Axe-Fx III Firmware 22.01 Release

Has anyone been having audio dropouts since the new firmware? It's been happening to me since I updated yesterday. I replaced my usb cable because of rule #1 and its still doing it. Windows 10. I have the new axe edit and firmware. Am I missing anything?
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Has anyone been having audio dropouts since the new firmware? It's been happening to me since I updated yesterday. I replaced my usb cable because of rule #1 and its still doing it. Windows 10. I have the new axe edit and firmware. Am I missing anything?
Doesn't happen to me, but I'm on Mac.

What's your buffer size?
Maybe it needs to be increased (if you're getting drop outs).
Has anyone been having audio dropouts since the new firmware? It's been happening to me since I updated yesterday. I replaced my usb cable because of rule #1 and its still doing it. Windows 10. I have the new axe edit and firmware. Am I missing anything?
No drop outs. However, USB streaming audio completely stopped after upgrading my MacOS. It took several reboots and switching cables or usb ports for it to work again. Now its like nothing was ever wrong.
Thanks for the green channel, great update. With input gain at 1 and MV high, you can get great metal clean tones that are naturally compressed and with mild breakup. If the blue channel comes in, probably, my guitar preset with 4 amp channels will be Revv only. I'll even set my foot controller's LED colors accordingly. This amp made me leave the Mesa Mark amps which I mostly use. Try them with the 1960 dynacab by the way, set the presence to 1 and depth to 2.5. You'll like it. :)
Yes, green Revvs are amazing. As the other Revvs. I can't play on with my old presets any longer, when I know something better than what I have got released. I already replaced some amps in my presets with the Reds, now working on the Greens.
set the presence to 1 and depth to 2.5. You'll like it.
WOW. This little piece of advice took this amp to another level for me. I'd loved the Purple and the Red (and now the Green), but they seemed like they were kinda their own thing. A very scrumptious and chewy and fun thing, but somewhat "out there" and unique for me, for which I loved them. But turning the presence and depth down to around 2 really made this amp shine for me. Like the skies opening up and angels singing kinda thing. My usual practice with most amps is to turn the presence as high as I can without piercing or scratchy highs. But turning the Presence down on this amp actually makes it much MUCH better. Thank you!
WOW. This little piece of advice took this amp to another level for me. I'd loved the Purple and the Red (and now the Green), but they seemed like they were kinda their own thing. A very scrumptious and chewy and fun thing, but somewhat "out there" and unique for me, for which I loved them. But turning the presence and depth down to around 2 really made this amp shine for me. Like the skies opening up and angels singing kinda thing. My usual practice with most amps is to turn the presence as high as I can without piercing or scratchy highs. But turning the Presence down on this amp actually makes it much MUCH better. Thank you!

I agree. The amp is known for not losing clarity when the bass is increased, in addition to this, I think that it also doesn't lose clarity when the treble is decreased. Its usable EQ and MV ranges are really wide.
Thanks for the green channel, great update. With input gain at 1 and MV high, you can get great metal clean tones that are naturally compressed and with mild breakup. If the blue channel comes in, probably, my guitar preset with 4 amp channels will be Revv only. I'll even set my foot controller's LED colors accordingly. This amp made me leave the Mesa Mark amps which I mostly use. Try them with the 1960 dynacab by the way, set the presence to 1 and depth to 2.5. You'll like it. :)
Not a metal or super high gain guy, but man, that strategy worked wonders for me.

I heard people raving about the green channel before we had it, tried it myself, didn't like the high end mess I heard.
Cranked up MV, and just yes.
I'm in.
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