Cables & High Gain tips


New Member
Hey hey!

I'm kind of a new AX8 user although I had the Axe FX II for a while, so I'm pretty familiar with the unit and what it's capable of. My problem is though, I'm not that much of a sound engineer. By that I mean, when I hear a problem, I don't really know what's wrong most of the time or what I could do to solve it. I hope someone here can help me out!

Problem #1:
When I started playing today I heard a noise in some of my presets, also in the cleaner ones with a Fender Vibroverb. I have no idea where that comes from and I feel like it shouldn't be there. Could that possibly have something to do with the cables I'm using? I'm running the unit with XLR's into my QSC K12 active speaker. I think the XLR is a bit old so that's why I thought it could be that... Or maybe my guitar cable?

Problem #2:
I have a bit of an issue with my high gain tone. I made a simple amp/cab preset using the Friedman HBE with a drive block in front and my riffs sound great. Solo tone not so much. It sounds digital and chainsaw-ish (I don't know how to describe this better haha..) playing single notes. I don't know, maybe it's just me.. So if anyone has tips regarding high gain sounds!

Thanks in advance for your help!!
1. make sure you aren't clipping the ins or outs.
2. do you get the same "chainsaw" sound on the factory presets?
3. if you upload your preset people will be better able to help you troubleshoot it
#1. Since it wasn't there before, and now it is: I'm going to guess it's some sort of interference noise. At high gain it's going to be more noticeable. If its a ground loop it would be attributable to poor grounding or having devices plugged into different outlets so that the ground acts as an antenna. There's a ground lift switch on the back of the AX8 - see if flipping that helps. Have everything plugged into one power conditioner. If it's failing shielding on either input or output cable (which happens, especially if its been run over by a dolly), swapping out cables would point that out.

#2. Could be modulation of the noise in #1, or maybe the gate isn't optimally set ?
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Thank you for the replies!

1. make sure you aren't clipping the ins or outs.
2. do you get the same "chainsaw" sound on the factory presets?
3. if you upload your preset people will be better able to help you troubleshoot it

2: I just played through the Friedman factory preset and others and no, I don't have that chainsaw sound. Most presets sound muffled though.
3: Okay, there you go

#1. Since it wasn't there before, and now it is: I'm going to guess it's some sort of interference noise. At high gain it's going to be more noticeable. If its a ground loop it would be attributable to poor grounding or having devices plugged into different outlets so that the ground acts as an antenna. There's a ground lift switch on the back of the AX8 - see if flipping that helps. Have everything plugged into one power conditioner. If it's failing shielding on either input or output cable (which happens, especially if its been run over by a dolly), swapping out cables would point that out.

#2. Could be modulation of the noise in #1, or maybe the gate isn't optimally set ?

I flipped the ground lift switch, even some more noise. I don't use a power conditioner, should I? Everything's plugged in to the same outlet using an extension cable.
I tried using the AX8 with 1/4 cables into my speaker, same problem, I've got to say though that I don't really have new cables, rather old ones, so should I go for Humbuster 1/4 cables? The noise is also there while playing through factory presets.


  • Friedman.syx
    12.6 KB · Views: 0
Does the noise go away when you turn your guitar volume knob down? Or if you disconnect the USB cable (if connected)?
Hello! Yes, the noise goes away when I turn down the volume knob on my guitar but not if I disconnect the USB cable.

I made sure I wasn't clipping the ins & outs
Hello! Yes, the noise goes away when I turn down the volume knob on my guitar but not if I disconnect the USB cable.

I made sure I wasn't clipping the ins & outs

That means the noise is coming from your pickups - generally caused by EMI/RFI, but occasionally also caused by ground loops. Swapping cables usually won't help - try a different guitar, and also try the entire setup in a different environment. Several things around the home/studio emit tons of EMI, including your computer, your LCD monitor, any LED/CFL lighting, and any lighting dimmers. Even microwaves and refrigerators can cause noise.
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