AxePad - iPad controller for Axe-FX is launched!

Works on My IPAD 3 !!

Axepad works on my IPAD 3 now. I'm using IRIG MIDI and the Ultra. No crashes. Both midi settings set to IRIG and using MIDI Channel 1. It hung up the axe fx once but I think it had midi overload, I was changing the presets too fast. Only some bugs to report. Some amp models don't show up. One I remember is JTM 45 (Ultra Preset 354, JM 45 Blues Lead) it didn't show that amp it showed default clean or something but the sound was the jtm 45. Also on preset 246 (Funky Synth) for ultra the synth stomp box came up but never drew the knobs. Other than that it was reliable and could save presets fine.
Axepad works on my IPAD 3 now. I'm using IRIG MIDI and the Ultra. No crashes. Both midi settings set to IRIG and using MIDI Channel 1. It hung up the axe fx once but I think it had midi overload, I was changing the presets too fast. Only some bugs to report. Some amp models don't show up. One I remember is JTM 45 (Ultra Preset 354, JM 45 Blues Lead) it didn't show that amp it showed default clean or something but the sound was the jtm 45. Also on preset 246 (Funky Synth) for ultra the synth stomp box came up but never drew the knobs. Other than that it was reliable and could save presets fine.

Hi John - thanks for the feedback! Glad to hear it is working on your iPad3. I've had a couple of iPad3 users mention that some graphics aren't showing up properly and that the Preset names are not coming up. My ordered iPad3 should be here this week so I can test.

Thanks for letting me know about the amp models not showing. Can you please let me know which firmware version you are running? AxePad is assuming firmware 11.0 on the Ultra so the amp models and effects settings are based on what is available in FW 11.0.

As for the Synth effect pedal - that is ACTUALLY without knobs at this point in time! :D There were just so many options for the Synth block, and each 'pedal' only has space for 9 knobs that I didn't know which were the best ones to put on the pedal. I would appreciate any feedback from users as to which ones they would like to see. With the Synth block - so many settings are dependent on other settings that I couldn't place just one or two knobs on there.

I decided to show the pedal blank anyhow, just so you could turn it off and on by tapping the 'light' as required.

I appreciate your feedback! :)
using firmware 11.0. the last updated firmware for the Ultra. I looked in the available amps in axepad and didn't see JTM 45. hmmm. I'll try it again, maybe I was wrong.
V1.1 ...still some bugs

I am using :
Axe fx 2 , Apple Camera Kit, Alexis USB midi cable, axepad, last version 1.1
IPAD 2, OS 5.1

there are still a lot of bugs , but to solve these main problems would help me a lot :
...Names of presets are still missing, ...but storing the presets to the 8 slots works
...fx Page does not show any stomboxes :( and amp page does not show the name of the amps and cabs used by the choosen preset.
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I am using :
Axe fx 2 , Apple Camera Kit, Alexis USB midi cable, axepad, last version 1.1
IPAD 2, OS 5.1

there are still a lot of bugs , but to solve these main problems would help me a lot :
...Names of presets are still missing, ...but storing the presets to the 8 slots works
...fx Page does not show any stomboxes :( and amp page does not show the name of the amps and cabs used by the choosen preset.

Hi jem555 - sounds like there is no communication at all with the Axe-FX. What happens when you move the slider on the Preset screen? Does the Axe-FX change presets to match the number shown on the Preset screen?

Have you gone through the step by step setup guide on our web site? Follow them through, especially the bit about the changing the initial settings and restarting the app:

Setting up AxePad
Hi Cyberferret,

… there must be a kind of communication between axepad and axe fx2 , because the app changes the presets to the right number if I move the slider on the preset screen. I also can store my favorite presets to the 8 free slots. But the app does not show the names. When I touch the slots the app changes the presets – that’s working fine , so far.
On the amp or cab page I also can change the amps , the boxes and also the button e.g. drive, treble, bass…. are working fine with a direct impact to the axe fx. But same issue here – in the initial screen no cab names , no amp names are shown.

But the main bug for me is the black effect screen. :-(

And sure I did the step by step setup several times, and also the restart procedure – as described on Your web page.
Hi Cyberferret,

… there must be a kind of communication between axepad and axe fx2 , because the app changes the presets to the right number if I move the slider on the preset screen. I also can store my favorite presets to the 8 free slots. But the app does not show the names. When I touch the slots the app changes the presets – that’s working fine , so far.
On the amp or cab page I also can change the amps , the boxes and also the button e.g. drive, treble, bass…. are working fine with a direct impact to the axe fx. But same issue here – in the initial screen no cab names , no amp names are shown.

But the main bug for me is the black effect screen. :-(

And sure I did the step by step setup several times, and also the restart procedure – as described on Your web page.

jem555 - that is really odd! sounds like it's sending to the Axe-FX properly, just not receiving, which has got me a bit perplexed. Can you test that the Alesis USB/MIDI cable is working OK? If you have Axe-Edit on your PC, you should be able to unplug the USB end from the Apple CCK and plug it into your PC and see if Axe-Edit will talk to the unit. (Read presets etc.)

That will at least eliminate the hardware as the problem. After that, I might need to discuss getting some log files from your iPad so I can try and trace where the problem is.
Looks like jem555 is having the exact same issues that I'm running into. Sending data...just not receiving it.
Is there a basic demo video (youtube etc) ?
Just to see how smooth is preset selection and other features.
Not that I cannot afford to buy it via AppStore for testing, but this involves a MIDI connector also ;-)
Any updates coming soon? ;)

:) Yes, I am about to start working on changes for Firmware 6 later this week, and I will also look into why it is not communicating in some instances. My iPad 3 is here now so I will test it with that too. Funny how it seems to work on about 97% of iPads now but there are still a handful that are reporting problems communicating?!?!

Like everyone else, I've been a bit distracted with tone matching and playing with FW6... :D

Is there a basic demo video (youtube etc) ?
Just to see how smooth is preset selection and other features.
Not that I cannot afford to buy it via AppStore for testing, but this involves a MIDI connector also ;-)

There is a guy from the Fractal Facebook page who has said he will be doing a demo video in a week or so. I will upload that to our Facebook page, and possibly here as well after it is finished.
Any updates on this? Is it behaving correctly with the ipad 3? ect?

Hey brokenvail - I (as well as many other users) have got it working with the iPad3 now. There is an intermittent issue with some users where the iPad3 sometimes won't receive data from the Axe-FX, but usually after restarting a couple of times, it works ok.

I'm working on hunting down that elusive bug now, as well as adding a few more features to the device... :)
So it will work with the current version out in the app store right now or do I have to wait for your next update? Are you getting your hands on the developer version of IOS6?
Quick question:
Will this work with the first generation iPad for those of us living in the iStoneAge?

Hey thekonas - Yes it does. In fact, it works most reliably on the Gen 1 iPads, which is what I actually used to develop the initial version of the app.

The newer iPads have a faster processor, which sometimes messes up the MIDI queue timing that I have in the code. Got it pretty much nailed, but am making some more tweaks in the next version to make it more reliable.

So, short answer is YES, it works on the older iPads. :D
How about an updated teaser on what to expect in the next version?

Haha - I've been really sidetracked with my 'real' job which has many development projects due this month. But I have been getting back into development work for AxePad again recently.

Just last week, I finished the coding to enable AxePad to 'auto sync' with the Axe-FX as you change presets on the front panel or use another MIDI controller to change presets.

I've also realised I can make a lot of 'internal' changes to improve performance and reliability - i.e. currently when you select a preset, the front panel of the Axe-FX flickers a lot between blocks as AxePad reads the current settings. I've found a way around that now.

But one thing I want to release in the next public version is a 'stompbox' screen where you can have a single screen with a grid of on/off switches for your own defined effect blocks. Essentially a static screen of switches like a normal pedalboard that you can use to turn pedals on/off. I am also looking at adding in a Looper screen - possibly next version, if not, the one after.

Further on down the track, I am building in code which will allow you to totally customise which knobs appear on the amp/cab screens and on the pedals. That will finally satisfy the advanced tweakers as they then will be able to get to ANY control for the Axe-FX that they want.

After that, I want to be able to store and download IR settings from the iPad to the Axe-FX... Tons of ideas... Need more time! :)
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