Epic 80's Song that needs recognition

What was the best, Manny?
Slayer Seasons in the Abyss tour 1991 in Denver. Maiden was a much better production in a glorious venue but the experience of the open floor mosh pit and being smashed into the stage in the front row, plus the overall energy, of an early(ish) Slayer concert is something that can't be forgotten.

Also, fond memories of a good friend who had never been to a concert before, and who was more into New Wave stuff, standing terrified right next to the front door the whole night. :sob:
KISS is an iconic band, but man you can look at their career and see how they
morphed and jumped on every passing music trend to stay relevant.

Integrity, not so much.
Great band. PLayed wit ha bass player who demanded we learn Blood and Roses.
Another thing we have in common. This is just getting weird. (J/K, but you knew that. ;))
Only in my case it was the other guitar player. (The one whom I looked up to in high school, with the fast fingers, sloppy Jimmy Page-style but crappy ear, and put buckle rash on my brand new Silverburst!)
But in his defense, he also turned me onto some great music. These guys, Crack The Sky,...
Maybe I am making it up, but I seem to recall that in one of the docs about Rush
Alex mentioned how hard that period was and that he considered leaving the band.

Found it. Sounds like that period was an huge test of their friendship and band.
Sounds like that period was an huge test of their friendship and band.
I bet it was! Just look at the trouble you've had with your soon-to-own-an-FM3 bandmate, and my quitting my last band because my best friend has a power complex. Being in a band is some of the most fun you can have with your clothes on (unless your name is Flea), but they can also be harder on you than a marriage!
KISS is an iconic band, but man you can look at their career and see how they
morphed and jumped on every passing music trend to stay relevant.

Integrity, not so much.
I feel (hear) that most of their integrity is wrapped up in Kiss Alive 1 and Destroyer - much of the rest: meh, but I did, and still do, really like Ace's solo album with Kiss and the first Frehley's Comet album - 1987 - underrated imo:

I bet it was! Just look at the trouble you've had with your soon-to-own-an-FM3 bandmate, and my quitting my last band because my best friend has a power complex. Being in a band is some of the most fun you can have with your clothes on (unless your name is Flea), but they can also be harder on you than a marriage!

Compromise..... compromise.... and more compromise. :)

I have said before that keeping a band together is harder than keeping a marriage together,
unless you are married to 3 or 4 people at the same time, then it is about equal.

You have money involved, how you look or don't look, whether you did your chores and practiced,
or you didn't and left a mess for someone else to clean up. It really is a miracle (and probably a testament \
to how powerful making music with others really is) that any band endures very long.
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