Celestion F12-X200 vs F12M-150

Status after some more testing - don't trust your ears: I changed the EQs again, see attachment.
The F12 is more precise than the F12M but you really need to pay attention, that the high frequencies don't hurt in the ears. At the end of this evening I got this result.
I also have the feeling, that you don't need to reduce the low frequencies lower than 75Hz for the F12. This is more a topic for the F12M. Should be correct if I compare with the Celestion diagrams.
Together it sounds great and I don't miss my studio monitors currently. I will repeat it tomorrow.


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Well, now I finished the test. The result is pretty much the same as yesterday evening but with the F12 on top and the F12M below really perfect. I just use the monitors at minimum level for a better stereo room sound. With the PEQ settings (included a low end filter around 75Hz for all speakers) I also don't need to change Resonance or Presence on the solid state amp anymore. I think I found my final setup. Is it necessary to have both speakers? No but it is a bit better and you have more options. The F12 is more there for the higher frequencies and the F12M for the lower ones. That's also the reason, why I placed the F12M below in the closed cab. And I don't have any issues with the position in the room. Everywhere it sounds the same. If you want to have it cheap an easy, take the F12M. Just the F12 could be the wrong decision from my current point of view. The F12 feels more like the studio monitors, the F12M more like a real guitar cabinet speaker. But you can make it with PEQ (80-90%). I would recommend both together or the F12M if you don't need more high end than classic AC/DC. Are the studio monitors necessary? No, but the feeling is better, Just the cab is like amp/cab in the room, no stereo feeling. Together it's just great and better than ever before. I don't want to go back to old amps/cabs!

* All tests were done on room volume level! *

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Lotta SG’s! Awesome. Are there any SG’s with fatter necks? Always wanted one but I need a 50’s style neck. And on topic I run a F12 in a ported cab. It’s baddass. I dig the ‘FAS’ speaker cab too lol.
:) Other people collect stamps, I collect guitars ... three guitars are not in the picture ... but the most of these are just great chinese ones, see https://forum.fractalaudio.com/threads/guitar-shop-pricing-gone-mad.197955/post-2474503 and my postings there before. I sold most expensive ones. Also the 1964 SGs should have a fat neck. My old '70s was such fat, that it was too much for my long fingers.
But now I have to finish to collect. But there are still so many beautiful SGs ... :smile:
Yeah, I also saw this issue. Do I want the 12" speakers to act as a FRFR studio monitor too or shall the sound like a standard 12" bass/mid speaker of a guitar cab and the details shall come from the studio monitor (3-way-speaker idea)?
Currently I think I want the 12" speaker sound more like both, the F12 has more this terrible treble character of a studio monitor -which the F12M doesn't have. But with a high cut you can let it sound like the F12M. But it's a difficult thing. Possibly I reduce the higher frequencies in future and I let the studio monitors take over that task alone. Currently I like it, but I still have the old AC/DC crunch sound from the early years in my bones (e.g. the beginning of AC/DC - Riff Raff). If you like metal, that's no topic for you and the F12M is good enough,
Thank you

I just ordered the F12M based on your tests. I'm excited and hope for a great guitar cab feeling with all IRs.

Yes sprint.
I think so too. You have to like the basic sound of the speaker, then you can get the rest to suit your taste. I'm excited about the speaker and hope it was the right choice of the two.
Don't trust your ears: I made a 1:1 comparision with my KRKs and changes the EQs again and compared with the example plexi video/preset of Pete Thorn (https://www.g66.eu/de/artist-presets). Now it sounds pretty much the same like my studio monitors and the Axe FX III presets have more high frequencies which I always missed. Also the sound of the video over studio monitors compared to the cab sound of both speakers is pretty similar. Out 1 EQ = F12M, Out 4 EQ = F12.
Please compare and give me your feedback. Thank you!

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I'm still testing. I love the sound of my Jensen P10R. I was hoping to be able to replicate that too. It's just that the Celestion has a completely different basic character that I haven't been able to get rid of with anything yet. Neither with different cabsims nor with EQ or anything else. But I'm still testing.

I think it's great for clean and metal. I think rough Jensen is better with fuzz and rock.

BUT I'm still testing.
I'm wondering that a "FRFR" speaker has a character, but I could imagine that you just need more high frequencies for clean sounds. For rock it's great when you raise up the die EQ but possibly the Jensen is better, I don't have it.
Did you really test our recommendations in this thread e.g.
or did you try to get the same sound out of the speaker like out of "studio monitors w/o EQ"? Currently I can switch between my studio monitors and both Celestion F12-X200 & F12M-150 together w/o hearing a big difference, just the 12" cab "woooom"-power and the cab in the room character of the speakers. This effect my small studio monitors can't provide. E.g I use the monitors just to hear a backing track and I can use my cab to play along with the song w/o having the feeling that I miss my monitors. I think this is great for such 12" speakers and more that I thought is possible. Possibly you also need the F12-X200 ...

Edit: Ah, your Jensen is no FRFR speaker. Ok, than the issue could just be the IR files you use. I need more than one IR in parralel to get the feeling of the real speaker - one IR just gives you the sound of a point on the speaker surface based on the mic sound of this IR. I often need 4 IRs of different positions and mics to get the same feeling.
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Hello and thanks for all the information.

The Jensen is a guitar speaker that I love very much. He is in a ProJunior. I connected it to the modeler and was able to achieve the exact result as with the ProJunior.

Above all, this gives me an exact result for the black keys sound.

I've gotten so used to my favorite sound over the years. That's exactly how I want it.

FRFR is a thing like that. When I listen to YouTube comparison videos with different speakers, they all sound different. Just like the 200 sounds different than the 150. So there is no real FRFR. Because different housings and different speakers all sound different. Like with guitar speakers.

The Jensen is also a 10 inch with Alnico magnet. The celestion are 12 inches and ceramic. I think physics also plays a role here.


Today I played completely biased without a comparison box. Just the F12M...

And everything I played was great... that made me very happy and there is still a lot to discover.

If I want to play black keys, I just play through the Jensen.

Today was a great game day with the F12M... they are definitely staying.
Don't trust your ears, today bad, tomorrow great. I know this issue ;)

My favorites are the Greenbacks and Marshall Vintage G12 speakers, but I was able to get the sound with the right IRs and speaker EQ like my studio monitors. Just with the real Greenbacks it was not so good like now. I think, AXE FX is made for FRFR and it really works together with cab in the room feeling/sound.
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Don't trust your ears, bad today, great tomorrow. I know this problem

I didn't compare today. I just enjoyed the speaker on its own. And the result today was really good. I'm looking forward to next time.

My favorites are the Greenbacks and Marshall Vintage G12 speakers, but with the right IRs and speaker EQ I was able to get the sound like my studio monitors.

Yes, I have to get the original Jensen IRs again. Let's see how he sounds with it.

Only with the real greenbacks it wasn't as good as it is now.
I think AX FX is made for FRFR and really works with the cab-in-the-room feel/sound.

Oh. Great
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