Best poweramp for Axe III (Goal: LOUDDDDD)

Weird thread. OP, a young guy, asks for advice on loud and the all too common 'you don't need that' shows up. If you are in doom band, yes you do.

It's like the wish list forum. 'Hey, I have an idea for a feature.' Responses. 'You don't need that." x10.

OP. Mastodon guitarist Bill Kelliher uses a Fryette LXII in his fly rig. I'll bet it could get you there. I've never played one.

The Fryette 2:90:2 can absolutely get you there. It'll hammer.

If you want to lay out serious cash and can find one, the Fryette Classic XXX might be the finest tube power amp ever made. It'll sledge hammer. Expect to spend on it though. A lot.

Best of luck.
The secret to better volume is more speakers. We toured with Gatherers and the nights their bassist used our 810 instead of his 410 it was quite apparent.

Matt Pike doesnt run 8 heads but he does run 8 cabs ;)

Emperor makes 612s, OP should get in touch.


Measured 126dB somewhere by Seattle
I use an FM9 but I can tell you my PS-100 can get damn loud. Sounds great as well. I know the Friedman's are $$$ but well worth it imho.
Some really nasty comments and replies here.

If you didn't grasp what the OP is aiming for in their first couple posts, no need to insult the guy-

eric fanning page GIF

In some genres/locales the 'blow the audience away by stage volume' is part of the aesthetic. It doesn't matter that you find it meritless (and rules surrounding music are lame to begin with), silly or unnecessary, the above gif explains why. Just like the "I need my pants flapping or it's all worthless' crowd can't wrap their head around silent stages.

I'm getting ready to put a band together, while in cover bands I was fine using a Duncan PS170 or TCBAM into a couple 2x12's with a DI option playing classic rock/R&B/top 40, I'm not even entertaining that idea for this next band I'm putting together, a chugging metal band, I want the full on wallop of a tube power section blasting out of a Mesa 4x12. The spirit and vibe of the shows/venues I’ll be playing IS the old school ‘loud ass band onstage’ and the more you can deliver a show with just the vocals and kick drum coming out of the PA, the more respect you get within the scene. No one is going for pretty and balanced, that’s not what the shows or vibe is about.
Have the 800w Matrix power amp, does the job well paired with my 1960A, however it caps out rather quickly (maxed out volume and limiter light on but not quite distorting the speaker). For anyone else I think its perfectly loud, but for my band which is essentially a high tech modern doom band, I need to make my rig to be absolutely SCREAMING loud. My first option was to run the out I use to run my cab through the return of my 6505, which worked exactly how I wanted until about the 3rd time I had to lug it into my truck and unload it at rehearsal, realizing even at my ripe old age of 21, that I had to cut down on the gear I use. Any options for a power amp that can keep up with a full blast tube amp? Hopefully something thats a bit more bang for the buck in these hard times? And would my issue be resolved with a tube power amp specifically due to how they react with speakers or would I be able to find a solid state amp that does the trick?
I use a SD Powerstage 200 into 2 Marshall 1960B cabs on stage. It is plenty loud enough. Your FOH guy will let you know when you’re not in the mix anymore due to volume coming off the stage, if he cares about his mix. If you have vocal mic in front of you that will also pick up the volume and get into the IEM mix. It’s also not a great listening experience for anyone sitting or standing in front of your rig where the Cabs project out quite far.
I use a SD Powerstage 200 into 2 Marshall 1960B cabs on stage. It is plenty loud enough. Your FOH guy will let you know when you’re not in the mix anymore due to volume coming off the stage, if he cares about his mix. If you have vocal mic in front of you that will also pick up the volume and get into the IEM mix. It’s also not a great listening experience for anyone sitting or standing in front of your rig where the Cabs project out quite far.
How many doom metal shows have you been to?
For recording, currently, nothing easily beats an AXE FX 3 direct.

For live use, in my opinion having tried Matrix in addition to numerous high-end tube power amps, when using the AXE FX 3 for your amp models the Fryette LXii is unbeatable. It's plenty loud enough.

My least favourite was the Matrix.
I've been to a fair amount of insanely loud shows (metal/doom/etc) but strangely enough the loudest show was HUM in the early 2000s. Maybe I got directly beamed from one of the speakers or something.
I haven’t actually. What kind of venues support that level of sound?
For recording, currently, nothing easily beats an AXE FX 3 direct.

For live use, in my opinion having tried Matrix in addition to numerous high-end tube power amps, when using the AXE FX 3 for your amp models the Fryette LXii is unbeatable. It's plenty loud enough.

My least favourite was the Matrix.
I have an LXII and a Matrix GT1000FX. Sound-wise I genuinely can’t tell the difference between the two. They are both very neutral sounding, which is kind of the whole point. I can’t fault either amp. 👍
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