AxePad - iPad controller for Axe-FX is launched!

No worky for IPAD 3

Tried the axe pad with the new Ipad and upon switching a preset it crashed. I used the Irig midi. If you set the IPAD to send Midi only and not receive it will change the presets with no crashes but the names won't be received and none of the settings will show on the ipad. I was able to get it to switch one preset w/o a crash but it crashed after another change. I assume the version fixes that will appear are free and you just update the app?
Tried the axe pad with the new Ipad and upon switching a preset it crashed. I used the Irig midi. If you set the IPAD to send Midi only and not receive it will change the presets with no crashes but the names won't be received and none of the settings will show on the ipad. I was able to get it to switch one preset w/o a crash but it crashed after another change. I assume the version fixes that will appear are free and you just update the app?

Hi JohnBee - yes, the patches are free upgrades on the App Store. Whenever Apple releases them, they will appear in the list of apps to upgrade when you go to the App Store icon on your iPad and search for updates.
I'm running an iPad 3, OS 5.1, iRig Midi. When I plug in iRig, it lets me choose from 2 options in the settings drop down list for MIDI SOURCE and MIDI DESTINATION (1. iRig Midi, 2. Network Session 1). I know it's supposed to use iRig for both (or I'm assuming it does), but I've tried all 4 combinations of the drop down options. Using iRig for both drop downs, the iRig plug in is receiving data because the IN light is flashing, and the OUT light blinks when selecting a preset in AP, along with the FXII changing to the desired preset. There's been a few times the AP tempo light flashes, but typically it does nothing. For the first time, and twice today, when I switched to a saved preset in the AP, it DID register the FXII preset name on the AP display. I tried all kinds of combinations from re-launching the app, to launching the app THEN plugging in the iRig midi, etc. It all seems very intermittent, but the problem in my case is the iPad/AP not receiving the data properly. The app did crash on me once in the 30 min I was messing around with it. All of these symptoms regarding the problems with the MIDI IN data also occurred exactly the same with my iPad 2 running 5.1.
Any word on the fixes for the crashes?

avrinder - I am looking to submit another patch to Apple within the next 24 hours. Their approval process after that CAN take up to 7 days!!!

I'm running an iPad 3, OS 5.1, iRig Midi. When I plug in iRig, it lets me choose from 2 options in the settings drop down list for MIDI SOURCE and MIDI DESTINATION (1. iRig Midi, 2. Network Session 1). I know it's supposed to use iRig for both (or I'm assuming it does), but I've tried all 4 combinations of the drop down options. Using iRig for both drop downs, the iRig plug in is receiving data because the IN light is flashing, and the OUT light blinks when selecting a preset in AP, along with the FXII changing to the desired preset. There's been a few times the AP tempo light flashes, but typically it does nothing. For the first time, and twice today, when I switched to a saved preset in the AP, it DID register the FXII preset name on the AP display. I tried all kinds of combinations from re-launching the app, to launching the app THEN plugging in the iRig midi, etc. It all seems very intermittent, but the problem in my case is the iPad/AP not receiving the data properly. The app did crash on me once in the 30 min I was messing around with it. All of these symptoms regarding the problems with the MIDI IN data also occurred exactly the same with my iPad 2 running 5.1.

It should be iRig for both, you are correct in your assumption. So, just to clarify - your iPad 3 is not actually crashing when you try and select a preset - just not sending/receiving the data?

Can you make sure that when you go into the Setup screen in AxePad and choose the iRig MIDI for both the Source and Destination, and ensure that you have selected 'Axe-FX II' as the type above. Hit 'Save Settings' and then completely shut down the app, meaning once you hit the 'Home' button to close the app, double click the 'Home' button to show all running apps in the background, press and hold the AxePad icon until it wobbles, then press the little red circle to complete close the app from running in the background. Then restart AxePad from the iPad main screen and move the slider to see if you get any response.

The MIDI channels don't open up until you move the slider or a knob etc. If your Axe-FX is set to send tempo via real time SYSEX, then you should see the Tempo light on AxePad flash in time with the Axe-FX tempo, which should be in time with the 'MIDI In' light on the iRig.
It is sending data because it changes presets on the FXII, but the Axe-Pad isn't receiving data properly because there is no preset data showing up on the display.

It only crashed once yesterday with my iPad 3, but I can't recall if both the MIDI SOURCE and MIDI DEST were set properly to "iRig Midi". I was experimenting with a bunch of combinations to see what would work.

I can confirm that every time I make changes in the setting screen, I completely shut down the app from all background processes. To try and make sure everything in settings is reset properly, I even switched the midi channel and the Axe-FX type to channel 3 and Ultra, saved it, shut down the app, then reset it all back to the proper settings (midi channel 1, Axe-FX II, iRig Midi drop downs)...And I get the same results of the AP app not receiving the data from the FXII.

Yeah, I noticed things don't start happening until the AP app makes a change first. I haven't changed or messed with anything in the FXII about it sending tempo via SYSEX...all I know is sometimes the tempo light flashes and most of the time it doesn't.

I have the camera adapter too, but never bought the cables for it because I was hoping the update would fix the problems. I'm curious if the update would work with the camera adapter and midi cables, over the iRig Midi adapter.
Just letting everyone know that I've just submitted v1.02 to the App Store. Hopefully they will be quick on the approval process, and we will see it release inside a week from now.

It is looking like the problem is caused by a threading issue and the speed of the device. The iPad 2/3 has a faster processor than the iPad 1 as everyone knows.

Within AxePad, I have the procedures for reading a MIDI stream and sending a MIDI stream running on different threads to try and keep things moving without stopping and starting too much.

It appears that the faster processor on the 2/3 gen iPads means that the read buffer gets 'drained' faster than the Axe-FX is filling it with MIDI data. To try and alleviate this, I have changed the procedure that 'drains' the buffer to ensure that it attempts to maintain pace with the fill procedure.

However, I don't actually have an iPad2 to test this scenario out with - and even if I did, it appears that the issue is not happening on ALL iPad2/3s anyhow. It must be to do with what is running in the background etc.

If this patch 1.02 still doesn't fix the problem for a majority of users, I am going to have to get an iPad 3 for myself to test on directly. I wanted to delay things before upgrading my Gen 1 device to a 3, as I had spent a significant amount of cash getting an Axe-II in house to test things with already. I am going to have to try and sell my Ultra soon, and use the proceeds to pay off the debt for the Axe-II and channel some cash towards an iPad 3.

Thanks for your patience everyone. Fingers crossed that we have solved the issues in 1.02... :)
Bought the app but there is no control over effects or? Haven't plug it to my FX2 yet because I have to buy the MIDI interface - is that why there is no visualization of effects?
Bought the app but there is no control over effects or? Haven't plug it to my FX2 yet because I have to buy the MIDI interface - is that why there is no visualization of effects?

That's correct kavevester - AxePad 'builds' the effects pedals based on which effects are in the current Preset that you choose. The 'Effects' screen will be empty until you successfully choose a Preset from the Axe-FX.
Heads up! I just got an email from Apple to say that 1.02 has been approved and is being placed on the App Store within the next hour or so.

I would appreciate anyone with an iPad2/3 that was experiencing the crashing issue to pull it down and let me know if the problem is still there.

On another note, I have just received clearance this morning from my Minister of Finance to purchase an iPad3 myself for further testing, although I suspect that I will need to purchase the equivalent amount of shoes and handbags to balance the household GDP... :D
On another note, I have just received clearance this morning from my Minister of Finance to purchase an iPad3 myself for further testing, although I suspect that I will need to purchase the equivalent amount of shoes and handbags to balance the household GDP... :D

Unfortunately, it's still not working. :? It pretty much responds the same way as it did before. It hasn't crashed on me yet, but since the previous update, it had only crashed once.
Unfortunately, it's still not working. :? It pretty much responds the same way as it did before. It hasn't crashed on me yet, but since the previous update, it had only crashed once.

Thanks for the quick feedback - so, when you select a preset, you don't see any changes in AxePad?? No effects blocks in the Effects page etc.?? How about when you spin the knobs? Does it update the Axe-FX?

Well, it seems to behave the same as before for me. I get MIDI input, as evidenced by the blinking tempo light that begins after I return to the home Presets screen after changing to, say, the Effects screen.

AxePad will change the preset on my Axe-Fx when I move the slider and lift my finger, but it promptly crashes.

If I move the slider and then slide my finger up or down before lifting off the iPad screen, the Axe-Fx preset doesn't change and AxePad doesn't crash-to-desktop. The AxePad doesn't reflect any changes otherwise.

Correct CF. There's no change to the AxePad in regard to the FX Blocks, Amps, or cabs. It just switches the AxeFX II and isn't receiving data from the AxeFX. It did happen again once today where the AxePad did display the correct preset title, but when I went to the FX, Cabs, and Amp pages, there was no information. Something is blocking the AxePad from correctly receiving the data.

When I go into the AMP or CAB pages, the AxeFX does respond to changes to whatever knob I turn. Oh, speaking of that, you have "gain" when I think it should be a "drive" knob. For the next update, I'd just make sure the names and knobs reflect what's in the FXII. Just a thought so there's no confusion. Who knows, maybe it does change once it receives the info from the FXII. :)

Again, I'm on an iPad 3 (5.1) and I haven't had any crash issues. It's just not getting the info from the AxeFX.
Thanks for the feedback guys!

Henry - I DO have a beta team that did a lot of the early testing. Two out of the 4 had iPad2's and never had the crashing issues. What is perplexing is that it doesn't seem to happen to ALL iPad's, only to about half of the iPad2/3s. Plenty of people on iPad2 and 1s which have it working fine.

That's worrying me a little because I just ordered my iPad3 today. What if it arrives and it all works OK on that??

Here's an idea - anyone with an iPad2/3 that is experiencing the crashing want to join the Beta team? :)
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