Best poweramp for Axe III (Goal: LOUDDDDD)

I finally got my Fryette LXII. I ended up doing a comparison video between the Fryette, Matrix and Mesa:
Absolutely great to hear this comparison. I had suspected the Fryette was pretty special from other reviews, but this is the most objective test I have heard. Had been wondering what I might gain from the LXII compared to my 2U Matrix, and your comparison very neatly answers that question. Thanks @bstaley.

If I do end up getting a Fryette, I doubt very much the Matrix is going anywhere. I ended up using mine as the bass amp for FOH PA for a few gigs last years ago. It really is a great workhorse for any purpose, and not just for torturing guitar cabs and blowing the mid-drivers out of guitar focused FRFR speakers! (I'm going to try not to do that again...)

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