Countdown 0.5...

acording to jay i think anything over 1024 is not really that helpful

Not if you want to create effects like reverb. I want 10 second IRs!!! Not 20ms or whatever it is now. WAY too short, even for a cabinet. Many of the cabinet IRs that are truncated to fit in the AXE don't sound the same as they do hosted on a computer. That's a fact.
I just bought my axe fx ultra, mfc-101, and two atomic wedges last month. I'm hoping this isn't some vastly superior product that smokes what I just bought. I'm praying it's just a cup holder that attaches to the back.
Dear Fractal,

If you release a new unit im going to jump off a bridge. I just bought my ultra in march.

Sincerely AJ
I was under the impression the more points in an IR then essentially the more sliders on the eq which was most beneficial for accurately representing the low frequencies of the cab sim. As we all know, the current axe could stand to get a revision in this department.
Kathleen Turner = USB

Kathleen Turner, as we all know. starred in "Serial Mom", which is really just an allusion to serial port. And because this is the "skinny" Kathleen Turner, the serial port in question is (obviously) a "skinnier" serial port: USB port.

What else did people want? Axe FX PC? Well that Escher thing has a "P" and a "C" in it somewhere, so that's what that means.

More spaces for IR/cabs? Well, 100000000000 in binary is 2048, which is 2 * 1024. 1024 is the maximum number of computer memory addresses that can be referenced with ten binary switches, which is a transparent reference to the 10 IR spaces. So, the new thingy will have now space for 20.

Self-contained foot controlled unit? Obviously the switch.

What else? A less expensive unit? Well, that's most definitely a fast-food burger (i.e. cheaper version of the real thing), so there's the proof.

New, free update? The Santa photo is a dead giveaway. (Note: those of us who do not celebrate Christmas will have to pay a nominal fee - sorry.)

The guy with the big book signifies "page turner", which is a homonym for "Paige Turner", Kathleen Turner's lesser-known sister, again, further proof that the new unit will have a USB port.

You also wanted a smaller unit? (that's not what she said) The portable phone signifies such a unit.

The last 2 pictures are "craps" and "ass", solely because those words make me laugh.
Row 3:
Universal | Fractal Audio | Multi time | looper (not sure what that means?)

Row 4:
visually | customizable | color/flavor | interFACE?
I'm guessing being able to change the visuals of the interface of set the unit to be optimized for bass or guitar

Row 5:
Variable | presence | Digital? | or manual?

I think it's vertical

The first 2 columns seems easy.
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New algorithms .. custom cabs .. time for a big turning .. axe-fx becomes better than sex .. it's free but you'll have to RTFM .. :mrgreen

So my opinion is still the same .. new tool for the cabs ..
Not bad...longer looper?
All is not coherent with rows.

Atom or cell planet galaxy is for Fractals IMO

1 column :
see the light
Cliff chase
hand for victory

Quick way with fractals, new algorythms

2 column
digital data
Santa Klaus

new IRs cab or new impulse process
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Row 3:
Universal | Fractal Audio | Multi time | looper (not sure what that means?)

Row 4:
visually | customizable | color/flavor | interFACE?
I'm guessing being able to change the visuals of the interface of set the unit to be optimized for bass or guitar

Row 5:
Variable | presence | Digital? | or manual?

Looking at this the way you've written it immediately makes me think of multiple AxeFx boxes being daisy-chained together, probably via SPDIF and MIDI, which would be badass. And if you think about it, that means the power to have more processing/blocks for the user, and also means more unit sales for Fractal, and also means the existing hardware isn't necessarily abandoned if it can be incorporated into a multiple-AxeFx daisy chain setup. That would rule for everyone involved, Fractal, existing customers, and new customers alike. Now I'm hoping that's what it is.
Looking at this the way you've written it immediately makes me think of multiple AxeFx boxes being daisy-chained together, probably via SPDIF and MIDI, which would be badass. And if you think about it, that means the power to have more processing/blocks for the user, and also means more unit sales for Fractal, and also means the existing hardware isn't necessarily abandoned if it can be incorporated into a multiple-AxeFx daisy chain setup. That would rule for everyone involved, Fractal, existing customers, and new customers alike. Now I'm hoping that's what it is.

You can do that now.

Or do you mean combining processing power (like a dual-core CPU)? Something tells me the SPDIF interface doesn't *quite* have the bandwidth to do something like that. ;)
Hmmmmm.. decoding the page Row 1: digital tone heaven- new model
Row 2: quick cab access - beefed up control
Row 3: expanded time looper
Row 4: Cliff see's what we say... multiple flavors of overdrive
Row 5: Comparason of presets in the editor
Row 6: G66 kicks ass

Here's my take for Row #2

"Quick" + "Cabinets" + "Have it your way (BK)" + "Switching"

This could imply a means of quickly customizing (and mixing?) user IR's and switching between them. No?
If you download the pics and place them in numerical order you could make the following....

Turning the page, music, history, burger, universe, fast, axess, footswitch/pedal, Kathleen Turner

Fractal Audio, portable, Axe FX, Sees, Cabinets, offering, detailed, 2048, point, power, path to enlightenment

Anything in bold might need more work ;)

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It's actually in reverse order, just like the countdown. I saw this in Demons and Angels and it's pretty easy to decipher:

Hey Jackass, roll the dice and buy this crazy thing or I will punch you in your nerdy face. Quit reading all of this speculation and treat yourself unless you are missing a choromosone (unless are a hot chic which would be sweet). Fractal's imaginary product is nothing more than Cliff's plot to create a sick and twisted social network denial of service which will end the world. So step on up and enjoy the cholesterol until it's deafening, quickly wipe your face after eating millions of calories and crank up some music before we all die from being overweight twitter freaks.
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