Dad Jokes

My next door neighbor has a thing for one-up-manship. He said, "You know, my Dad would have said just get your head out of your butt and move on."

I gave him a look and said I'd return shortly. After about 10 minutes, my neighbor received a book titled "Essential Manners for Men." Not quite sure how to respond, my neighbor said, "Do you get better responses with this?"

I said, "I dunno. My brother kept it out in back of his truck with his survival gear. See what you think and we'll chat again.

Upon arriving home, I called Mom and said the neighbor was busting my chops again. Mom said, "You know, next time he does that, you could simply pretend to change channels on him by pointing an imaginary remote at him. He might get the message and you'd not need expand as much energy. Just a suggestion."

Thanks, Mom...
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