustics. I have dialed the tones at pretty high volume level but sounds don't seem to translate well to band situation. I bet it's the room.
Been messing around with the amp parameters and I've always ignored the Fletcher Munson effect. I looked up some tips and reduced treble, bass depth, presence and used the cut from amp. Boosted mids more than I previously had and a big improvement when at high volumes. Ofcourse at low home levels the sound is really mid rangey and soft but I can have a different preset for home playing. Been using modelers for about 2,5 years but never gave attention to this.
How does everyone have their output set when using the FR-12? Seems a bit low to me, even with the FR-12 volume all the way up. Not loud enough for the stage with a band.
That's why I'm wondering how everyone has their output set on their Fractal unit. I'm wondering if I have something set wrong.
I have output level knob set to about 70%ish and the FR12 at about the same. Not ear-rippingly loud but plenty of volume in a band situation. Unity gain is not going to cut it at all.
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