Axe-Fx III Firmware 23.00 Public Beta #1

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Thanks for mentioning the change in the JS410 model. It prompted me to see what it was about, after having not really connected with it years ago when I tried it in the AustinBuddy Naked Amps. I had kind-of relegated it to be more of a "headbanger" amp.

Well, with the gain dialed back, piped through the 4x10 Bassman DynaCab, and a VolPan out in front, the Orange Crunch and Lead give some nice straight-up rock sounds with articulation, and the Red Crunch and Lead give a gainer, smokier version of straight-up rock sounds. Throw a little chorus on it when it's 'clean' and it's instant '80s. :D

Hopefully these models will find their way into new "Joe's" versions if they're a lot different from the production model that was added in this firmware. :)

FAS Joe. Fixed.
Gigged with the new beta today. It worked like a charm. No hickups, no issues, nothing. Gapless switching is great.
I wonder how much the sound changed, it feels different. However it sat so well in the mix, it must be good.
I don't know if it's my imagination, but the really dynamic amps are the best thing ever with this beta. I'm guessing this is the triode algorithm improvement, but especially the AD30, the 1959 SLP Jumpered, the 6CA7 Plexi Jumpered, the BE-100 V1 and V2, (all of the former of which I set to DC in the power supply to remove ghost notes), the Dirty Shirley, and the Ecstasy Red are all killing me with how expressive and nuanced they feel. I don't know for sure what's going on here, because I haven't A/B'd the modelling from the last firmware, but I'm in tonal heaven.
This addresses the only complaint that I had. Gapless preset switching coupled with the setlist feature makes sound possibilities limitless. I can have a completely different rhythm guitar structure in one preset, a synth lead with accompanying droning synths in another, a lead preset with a completely different structure and call them up in the setlist for different songs…my brain is swimming in ideas right now
This addresses the only complaint that I had. Gapless preset switching coupled with the setlist feature makes sound possibilities limitless. I can have a completely different rhythm guitar structure in one preset, a synth lead with accompanying droning synths in another, a lead preset with a completely different structure and call them up in the setlist for different songs…my brain is swimming in ideas right now


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This gaplessness will make the song and setlist features something I'll start using for the first time. My extensive workarounds of using mixers, multiplexers, and scene controllers just became unnecessary, and now I can really set up tones just the way I had imagined. I can't thank you enough for this.

I also cannot wait to try the new Satriani model and to retry all the freaking existing models, since one of the bases of the tone of a tube amp has been updated!

I thought Dyna Cabs were the bee's knees, but this goes even further to make the Axe-FX III the absolute best tool out there for the electric guitarist. I second the thought that we essentially just received the gift of an Axe-FX IV!

So much this. No more "kitchen sink" presets. Most will just have a couple scenes, but the preset will be no compromise. Let the songs pull a scene from a specialized entire preset!
Sorry guys as jvm410hjs owner i did not understand the question about the amp.. The "previous" was modeled under joe' s specs and sounded better? This new is the mass production specs? Which is the difference? Thanks
Most people are focusing on the gap-less switching.
I haven't yet but I did notice quite a difference in tone.
It seems more round, bell like and fuller....
Very happy with it....thanks Cliff.

Now I'm gonna ta a look at that gapless thing...
Gigged it last night, was fantastic, not that I had an issue with the switching before,. On stage with everything else blasting, and changing scenes and presets as you are playing, it was hardly ever noticeable, now its is seamless and worked for a whole 2 hr set no problems.
The JP2c Shred Mode models all sound like a synth wave now. Both the boost in the amp block and the models themselves. Sounds really weird.
Hey thats what I am experiencing as well.. but then also the 2C+ models thought it could be my setup/pedal. On headphones its like the wahh is slighty turned on, but its not.
The JP2c Shred Mode models all sound like a synth wave now. Both the boost in the amp block and the models themselves. Sounds really weird.
There were no changes to the model and it sounds fine here. Post the preset that's giving you problems.
Sorry guys as jvm410hjs owner i did not understand the question about the amp.. The "previous" was modeled under joe' s specs and sounded better? This new is the mass production specs? Which is the difference? Thanks
The previous one sounded very different to production models which many ppl didn't like. I really enjoyed having Joe's personal amp in there but even he himself said it sounded different. People wanted the tone they could get from theirs. The difference wasn't (and I believe will never be) really disclosed but I always thought the model of Joe's amp sounded quite dark compared to my memories of the production one.
Well Cliff can disclose if he wants to. I would assume it was some components that have drifted and thus no longer sound as bright as the current production models.
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