Father just died - Thanksgiving day

My condolences, dude. I lost two close family members over the past couple of years, one of which I was with when he died. It doesn't really get easier when it crops up, you just find ways to deal with it.

You'll get through it. Just look after the living, because the dead will look after themselves.

I lost my dad 2 years ago. We had just finished playing a soccer game. He complained that his stomach hurt and then toppled over right in front of me. My wife and kids were there and he was gone before the paramedics arrived. It's one of those scenes that will be burned into my memory for the rest of my life. He introduced me to Pink Floyd, the Beatles, U2 and a host of other bands from the time I was young. He listened to everything from classical and opera to blue-grass, punk and metal. He was always there to drive me to sports and music rehearsals and practices. Not a day goes by that I don't thank him for all the things he did for my sisters, my mom and myself. I've been where you're at now, and the best I can do is tell you that it does get better as time passes. I offer you my deepest condolences and pray that you have the strength to be there in this time of need for your family.

So sorry to hear that Eric. I'll always remember your father from all the times that he came and heard us play. I'm sure that he was proud of you for being able to support yourself in this crazy business.

Let me know if you need anything.
I've lost very close loved ones... so sorry to hear about your Dad.

Play your heart out man...
So sorry, man. I can't even imagine what that will be like someday. Has to be incredibly difficult for sure. My sincere condolences to you and your family.
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