Celestion F12-X200 vs F12M-150

I bought some Greenbacks and Marshall G12 Vintage IRs. The mixes are a great starting point, a lot of mics/positions, the quality was really better than what I knew before and it was not expensive. Now I'm happy! 15$ is fair, just give it a try. Solodallas IR were also good but too expensive. All the other ones I tried were more for metal and not good - often a rug on the cab sound that I don't like. Possibly the Austin Buddy IRs could also be something for you, but I did not test it.
Just start with the F12M in a 2x12" cab, later you can still add the F12. But you need a stereo power amp with two speaker inputs/outputs to use different EQs for every speaker. It's more difficult, if you just want to have 2x 1x12" cabs for stereo. But I would also select the F12M for my blues and hard rock sound. If you want it a bit more studio monitor like, you will need to add the F12. But just the F12 ... mh .. I can't image.
Ah ok, then I made the right decision with the F12M, I don't need the second F12 200. I'm excited about the York P10R IR - if it manages to imitate the Jensen, I'll only leave one speaker on it, if it doesn't manage it, I'll use my second box with the Jensen speaker for my "Black Keys" sounds. - Because it's perfect for my Black Keys sound.
Status after some more testing - don't trust your ears: I changed the EQs again, see attachment.
The F12 is more precise than the F12M but you really need to pay attention, that the high frequencies don't hurt in the ears. At the end of this evening I got this result.
I also have the feeling, that you don't need to reduce the low frequencies lower than 75Hz for the F12. This is more a topic for the F12M. Should be correct if I compare with the Celestion diagrams.
Together it sounds great and I don't miss my studio monitors currently. I will repeat it tomorrow.
I still use these EQ settings but I also learned, that it's just useful for low "bedroom" volume. If I raise the volume up, I need to reduce the high end frequency curve. But without the EQ it is not useful.
It's nice that the curve is so ok. Yes, you can of course hear differently at high volume than at low volume.

I'm now also very happy with the F12M, thanks for the tip. They give you a real guitar feeling in contrast to my monitors. I've managed all of the bands I play so far. The Jensen with the recommended York IRs also works very well.

So I'm very happy with everything right now :) Very good speakers.

Have fun with your stuff
I still use these EQ settings but I also learned, that it's just useful for low "bedroom" volume. If I raise the volume up, I need to reduce the high end frequency curve. But without the EQ it is not useful.
After some month I don't want to change my setup anymore but I always use Studio Monitors and both speakers together in the closed cab. If I deactivate one speaker, something is missing. All together are great. I really recommend this setup at home for low volume.
Have not tried the 150 triple cone. I do have the F12 and I love it. If you plan on running either in a non spec cab, it may or may not sound as intended. I tried my F12 in an open back 112 and with a cushion stuffed behind the speaker (to reduce wall reflections) it sounded far better than my Headrush 112. It’s in a modified spec cab now which is good but not a big difference from the open back cab. I haven’t seen a lot of positive feedback on the 150. I’m probably going to get another F12 next month for my birthday and it will go in the open back. I’m using a clean power amp to run it. Depending on your combo power amp it may color the speaker. These need a neutral amp to drive them.
Can I ask what amp your using? I have the f12’s mounted in standard cans and using a Milkman class D amp it it sounds horrible
Can I ask what amp your using? I have the f12’s mounted in standard cans and using a Milkman class D amp it it sounds horrible

I saw a Crown XLS1000 on Craigslist. So I’m using that. I ran my F12-x200 in an open back for awhile and it sounded good to me. Maybe you got a bad speaker, or the amp is clipping or bad. Does your preset sound good through phones?
Looked those up and yeah, probably not the right choice for a speaker like the F12.
The Milkman puts out 100 watts @ 8 ohms and it's a class D amp. I was looking into a Crown XLi 800 300 watt 2 channel. Those run class ab, What's your thoughts.....thanks
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