Axe-Fx III Firmware 22.01 Release

I'm digging the green channel addition. Seems well cut out for "lower gain" punk and general RnR. I'm using a YA marshall IR and my R9.

Edit: here's a quick clip (preset info posted). Very rough ;)

sounds like a nice pairing for those bright custombuckers 🫡
I’ve never played the green channel of a Generator. It seems really flubby to me. Input EQ is flat. Raising the low cut helps considerably. Is it intentionally flat?
Amp models are meant to be accurate to the original. If you have to adjust the model you’d also have to change the real amp. Occasionally a parameter will be entered incorrectly during the design of the model, but Cliff will quickly check and issue an update to fix it if so.

The only idealized models are the FAS ones, which don’t exist in the wild. Some are models that had inherent flaws and Cliff wanted an improved version, and others never existed in real life, but were the result of happy accidents. The Amp models page in the Wiki can help identify them.
I’ve never played the green channel of a Generator. It seems really flubby to me. Input EQ is flat. Raising the low cut helps considerably. Is it intentionally flat?
Probably also depends on which speaker/cab/IR you are using. If you are using dyna-cabs, you can move the mic a bit away from the speaker to roll off some proximity.
Probably also depends on which speaker/cab/IR you are using. If you are using dyna-cabs, you can move the mic a bit away from the speaker to roll off some proximity.
I definitely moved the Ribbon and Condenser further back than I usually do, even using P90s.

I was playing around with the Green 1 model into the Rumble cabs with a Klone boost. It sounded really good, but I definitely had to tame the low end.
Amp models are meant to be accurate to the original. If you have to adjust the model you’d also have to change the real amp. Occasionally a parameter will be entered incorrectly during the design of the model, but Cliff will quickly check and issue an update to fix it if so.

The only idealized models are the FAS ones, which don’t exist in the wild. Some are models that had inherent flaws and Cliff wanted an improved version, and others never existed in real life, but were the result of happy accidents. The Amp models page in the Wiki can help identify them.
This is pretty elementary for someone who’s been around as long as Karl and most of it misses his point.

He said he’s never played the real amp, so referencing the how one might set the real amp is irrelevant. He also didn’t request that Cliff depart from the authenticity of the real amp.

Karl only asked about the possibility that the input EQ was coded incorrectly. As you note, it’s possible that happened, even if it’s unlikely. I also found the amp to be a bit tubby, but there are many ways to skin that cat. Karl references the Input EQ, and another user mentioned DynaCab mic position.
This is pretty elementary for someone who’s been around as long as Karl and most of it misses his point.

He said he’s never played the real amp, so referencing the how one might set the real amp is irrelevant. He also didn’t request that Cliff depart from the authenticity of the real amp.

Karl only asked about the possibility that the input EQ was coded incorrectly. As you note, it’s possible that happened, even if it’s unlikely. I also found the amp to be a bit tubby, but there are many ways to skin that cat. Karl references the Input EQ, and another user mentioned DynaCab mic position.
real amp is exactly like that in ch2. tubby.
for sure, it’s crazy how spot on the model is to my real amp. also, all the taper works just like on a real deal.
I can’t tell if that’s making me want the real amp more or less. On one hand, it sounds great and I want a real one, but if the model sounds so close, there’s no reason for one.
Very very quick play of Green on my lunch break, there was wacky high end splatter, and not the good kind, completely unlike the other Revvs. Was using the same (legacy) cabs as the other Revv scenes in this presets. Unexpected, will investigate later.
Very very quick play of Green on my lunch break, there was wacky high end splatter, and not the good kind, completely unlike the other Revvs. Was using the same (legacy) cabs as the other Revv scenes in this presets. Unexpected, will investigate later.
Is the splatter present in my clip?
Is the splatter present in my clip?
Not at all that I heard, at least in the mix.
Tone I was going for was way different, gain very low, then turned it up some, no huge difference.
I'm not really set up for recording right now, but I'll post a clip if I can get my act together.
Very very quick play of Green on my lunch break, there was wacky high end splatter, and not the good kind, completely unlike the other Revvs. Was using the same (legacy) cabs as the other Revv scenes in this presets. Unexpected, will investigate later.
Have you tried it with the dyna-cabs recto straight?
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