DynaCab Pack Limited Public Beta

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Was a bit miffed (or too stupid to understand how to do so) that I can not pull the DynaCabs from my FXIII with their current settings. I would like to be able to bring those over so I can customize them in CabLab, possibly output a single IR and use that instead of 2 or 3 or 4 cabs which could save me some serious CPU in my presets.
Along this line, since the horizontal axis is different between the hardware and CL4, you have to recreate your DynaCabs by ear. The horizontal axis on the hardware is 0 to 10 (Cap to Edge). CL4 increments by cm (or inches) from 0cm (cap) to 12.7cm (edge) for a 12" speaker. So you have to convert your settings, and different speaker sizes require a different conversion ratio.

I may be oversimplifying, but I'd rather just have the Position control on the hardware also be mapped to cm/inches. Then everything's aligned.
Turns out my internet at home was being fussy last night (problem with the cable modem), and during installation of the cab packs through CL4, it was hanging at the downloading step, and upon trying to cancel the download, the program locked up and I had to force quit twice. Got the internet sorted, and downloading the cab packs went flawlessly- downloaded and ready to go. Looking forward to this! Once I had figured out the internet thing, it all went very smoothly- I like the integration with the online store. Buy the packs, open the software and you're off to the races.
To add to my comment earlier, here are a couple of print screens. The latency issue could be due to CabLab not seeing the proper ASIO drivers. The print screens show my ASIO options in CabLab and then in Cubase 12 Pro. You can see that in Cubase, I have many more ASIO drivers available to choose from, including the Axe specific ASIO driver. Don't know if this is me doing something wrong, but I will note that CabLab gives me the same choices whether I am connected to Axe or not, as well as when I am set for SW Live, HW or off.

EDIT: I was totally ignorant on this one, no issue here!


  • ASIODriverPrintScreens_CabLab.jpg
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  • ASIODriverPrintScreens_Cubase12Pro.jpg
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I have purchased the 4x12 1960TV. Standalone version installed correctly on an ASUS ROG GL52V with Windows10

👉 I note that the volume when auditioning in SW Live Mode is much higher than through the IR or DynaCab loaded at the Axe-FX cab block.

I have saved my first mix to the Axe-FX, and when I come back to my saved session at Cab-Lab the volume is louder. Why is that? I see no volume control at CabLab

Where are the LiveMode mixes provisionally loaded at the Axe-FX? At one of the Scratchpads? I would like to change parameters like the Preamp settings or smoothness while doing mixes from CabLab.

BTW: with the paid version of CabLab 3 we could open Axe-Edit simultaneously while in Live Mode. Why not with CabLab 4? That is very important for doing adjustments during the mixing sessions
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One thing that's really fast for movable mic sims is what TH-U does, where you drag the mic to move it 360° at one distance, but you Control + Click to change distance. I've always found that to be a very fast and intuitive way to be able to move the mic in any direction at all.
1. When it is open, you can not connect to your unit that CabLab is connected to.
2. Switching a scene or preset is in the "Settings" pop up menu, which is a bit cumbersome. And once you are there, you can not turn blocks on/off or change channels.
3. In setting it up to use SW Live mode, you click on a button to Bypass your cab block in the chosen preset. But you get no recognition that it has been bypassed, you just have to assume. The button (Do It) remains clickable.
I use the Pause Communications button in the upper left corner of each program window to work around most of this. Pause Axe-Edit to connect CL4. Pause CL4 and unpause Axe-Edit to edit blocks. Maybe not "perfect world" ideal, but it works.
I use the Pause Communications button in the upper left corner of each program window to work around most of this. Pause Axe-Edit to connect CL4. Pause CL4 and unpause Axe-Edit to edit blocks. Maybe not "perfect world" ideal, but it works.
It doesn't work for me, using FM3-Edit and CL4 in a Macbook Pro M1 Max Ventura 13.6.
When I pause one app and open/connect the other one, the unpaused app freezes.
It doesn't work for me, using FM3-Edit and CL4 in a Macbook Pro M1 Max Ventura 13.6.
When I pause one app and open/connect the other one, the unpaused app freezes.
Weird. Tested and working fine for me on Mac Mini M2 Pro. As long as I pause one before connecting or unpausing the other. I have Axe-Edit open first, then I open CL4, pause Axe-Edit, Connect in CL4.
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Do not be afraid to turn off auto dyna-cabs and try different stock SICs! The basketweave with the 1960TV is pretty glorious with the euro blue modern, red modern, and Friedman BE variants.
After reading the manual and spend some hours using Cab-Lab, these are my main impressions:

1) I need FM3-Edit and Cab-Lab running together. If I am modifying the cab sound, I need to modify the blocks of my preset at the same time (and vice versa) in a fast way.

2) Software Live Mode is perfect for hearing the changes applied in Cab-Lab in real time, but only if the last block of the preset is a bypassed cab block. If the preset has post-cab processing like delay or reverb, auditioning SW Live Mode will put that post-cab blocks before the cab.

I would like that Software Live Mode could re-cab the cab at the position of the cab in the preset, for example using:
  • a new option called "Cab-Lab" in the bypass mode of the Cab block
  • a new block called "Cab-Lab" that can be positioned anywhere of the grid

Other minor things:
  • It would be useful to have a "Open Recent Sessions" in the "Session" menu
  • I miss an explanation in the manual for Audio/Midi Settings > Feedback Loop > Mute Audio Input
  • Changing units in the Align View from ms to mm changes the value of the buttons to mm, but the spectrum remains in ms. Don't know if it's by design or a bug.
In my case, I can't find it anywhere in the VST 3 folder if I choose the default plugin installation path: C:\Program Files\Fractal Audio\Cab-Lab 4 Plugin. It appears that the copying isn't working in my case.

Changing it manually to C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3 fixes the problem and then it appears in the VST 3 folder.

I tried it multiple times and the outcome was always the same. Even Studio One 6.5 couldn't find it, although it scans the VST 3 folder on every startup. After specifying C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3 as the installation path, Studio One 6.5 finds it immediately.

I'm using a Windows 11 (latest update) Desktop PC with an AMD Ryzen 9 CPU.

Same here, Studio One 6.5, didn´t find the plug-in. Your workaround made it, well, work, thanks a lot!
I am not a hard core studio user, but spend a lot of time with IRs... CL4 is really intuitive and easy to use- once you're set up, loading up a cab, and making adjustments is super straight forward, and a good representation of what's already in the Axe. I'm getting some great sounds right out of the gate... really like that AC20 cab.
Do not be afraid to turn off auto dyna-cabs and try different stock SICs! The basketweave with the 1960TV is pretty glorious with the euro blue modern, red modern, and Friedman BE variants.
Yep. I have an Amp and Cab Block set to the 1x12 Deluxe and its associated Dyna-Cab, and the SIC set to the Greenback to create the sound of a custom speaker used in one of my tube amps. I couldn’t find anything that sounded right until I switched to the Greenback, then BINGO!
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Downloaded CabLab4 and installed. Purchased all 4 DynaCab units (via beta deal) and this is what I found . I have played ONLY with the stand alone, so all comments hereafter are referring to that component only. Computer is Windows 10 Pro with Axe FXIII MkII Turbo connected as audio interface. All I played with was DynaCab stuff (making a mix of the 4 cabs purchased).

Ultimately, I felt like this should just be a breakout box of Axe Edit. As laxu mentioned in another forums thread "More mics and axis adjustment doesn't really move the needle for me.". Yes, there is more to it than that and of course it is free, but here are some drawbacks I encountered that make me feel it would be better integrated with AxeEdit.

1. When it is open, you can not connect to your unit that CabLab is connected to.
2. Switching a scene or preset is in the "Settings" pop up menu, which is a bit cumbersome. And once you are there, you can not turn blocks on/off or change channels.
3. In setting it up to use SW Live mode, you click on a button to Bypass your cab block in the chosen preset. But you get no recognition that it has been bypassed, you just have to assume. The button (Do It) remains clickable.
4. Was a bit miffed (or too stupid to understand how to do so) that I can not pull the DynaCabs from my FXIII with their current settings. I would like to be able to bring those over so I can customize them in CabLab, possibly output a single IR and use that instead of 2 or 3 or 4 cabs which could save me some serious CPU in my presets.
5. Audible latency was present even when I chose the lowest latency setting (144 samples - 3ms) initially presented (it had defaulted to the Windows Audio ASIO). I then decided to try a different ASIO and tested each of the 5 that were shown to me (Direct Audio, ASIO4ALL, Windows Audio, Windows Audio (Exclusive Mode) and Windows Audio (Low Latency Mode). After going through them all, ASIO4ALL was the best choice and I was able to then select a latency setting of 64 samples -1.3ms. This resolved any latency I could discern. To be clear, I believe the 144 samples rate was giving me way more than 3ms because I am NOT that good.

I did enjoy the new layout and the extra mics, seems like solid and well built software that reacted quickly and accurately. As I said though, I would like to see it incorporated into AxeEdit because it solves 4 of the 5 problems I had with it (and the 5th prob is not CabLab's fault for the most part IMO). As it currently stands, if you want to change something in your testing scene/preset, you need to shut down cab lab (or disconnect from unit), open axe edit do the changes, disconnect unit from axeedit, reconnect to unit in cab lab. Unless of course you are a front panel sniffer, not sure if you can use FP to make changes while connected to CabLab. Now all this said, I was not taking advantage of all the other features that CabLab offers (exporting, importing, capture, conversion, etc.) in this testing, just playing with DynaCabs. Additionally I have no idea how difficult it would be to allow these programs (CabLab and AxeEdit) to connect simultaneously on a system, but that would be my preference even if they could not be melted together into a single program.
In just poking at it briefly late last night, I discovered FM9-Edit and Cab-Lab4 could both be open if you only connect to the unit with one at a time. A quick "disable communications" in -Edit and "connect to device" in Cab-Lab4 works, and the reverse also to switch to using -Edit. Saves a little time, at least....
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Everything is working perfectly so far. I just have to get use to using the software. One question I have is that when you make the IR’s is it normal not to be able to change parameters in my Axe-Fx III like I do with the DynaCabs that are installed with the Axe updates. In other words, being able to move the mikes and things like that with the visual format in the DynaCab blocks on the Axe-Fx. I hope that made sense.
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