Dad Jokes

Okay, real dad joke that I came up with myself and actually had my daughter laughing out loud.

Near my house, there's a farm field with a billboard in it. One day, driving by with my daughter, there was a hamburger joint ad. on the billboard, similar to this one.


In the field below it, there were several cows grazing and one appeared to be looking up at the sign. I said to my daughter, what a great setup for a joke. The cow looking up at the billboard, yells out to another cow. "Hey, Harold. I think I know what happened to Art!"

I earned high praise from my daughter that day! :cool:
So a couple days ago our online Zoom group was discussing Australian animals, and I asked folks, "What Australian animal is your favorite?"

One said a koala, another a platypus, a third, a wombat, a fourth, a wallaby and a fifth, a kangaroo. I even suggested something else, but refrained from mentioning it immediately because it was a tad frightening.

Then we got to speaking about food. Our group strives to eat healthy foods, simply because what we take in and absorb promotes longer life, and makes you stronger.

The conductor of the group suggested that we not speak over one another, otherwise he'd need to turn us into individual groups.

Folks were laughing and enjoying themselves somewhat like at an office party.

I mentioned at the time I had made some nice soup for the latter part of the week, some tomato rice with some shellfish. I did say it was not lobster. When asked what kind of shellfish did I use, I said, "Very small shellfish." You just pop it in the microwave, and voila.

My feeling is that the weekend culminates on a high note and as long as the group wasn't using live ammo, we were safe. The two women in the group who stepped out when they returned said they were thinking of tossing a couple back, but we said we'd need to save that for when we actually gather in person.

It was fun, but you'll need to read more closely to comprehend the humor.
Merry Christmas to you!!

Thanks for all the ๐Ÿคฃ. Something we all need right now!!! ๐ŸŽ„
Merry Christmas Toopy14. Awesome Video
Thank you for contributing all of the funnies you have posted.

All of these funny jokes have really made us laugh a lot my wife did a lot of groaning lol with the jokes I have been reading her :) and they have been just what the Doctor ordered For us.

We hope to be in our New House in the first few months of the new year.

Hereโ€™s to a happy and healthy New Year for โ€œallโ€ in the fractal community.

Merry Christmas
Happy New Year 2022
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Merry Christmas Eve Cole Have a Happy Holiday

Thanks for all the jokes and this great and funny thread. That has really made us laugh on many nights ;):)

Hope you have a Merry Christmas ๐ŸŽ„ and a Happy New year.

Hears to a Happy and Healthy New Year 2022

Cheers ๐Ÿพ
Merry Christmas Eve Cole Have a Happy Holiday

Thanks for all the jokes and this great and funny thread. That has really made us laugh on many nights ;):)

Hope you have a Merry Christmas ๐ŸŽ„ and a Happy New year.

Hears to a Happy and Healthy New Year 2022

Cheers ๐Ÿพ
Merry Christmas to you and yours and everyone who enjoys these jokes!
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