Coming soon...

I love this thread SO MUCH.
Hour Glass Illustration GIF by Benedikt Luft
Well to be fair he has been busy for the last 6 years on his “The Fly” tutorial video. Actaully, speaking of his videos, there are no better in-depth U2 tutorial videos and I am looking forward to the breakdown of The Fly solo. It will be worth the wait! Then he can get back to this patch.
Yes my bad here. Before I finish the tutorial I have to watch my own cover and learn it again. I’ll get to work on it after I finish this cover. I needed to do something that I though was easy. I’ve recorded several versions of the cover. I keep screwing up. Now I know how Tom Petty felt when he punched a wall and messed up his hand.
Is this going to be a tone/preset or more like the first audio NFT or maybe like an opportunity where you convince 200 of your closest friends to invest a few months into your imminent tone and all they have to do is convince their friends etc...? Either way I am in.
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