Axe-Fx III Firmware 22.00 Public Beta (Beta 6)

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I share a fear, and a theory.

1. The Fear (not the Travis song)
Some entitled, twisted weirdo is going to make one too many unreasonable whine posts, and Cliff will lose the joy.

2. The Theory
Most of the whining, patronising, armchair expert posts are from people who feel insecure about all the graciously shared expertise in this forum, and need to feed their narcissism by trying to find an area THEY can be an expert in.

I have often noted that I get extremely defensive about people making unreasonable demands or unfair complaints. I think it’s because of point 1. Cliff isn’t a company, he’s a person, and he’s been awesome the way he’s stood by the people who’ve bought into his vision. His generosity is legend, and he’s right here in the trenches standing by his product every day. This is very, very rare, and his constant improvements and responsiveness are a treasure. It’s not that genuine feedback or complaints are bad - I think Mr Mud is evidence that Cliff genuinely listens and responds to genuine problems - remember that? But geez, if I hear one more post from some empty-headed loser about how THEY would do things differently (Cliff’s had advice on everything from marketing to source code management 🙄), or stupid, empty speculation confidently talking about the AxeFX IV… then, well nothing. I’ll just be annoyed 😂
What do we need a work-around for? I'm not even sure what people are complaining about because no matter what some people just feel the need to complain.

Some people on this forum just suck all the joy out of this job. I've spent months on this and it works and sounds awesome but some people still have to complain.
It’s a post like this, from the main man himself that I don’t like to see.

Cliff and his ‘over the top’ company have, since the beginning, been on a continuous pursuit to delivering the best ‘all in one’ guitar processor in the world… and did so VERY successfully IMO. Constant improvements, FREE firmware, many wishes granted, the forums… etc.

We have the best there is, but some want more and more… never to be satisfied. wtf? I get the wishes, but c’mon.
BTW… this is the firmware beta thread, not the wish list forum.

FAS has so, so much to offer in getting fantastic sounds, and yet there’s the complaining to where the president of the company had to post what he did? Can’t say I blame him.

He already told us the deal. He works his butt off to keep moving forward. I don’t read all the comments, but to those that prompted him to react like this… STOP your greedy, selfish whining.

Suggestion… Say thank you, or nothing at all… and spend more time playing, rather than waste all your guitar time tweaking yourself in circles. Option paralysis is NOT your friend.

If you can’t dial up a great tones with the Axe, with all the amp sims it has, 2,237 factory cabs, third party IR’s available, tons of eq choices, and now a few dyna-cabs… I don’t know what to say. Maybe you can do a better job?

Thank you Cliff and FAS… I’m always a happy customer who appreciates what you do, and I know there’s plenty of others that feel the same.
I think we need a whole new forum post for actual constructive comments on the beta. Like for example, a million pages back - someone mentioned the Paragon wah wasn’t working anymore.

Apologies as I’m several beers in. :)
I usually keep up with firmware threads, but this one definitely has more momentum than I have time allotted to reading at the moment. Must be a lot for the Fractal team to go through and find issues when one, like the Paragon, are forty pages back. I certainly didn't realize it was already mentioned.
But I gotta say, it's good to have such a lively forum. Keeps things interesting for sure.
The fewer options we get the better! hope no third party please! There is enough already to achieve amazing tone, if people can't do it with what's at hand, well.....3k more cabs won't fix that.
Then dont use them?

Just like I don't use all 300+ amp models... Some are not my taste / style but for someone else they might be exactly what they need.

I don't understand these types of replies...
I prefer the SM7 over the 57 personally. I little less harshness in the 4-6k region. Both are amazing though. Thankyou
I agree. I do not have much experience with mics in person, but this SM7 is exactly what I'm looking for. Nice high end but not as harsh as the sm57. I have really sensitive ears to high frequencies.

edit: I would be happy with either though.
When I was developing and managing, I had a policy that nobody was allowed to complain to us or tell us "we oughta" do something unless they also provided valid/workable solutions. My management backed us up on that when other people tried to do an end-run and go through their management.

To be able to make a suggestion they'd have to have spent time with the products and know what they were supposed to do, which weeded out all sorts of inane suggestions by people who didn't know what they were talking about but thought they did. It let us focus on what we knew how to do and we knew that people approaching us were able to make useful suggestions or bug reports, and those who did knew they could approach us at any time and brainstorm with us.

This should be universal SOP for everything in life. Especially politics.
This day and age using “not my job” is a recipe for disaster. Unless you’re a top tier performer, chances are you’re going to run into a soundguy who isn’t much of a Soundguy. At least he gets to hide offstage while your guitar sound is awful all night. The more control you have, the more control you have.
Looks like you didn't get Joshua_L's message in the context of the the message he replied to - which again was a reply to another message. Joshua_L argues for taking full controll and responsibility as much as possible - by being prepared and having your sounds sorted out, so you can give the sound guy an XLR out instead of fiddling with a microphone.
Humans can be funny creatures. When we have little, we greatly appreciate and are very content with anything we are provided that betters our lives. However, once we have plenty, anything later obtained tends to be less enthusiastically appreciated as it would have been when we did not has as much.

That is why there are various levels of appreciation, satisfaction and contentment expressed on every product forum found on the web. Those that are long-term users of exceptionally great products, like the Axe-Fx III are so used to the best that modelers have to offer that it takes more to “wow” them when firmware updates are released. Then there are the new users, like me, that are AMAZED at the quality of the hardware and the amazing tones that can be obtained from the Axe-Fx III that we go “fanboy” at every opportunity.

i can understand why Cliff and his team can feel frustrated at times because it’s very hard to put your heart and soul (and a big piece of your life) into developing the best modeler there is, not to just compete with your rival competitors, but mainly because you want to provide your friends, and fellow participants in your dream, with the best of everything that can be made and your expectation is that they will be as excited as you are with the new features you have crafted. it can be very frustrating when some friends (customers) criticize rather than help by reporting bugs instead of making “you should have“ comments.

Thank you Cliff and team, your hard work and creative vision is very appreciated and admired by the vast majority of your customers…the Fractal community is very unique and it’s a credit to you and your team. Fractal Audio is one of the “best three” audio/instrument companies I have done business with in my 53 years as a musician…Fractal, PRS Guitars and Universal Audio all share a similar obsession with quality and have superior customer support!
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What do we need a work-around for? I'm not even sure what people are complaining about because no matter what some people just feel the need to complain.

Some people on this forum just suck all the joy out of this job. I've spent months on this and it works and sounds awesome but some people still have to complain.
I've oftentimes thought it must be tiresome sometimes to work so incredibly hard and being such a master at your craft, and still constantly being meet with the reply, that it should have been better (than the best, which it already is). The fatigue:reward ratio needs to be healthy for one to stay creative (unless your goal is to make art about how rotten life is). We appreciate the close manufacturer <-> customer relationship with FAS, but sometimes "we" can be somewhat careless/thoughtless about "our" own responsibility in this relationship.
I feel that with Axe-Fx III I've been given much more than I expected upon buying the unit in 2019. Appreciate it, people. Enjoy it. Fractal really owes you nothing.

Dyna-Cab is awesome. I struggled with IRs. There's always that one annoying resonance that makes you want to search for a totally different file. Being able to solve that by moving the virtual mic a bit is great.
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