Axe-Fx III Firmware 24.03 Release

Sounds great, but the new vs. old are worlds apart. They don’t even sound like the same amp. If this was an error in the prior model, I wonder how it got past quality control checks against the reference amp…? Very curious to hear the story behind it.

If so, would have been great to create a new model instead of updating the existing one.
I can only judge by the given audio files, but so far, I prefer the old one … the new one sounds scooped and less mean.
If it's released on the forum as a Release version, it's assumed to be stable.
But not necessarily fit enough to update the main fractal download page (not forum page), otherwise we would have already had 24.xx versions on that webpage. You of all people know how easy it is to update that link on the webpage so if it was "all stable versions go on webpage", then why is it still on 23.05?

The website (and hence Axe-Edit) sometimes lags behind the forum.
The website version always lags behind the forum and NEVER gets all updates posted there, only the most stable of stable versions. It has been discussed in the past year or two hear on the forum, that the website version does not get updated with each FW release and it is more than about Matt being in charge of it. See above, and below and here. EDIT: Link added to quote Cliff on this topic. Thank you for finding that @chris .

It wasn't updated (as noted by Cliff earlier) because that's handled by Matt.
If you are referring to this post: , Cliff is referring to the auto update in Fractal bot (the comment he was responding to was "Cliff The auto update function in the editor still offers the 24.02 version."), not the FW listed on the webpage I was mentioning. Fractal Bot is NOT using that webpages values or content to generate it's update messages. If it was, it would still be offering 23.05 and most of us know that Fractal Bot has already offered us 24.01, 24.02 and 24.03. So no, Matt being the handler of any of this is not why the web page is not updated.

EDIT: Here is a quote from Cliff Chase on this topic:
"There is often a delay between the website version and the forum version. We let the latest version "stew" for a while on the forum to be sure it's absolutely stable. Once we are satisfied with the stability we update the website."
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Sounds great, but the new vs. old are worlds apart. They don’t even sound like the same amp. If this was an error in the prior model, I wonder how it got past quality control checks against the reference amp…? Very curious to hear the story behind it.
The old Brit Silver model was actually a Lerxst Omega, which begs the question of why it was labeled as a Brit Silver originally. If the new model is actually a Marshall 2555 then why not rename the old to Lerxst and create the new one alongside?
The old Brit Silver model was actually a Lerxst Omega, which begs the question of why it was labeled as a Brit Silver originally. If the new model is actually a Marshall 2555 then why not rename the old to Lerxst and create the new one alongside?

Would love that! That would also not force everyone to rebuild their presets, especially with scene and preset levels.
Every brit silver user could select the „old“ lerxst model and go on without having the need to rebuild everything.
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The new Jubilee is definitely different ( and way better IMO). Quick before and after comparison between firmwares here;

Just in that quick comparison,I think the previous FW version sounds much "better". It's more in your face and sounds more raw and open. At first, I thought you started with the new version and then went back to the old version.

The updated version sounds darker and more compressed. I have only minimal experience with the Jubilee in real life, so I can't attest to which is more "authentic", but the previous version certainly sounds a lot more open and less compressed than this new one.
The old Brit Silver model was actually a Lerxst Omega, which begs the question of why it was labeled as a Brit Silver originally. If the new model is actually a Marshall 2555 then why not rename the old to Lerxst and create the new one alongside?

+1 That's a good idea.

The previous version sounds amazing on its' own, especially now compared to the updated version.
The link on this page for FW:
Is always going to be considered a stable release.

The Betas are just that, experimental changes that are likely to not be 100% stable.

Official FW releases here on the forum are not considered final/stable but are no longer Betas.

The release listed at will always be a stable release where all known bugs have been worked out. FW 24.03 SHOULD be showing up in your Fractal Bot. If it is not, ensure you have the latest Fractal Bot and Axe Edit. If that still does not work there are workarounds to install, but the way it is programmed it should be telling you if a new FW release is available (although it does not recognize the Beta's as new releases and will not warn you from what I understand).

We need to understand that when developing anything, there are going to be delays before one can truly declare something "stable". In order for that to happen, the FW (including FW's that have graduated from beta) must be in circulation to reach such a conclusion. Therefore, when a FW is released and is NOT a Beta, it will not be instantly put on the downloads page of the FAS website as that slot has been reserved for something that has reached all above criteria. It will be put on that page once it has spent some time in the field to ensure that all bugs have been found and addressed. On the forum, we are LUCKY to be able to enjoy the incremental updates, even prior to them meeting all criteria to be considered stable.

If you choose to use the FW's from here on the forum pages as opposed to the FW appearing at, you are doing so at your own risk. If you have any concerns, use ONLY the FW that is listed on the official stable release page. Otherwise, be prepared to be both a guinea pig and a leech ;~))

If it's released on the forum as a Release version, it's assumed to be stable.

The website (and hence Axe-Edit) sometimes lags behind the forum.

It wasn't updated (as noted by Cliff earlier) because that's handled by Matt.

There are Release, Public Beta and Private Beta firmware versions.
Huh, I always thought the reason the Fractal website downloads page lagged behind was to give a new release a little
extra time to "mature"......I guess if that's not the case, then I learned something new today. biggrin.gif
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