Epic 80's Song that needs recognition

I have said before that keeping a band together is harder than keeping a marriage together,
unless you are married to 3 or 4 people at the same time, then it is about equal.
That's almost the exact thing I've said. Being in a band is like being married, but instead of 1 person's personality, quirks, annoyances, etc. that you have to deal with, there's 3 or 4.

I once read an article about how to best handle the issues a band presents. The author basically said you need to treat it like a business venture, and put every detail in writing: How often you want to gig, types of music you'll play, how you'll handle money, etc. Basically, everything that could be a source of future disagreements needs to be included. I don't completely agree, but the idea of setting as many expectations as possible/practical up front, does make a lot of sense. I think his name is Tom Hess.

He also said, by having it in writing, you'd refer back to it in order to resolve the issues, which would make it less "personal," than just one guy calling the shots. Which I suppose makes sense in theory, but after being in lots of band disagreements, my feeling is there needs to be a leader, and not necessarily a democracy. Although having a good blend of personality types is very helpful. Having 2 Type-A's in a band can lead to war. (Unless you happen to agree on everything.)
Here's a duo that had nooo problem transitioning from 70s to 80s (and beyond) - with the great G.E. Smith in the lineup.

So, in 1983, Mitch Ryder did to Prince what Hendrix previously did to Dylan (All Along the Watchtower). He came along and totally owned this song!

I'm not sure why I always associate Weird Al with the 80s when he's more of a timeless classic. Like Chopin. Or The Bee Gees.
It takes a musical genius to take an already-written song, and come up with totally different lyrics, make it humorous, while still staying as close as he does to the sound of the original. I bet he, or his bandmates (or the producers) would be a wealth of knowledge on how to cop various tones. He's a musically-historic gem!
Donnie Iris - Ah Leah

Well, we're past Christmas, but in case you've never heard it, you really should check out Donnie's Christmas album titled "Ah! Leluiah!"
Especially listen to his take on "The Hallelujah Chorus" (he layers hundreds of his own vocals to effect a massive choir).
Well, we're past Christmas, but in case you've never heard it, you really should check out Donnie's Christmas album titled "Ah! Leluiah!"
Especially listen to his take on "The Hallelujah Chorus" (he layers hundreds of his own vocals to effect a massive choir).
Thanks I have it playing right now man he has a high range wow
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