AxePad - iPad controller for Axe-FX is launched!

Is controlling looper function currently not available through Axe Pad?


Not just yet... I can't really say publicly what the holdup is, but I am thinking I will put out an iteration of some sort of looper controller in the next version, even if I have to change it in a future release because [redacted]...
I just got this app today and I´m using it with iPad2 and Axe2 with newest updates. With usb midi cable and Apple CCK.
I got it right once so iPad was receiving preset names and all. But after one session I haven´t got it right anymore.
I have restarted all and tried different starting combinations but iPad is just not receiving.
I can change preset with slider and with quick buttons, but any info about preset is not there.
No names, no amps, no effects, no tap tempo... nothing.

What should I do?
I just got this app today and I´m using it with iPad2 and Axe2 with newest updates. With usb midi cable and Apple CCK.
I got it right once so iPad was receiving preset names and all. But after one session I haven´t got it right anymore.
I have restarted all and tried different starting combinations but iPad is just not receiving.
I can change preset with slider and with quick buttons, but any info about preset is not there.
No names, no amps, no effects, no tap tempo... nothing.

What should I do?

nexus - Sounds like MIDI CC messages are getting through but not SYSEX, which is odd. What sort of USB/MIDI cable are you using, and what does it show up as in the 'Settings' screen of AxePad?

Also, when you change knobs etc., do you see the 'MIDI' light flash on the front panel of the Axe-FX?

If you want to discuss in more detail, shoot me an email: devan (AT) axe-pad DOT com
Thanks for reply.
I´m not sure what model this usb midi cable is. It´s blue thing that says just USB MIDI.
It has Usb end and 2 din cables. I used it earlier with Axe-Fx Ultra and axe-edit.

Last night I got it working one more time, but again if I reboot anything it won't find the connection anymore.
It´s very random how I get the connection... Once I did switch midi in and out cables at rear panel of the axe wrong way and then back to right way, then tap tempo started to flash at axepad.
But after that, I didn´t get the connection with same trick.

Settings of axepad says USB Midi.
Midi in green led flashes when I turn any knob, and knobs are turning at axe screen. So axepad is sending but not receiving.

I can talk here too if this helps someone else someday.
Just say what you want me to do.
In my midi cable, there is 3 leds.
green, yellow and red.
I think they are this way:
Red is power, its on whole time when usb is connected.
Yellow is receive, because its blinking with tap tempo. It blinks even axepad tap tempo doesn´t
Green is send, it flashes when i turn knob at axepad.

So this makes me think that it´s app or CCK that does something wrong now.
In my midi cable, there is 3 leds.
green, yellow and red.
I think they are this way:
Red is power, its on whole time when usb is connected.
Yellow is receive, because its blinking with tap tempo. It blinks even axepad tap tempo doesn´t
Green is send, it flashes when i turn knob at axepad.

So this makes me think that it´s app or CCK that does something wrong now.

This is strange indeed. One more thing to check - I know with the iRig MIDI plugs, and a couple of others, it is possible to insert the MIDI plug into the back of the Axe-FX slightly 'off centre' (i.e. the pins don't line up correctly). My Alesis USB/MIDI cable is almost impossible to insert off centre, but I know I (and a couple of users who have contacted me) have inserted the plug off centre a few times. It FEELS like it is going in, but no communication happens.

However, you said that you had communication initially, so that is strange that it is not communicating after the first time.

One way to eliminate the cable as the problem - can you plug the USB end of the cable into a PC or Mac, and does Axe-Edit drive the Axe-FX correctly? If it does, then at least we can explore other options instead of the cable...
This off center can be the thing, my rig is in very difficult position. I will test that NOW! I am stupid if this is the case :)
Axe-edit works with this cable and with both Ultra and II. It seems to be a bit slow at II since I didn´t focus much on it, but it works.
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Now I got some results.
If I take real time sysex off in axe fx, it will connect and receive preset names and all.
After connection is made I can turn sysex on at axe-fx and it works. Tap tempo blinks at axepad.
I don´t know how long but seems to work...
Is there something wrong in my settings that does this?

After preset change, connection is lost again.
I must shut axepad and turn sysex off from axe-fx to get the connection back.
So this means I can´t use realtime sysex...
Now I got some results.
If I take real time sysex off in axe fx, it will connect and receive preset names and all.
After connection is made I can turn sysex on at axe-fx and it works. Tap tempo blinks at axepad.
I don´t know how long but seems to work...
Is there something wrong in my settings that does this?

Wow - This is VERY strange.

With Real Time SYSEX turned OFF, then the Tempo light should NOT blink at all on AxePad, as it looks for the real time tempo packet from the unit to do so...

I've never heard of this problem with any other user before ??!??

The only other thing I can suggest - Had a couple of users early on that had some weird comms issues (not quite the same as yours, but similarly weird). In the end, both of them ended up deleting the AxePad app from their iPad, then re-downloading and installing from the App Store and everything worked OK.

You shouldn't be charged by Apple a second time. You can delete the software from your device and reinstall from iTunes/App Store again because you already own it. (Hint: The 'Purchase' button will just say 'Install' instead of the price of the app.)

Let me know how you go - I will be interested to document this particular issue for future reference in case it ever happens to another user!! (Hope not!) :)
I mean when I put real time sysex on again, it starts to blink at axepad.
So I started all with real time sysex off. After I got connection between axe-fx and axepad i did put real time sysex on again. Then tap tempo started to blink at axepad.
Now it seems that this was just random because I can get connection only if the real time sysex is off on axe-fx.
When I turn sysex on, it will lose connection.

I did that re-install few times.
Ok, no need to rush this on Sunday.
I will do some testing here how this behavior continues and will write about it here.

Thanks for your help.
Ok, no need to rush this on Sunday.
I will do some testing here how this behavior continues and will write about it here.

Thanks for your help.

Ok - thanks for your clarification re: the real time sysex... Let me know your findings and we will see how we can solve the issues here.

Now with many hours of playing I can say something about this behavior.

I get the connection only when Real Time Sysex is OFF from Axe-Fx. I create connection and switch preset few times with Axepad and after that I can put Real Time Sysex ON from Axe-fx.
Then it works like an hour and then the connection is lost again...So then I need to quit Axepad and start all over again.
I just ordered midi stuff for my ipad so I can finally use this gem. Let's see if the cheap knockoff stuff I ordered instead of the original CCK works :)
Thanks for the support nangillala... Hope the 'cheap' CCK works!! ;)

On a technical support note - We've noticed lately that a lot of the comms issues such as nexus has reported above is usually caused when AxePad is connected to the Axe-FX via MIDI ports, whilst the Axe-FX is ALSO connected to the PC via the USB port. It doesn't happen in all cases, but in SOME cases, this is causing only one way communication or causing the Axe-FX to crash. We believe some sort of MIDI loop is happening which is killing either the app or the Axe-FX itself. We suggest if you are experiencing problems, please unplug the USB lead from the back of the Axe-FX to see if it improves things.

Some of you are probably wondering about the lengthy delay since the last release - well, I just wanted to say that the reason is because I am rebuilding large portions of AxePad to operate a little differently.

* The first thing is to improve reliability and speed of the preset loading. I am getting a 5 to 10 times speed improvement using a new technique.
* The second thing is to make more parameters available. Actually, I am working on making ALL parameters available. That's right folks - ALL parameters on ALL blocks. Essentially, what you can do with Axe-Edit, you will shortly be able to do with AxePad as well.
* Once the above is bedded down, then I am looking to include preset editing - laying blocks and routing them as you do in Axe-Edit.

This does mean a significant interface change tough - I am thinking of trashing the existing 'amps/cabs/pedals' screens and having a single screen which look pretty much exactly like the Axe-Edit screen, with the block diagram above, and the parameters below.

Lots and lots of work to do... :)
now I received my China-Adapter stuff.
The CCK works fine (tested with an SD card).
I tried to test the USB2Midi Adapter with the keyboard of my roommate but we didn't have the time to figure out why it didn't work. At least the Midi In/Out lights blink ;)

Now the question: Is there a way I can test (for free) if my midi connection works? Some program which can send midi PC stuff to the axe or something like that?
I don't want to buy AxePad when I can't use it. I then would wait for the new version (or will this be a free upgrade? ;) ) and get some other midi adapter in the meantime.

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