
I sure hope Cliff has figured out how to handle shipping and keeping items available. Seems to me that would be the key with all the hype that was built up around this. I am sure he expected a demand for this but is his projection close to reality?
See, folks, that's why I haven't upgraded my Standard to Ultra. :) Now I just need Cliff to deprecate the older models, so that they become "vintage" and "sought after".
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I don't feel angry in the slightest, My Standard still works just fine. When I have the coin I will buy the Axe ll until then I still have "one" of the greatest amp modelers on the planet.


Gotta say.... All the talk on "money" and "value" around this announcement seems a bit pathetic. The complainers around various threads seem to me to have a little bit distorted perspectives between wealth (=gear) and happiness. I personaly see this as shameless sense of entitlement amongst the spoiled-rotten.

Ultimately, I think the obsession on latest-and-greatest boils down to either people's deep rooted dissatisfaction with their own musical abilities. Not being able to immediately have the best of everything diminishes the illusion that we are adequate players/composers/performers. A player who finds gets joy in his or her art can displace any and all feelings of gear inadequacy with a $50 guitar on a sunny front porch. The sting of bumps on the road of cost which delay our immediate gratification are merely latent sensibilities saying "you actually suck, dude."

The obsession with products losing value when in fact those products still do everything they did when we chose to pay what we paid for them is more of the same. Unable to live with our somehow-tarnished current goods is just "that little black spot on the sun today."

Gotta say.... All the talk on "money" and "value" around this announcement seems a bit pathetic. The complainers around various threads seem to me to have a little bit distorted perspectives between wealth (=gear) and happiness. I personaly see this as shameless sense of entitlement amongst the spoiled-rotten.

Ultimately, I think the obsession on latest-and-greatest boils down to either people's deep rooted dissatisfaction with their own musical abilities. Not being able to immediately have the best of everything diminishes the illusion that we are adequate players/composers/performers. A player who finds gets joy in his or her art can displace any and all feelings of gear inadequacy with a $50 guitar on a sunny front porch. The sting of bumps on the road of cost which delay our immediate gratification are merely latent sensibilities saying "you actually suck, dude."

The obsession with products losing value when in fact those products still do everything they did when we chose to pay what we paid for them is more of the same. Unable to live with our somehow-tarnished current goods is just "that little black spot on the sun today."

I take some level of offense to most of this. I bought the axe because i wanted the best solution for digital modeling available. So i researched for a long time and settled on the Axe Ultra, sold loads of gear to pull the change together. In my 2.5 months of owning it, it is coming along fine, i'm able to coax some tones that are getting close to what i want out of it.
My issue is that as of today, if i am struggling at pulling the tone i really want, I can no longer say "This is the best unit possible, keep working to figure out how to get that sound you need" Now, I will think "Hmm, I wonder if it is me or the machine that is unable to get the sound i need" And that isn't why i bought the Ultra. I bought it so I could only blame myself for tone issues or live with the fact that maybe the tone isn't possible at all.
I, like many other folks who have recently in the last few months started our Axe-FX Journeys, get a little sour feeling in my stomach thinking i just dropped all this money thinking i was getting the best and then bam, something new comes out. Frustrating. Also, for those of us who just purchased the axe, The argument "If it sounded good yesterday, it still will today" doesn't really apply. I'm still working to make it sound good, so I don't have that comfort level that those who've had the axe for longer do have.
But, just like i stated in my other posting, i don't feel like FAS owes me anything with relating to buyback or discount or such. I do hope that continued support and possibly firmware additions will continue, since I just today will load my first firmware upgrade since I got the Axe. Those of us newbies haven't had the continued improvement that long time users have had, which also tarnishes our feelings I would say. But once i figure out how the Axe II is in stock and shipping, I will likely purchase.
any idea on the G66 lead time on the Axe-FX II? i bet it is gonna be a while .... months ....years??

Gonna have to sell My Ultra to fund it, I dread to think how long I am going to have to put up with a Pod til it arrives

Got a reply saying they should ship between 8 - 12 weeks.

What's the latency like with the USB interface?

Surely Firewire would have been the preferred option?!

Not necessarily. Apogee is coming out with the Duet2 and they switched from FireWire to USB 2.0 and the speed is now faster through other changes they made. So Apogee squeezed better performance out of USB 2.0 than FireWire. See the specs on their website.
Ultimately, I think the obsession on latest-and-greatest boils down to either people's deep rooted dissatisfaction with their own musical abilities. Not being able to immediately have the best of everything diminishes the illusion that we are adequate players/composers/performers. A player who finds gets joy in his or her art can displace any and all feelings of gear inadequacy....

The obsession with products losing value when in fact those products still do everything they did when we chose to pay what we paid for them is more of the same. Unable to live with our somehow-tarnished current goods is just "that little black spot on the sun today."

While this is more harsh than I would have put it. I agree with the sentiment.

The 'ooh, new shiny one' thing is pretty rampant amongst gear heads on these boards. I've had a Standard for 4 years, and run into a sum total of *once* where I might have needed the power of the Ultra. I would wager that 80% of those with Ultra's never come close to using it's full capacity.

Now it's "I have to have the USB", or "Desperately need the headphone output" kind of masks the point, which is that the Ultra and Standard still do something better than any other modeler on the planet...just because something new comes out, does not mean that has changed.

I'm also a little disgusted with the 'I just bought an Ultra, and now it's obsolete' mentality.

That being said, I will look longingly at the Axe-II. My major complaint has always been the cab models, and it looks like Cliff has attacked that and made it a non-issue. <Sigh> So I save my pennies for one someday.

And, does anyone see an 'input' knob on the Axe-II? Did Cliff take that out of things? Or is it in software now I wonder.

While this is more harsh than I would have put it. I agree with the sentiment.

The 'ooh, new shiny one' thing is pretty rampant amongst gear heads on these boards. I've had a Standard for 4 years, and run into a sum total of *once* where I might have needed the power of the Ultra. I would wager that 80% of those with Ultra's never come close to using it's full capacity.

Now it's "I have to have the USB", or "Desperately need the headphone output" kind of masks the point, which is that the Ultra and Standard still do something better than any other modeler on the planet...just because something new comes out, does not mean that has changed.

I'm also a little disgusted with the 'I just bought an Ultra, and now it's obsolete' mentality.

That being said, I will look longingly at the Axe-II. My major complaint has always been the cab models, and it looks like Cliff has attacked that and made it a non-issue. <Sigh> So I save my pennies for one someday.

And, does anyone see an 'input' knob on the Axe-II? Did Cliff take that out of things? Or is it in software now I wonder.


It is in software. Input 1, Input 2, and Instrument all have dedicated levels (and A/D converters) now.
Well this is surely great news but it fucked up my plans. Had ordered a standard some months ago and, by reading a mail I just received from g66, every order has been upgraded to axe fx II. Apart from the fact that it goes without saying that before doing this upgrade on orders we should have been asked, my disappointment is that as the standards are now discontinued I won't be able to get my new piece of gear as it's basically "dish out 600 euros more or kkthxbye".
And I'm sorry but I don't have 600 euros spare lying in my pocket right now.. if I had known this was coming a few months ago (as they say Cliff has been working on this for 3 years) I wouldn't have placed the order at all and tried to save more or go onto something used without this waste of time.
So I'm not irritated as I think I can still cancel my order (still, no new gear though which basically sucks and I sold everything to be able to afford the standard already) but I'm freakin' disappointed for all of the above.
Thank you!
look at all the AX's on ebay. Mines going up too soon, cant afford 2
Hoping to get 1600 for my Pristine Ultra
I feel a little dissapointed, I know my Ultra still sounds as good as usual (well, better than ever with the new firmware), but I didn't think it would be replaced so soon. One of the reasons many of us bought the Axe was because of the free updates, and I have the feeling that is coming (or has come) to an end. I won't be able to buy an Axe II, I won't be able to enjoy all new Cliff "epiphanies", which have made me very happy since I bought the Ultra (about 2 years ago), I won't be able to enjoy Jay Mitchell's new IRs, no more preset sharing, etc. And I really feel bad about everyone who bought an Axe in the last months, they have a reason to feel angry.
Anyway, thank you Cliff again for the new firmware, and good luck with your new product.

I bought my Ultra in mid March and don't feel "angry" about a new product release. I would be disappointed if FAS quit developing a better product. I haven't seen enough information on the FX II yet to decide if I would want to make a change or be able to justify the expense of a change. If the the difference is significant for me, I hope that there's a trade up program in the works. If not I hope that the Ultra and Standard will continue to receive fw updates.
This looks absolutely amazing and it's the logical next step. Congrats to all you guys that will be trading in your Ferrari's for the new Lamborghini... I'm happy driving my Ferrari!
While this is more harsh than I would have put it. I agree with the sentiment.

The 'ooh, new shiny one' thing is pretty rampant amongst gear heads on these boards. I've had a Standard for 4 years, and run into a sum total of *once* where I might have needed the power of the Ultra. I would wager that 80% of those with Ultra's never come close to using it's full capacity.

Now it's "I have to have the USB", or "Desperately need the headphone output" kind of masks the point, which is that the Ultra and Standard still do something better than any other modeler on the planet...just because something new comes out, does not mean that has changed.

I'm also a little disgusted with the 'I just bought an Ultra, and now it's obsolete' mentality.

FWIW, I'm a little tired of all the "you're Axe isn't broken just because there's a new one" and similar holier than thou type posters.

There's absolutely NOTHING wrong with wanting to have the best and most cutting edge technology and there is absolutely nothing wrong with being bummed that a unit you owned or recently purchased to try get on the cutting edge of technology has been surpassed. Sure it is inevitable but it is hardly unreasonable to have the emotional reaction of anger or frustration when it happens. I don't think it's UNFAIR, that's how technology works, but at the same time I do not feel bad at all about being pissed that I have only had an ultra for less than six months and I could have had an even better unit if I had only waited a little longer. I'm even more frustrated that there is no way I'll be able to justify upgrading again for another two or three years. Yes, it's my own fault but that hardly changes or invalidates my feelings. I'm not blaming ANYBODY but myself but I'm not apologizing for feeling unhappy either.

It's like how the Lakers probably felt after getting their ass beat by the Mavericks, they're angry, annoyed, maybe even embarrassed, but as long as they don't claim to have been cheated, they have a right to feel that way even if they brought it on themselves. And similarly, others have no right pass judgment: to tell someone what they should or should not want from their guitar gear or what should or should not make them happy or what emotional response they're allowed to have to some specific situation.

So, unless someone claims Cliff/Fractal has cheated them somehow, I say more power to the people who are p*ssed and frustrated and are expressing their concerns and fears regarding their favorite guitar device and its future or who are somewhat bummed that they no longer have best guitar toy ever made. Maybe someone else can help them with their perspective.

I know I could use a little therapy right now. I have enough to buy one of these but in terms of my life, music stuff fits in the toy category (I am not a pro, I make no money from music) and there is no way my family will tolerate me dropping another $2K on a music device after talking them into letting me carve $2K out of the savings account for an Ultra in December. So whether it's the most mature reaction or not, it's incredibly hard to not sit here and say "if I had just waited a bit longer", I was on the cutting edge for 5-6 months. Now, I will have to wait about three years to get back there, since I can't justify flipping this thing to my family after I have been selling it to them for a year or so.

Sorry man, but I cannot be the only person who's first thought was "F*CK F*CK F*CK F*CK!! This sucks!"

I hope they at least straighten out Axe-Edit. That USB port looks ominous from a future editor development standpoint. :(
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Fair enough Zenaxe.

However, I won't begin to understand how your Ultra (the girl who was beautiful under the moonlight) is suddenly 5'3' 302LBS no teeth in the harsh daylight. I guess I hope that people would be excited about a new product...even if they cannot pick one up quite yet (my story...)

Trying for 'Glass half full' here.

Hi fellow Axe-men (and women) ,

what a time to make my first post on this board...
I've been a happy Ultra user since Nov '08.
First I'd like to congratulate Clifford on his success and say that I feel privileged to own one of his wonder-machines.

Now to the latest events ; I must admit I have mixed emotions.
When the countdown went on I was hoping for a firmware/code revolution that would extend the capacity and lifespan on existing units.
And at the same time I feared that the first generation was fully grown , and that we would have to learn not to expect any more epiphanies from Cliff.
On the other hand Axe-Fx II sure looks like a brilliant product, so congrats and all the best wishes for it.

I must say I have really enjoyed the 2,5 years without any desire towards any other amps and effects solutions.
My hope is that the first generation will receive some TLC from the master, and not let completely out in the cold.

I don't think I will afford getting a Axe-Fx II in the near future , maybe I'll wait 'til generation 3...

Excellent news! Totally with my Ultra, though. While I think the II will certain improve upon the Ultra, I just can't imagine it blowing the Ultra out of the water given the Ultra already sounds and feels like my old tube amps. The newer features are nice, but nothing that are "must haves" for my needs.

Think I'll hang onto the Ultra for another few years, and reconsider when Axe III comes out. :)
FWIW, I'm a little tired of all the "you're Axe isn't broken just because there's a new one" and similar holier than thou type posters.

There's absolutely NOTHING wrong with wanting to have the best and most cutting edge technology and there is absolutely nothing wrong with being bummed that a unit you owned or recently purchased to try get on the cutting edge of technology has been surpassed. Sure it is inevitable but it is hardly unreasonable to have the emotional reaction of anger or frustration when it happens. I don't think it's UNFAIR, that's how technology works, but at the same time I do not feel bad at all about being pissed that I have only had an ultra for less than six months and I could have had an even better unit if I had only waited a little longer. I'm even more frustrated that there is no way I'll be able to justify upgrading again for another two or three years. Yes, it's my own fault but that hardly changes or invalidates my feelings. I'm not blaming ANYBODY but myself but I'm not apologizing for feeling unhappy either.

It's like how the Lakers probably felt after getting their ass beat by the Mavericks, they're angry, annoyed, maybe even embarrassed, but as long as they don't claim to have been cheated, they have a right to feel that way even if they brought it on themselves. And similarly, others have no right pass judgment: to tell someone what they should or should not want from their guitar gear or what should or should not make them happy or what emotional response they're allowed to have to some specific situation.

So, unless someone claims Cliff/Fractal has cheated them somehow, I say more power to the people who are p*ssed and frustrated and are expressing their concerns and fears regarding their favorite guitar device and its future or who are somewhat bummed that they no longer have best guitar toy ever made. Maybe someone else can help them with their perspective.

I know I could use a little therapy right now. I have enough to buy one of these but in terms of my life, music stuff fits in the toy category (I am not a pro, I make no money from music) and there is no way my family will tolerate me dropping another $2K on a music device after talking them into letting me carve $2K out of the savings account for an Ultra in December. So whether it's the most mature reaction or not, it's incredibly hard to not sit here and say "if I had just waited a bit longer", I was on the cutting edge for 5-6 months. Now, I will have to wait about three years to get back there, since I can't justify flipping this thing to my family after I have been selling it to them for a year or so.

Sorry man, but I cannot be the only person who's first thought was "F*CK F*CK F*CK F*CK!! This sucks!"

I hope they at least straighten out Axe-Edit. That USB port looks ominous from a future editor development standpoint. :(

I agree. Bought a B-Stock Ultra LAST WEEK and can't return it (it was ME who told them to put something in writing on the Yahoo store B-Stock's description because I felt MISLED). I really felt like the phrase "customers are always right" has long been forgotten.

Also, to those that compare Line6 PODs and how L6 doesn't tell them when upgrades are coming....PLEASE- PODs are a dime a dozen. We're talking 2K, and most of us have sold other gear to get it. Nobody sells gear to get PODs.
Not necessarily. Apogee is coming out with the Duet2 and they switched from FireWire to USB 2.0 and the speed is now faster through other changes they made. So Apogee squeezed better performance out of USB 2.0 than FireWire. See the specs on their website.

Oh man, don't get me started with the Duet 2. VERY excited about it, BUT I scheduled a vacation to last month record guitars for a full-length release (with AxeFX), after scheduling it, found out the duet 2 was coming out, so sold my duet 1 on eBay ASAP. Originally Apogee was saying 'Out in April', then it switched so I moved my vacation back a week...release date changed again, so moved vaca back another week. Almost a month later, I'm now home on vacation still with no Duet 2 to record with (not able to switch vacation again), and now going through the same thing with the Axe II! Heh. Interesting times indeed!
I just sold my ULTRA for $1499 on ebay. MINT condition and 2 years old. I want the upgrade to the II, and I'm taking a $700 hit to do it. So it cost me about $30/month to own the ULTRA until the AXE-FX II came along. Not a bad deal IMHO.

(If anybody can beat that price PM me ASAP - I ship tomorrow.)

The 50 user IRs of 2048 points and the dedicated processor for amp sims sold me, as did the USB port that can act as an interface to record dry and reamp.

The fact that absolute values for controller ranges can now be specified is great too.

I think it was a brilliant move keeping the high end market instead of an economy version of the AXE.
Congratulations to all of you involved in this launch. Looks great and I am eager to play through the new unit. BTW, the 11 update is terrific, so thanks for that!

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