WARNING!!! Dyna-Cab data WILL change for the final release version and any presets you create with this public beta may need to be manually edited to correct shifts in the location of the cabinets. If you are not comfortable with this caveat do NOT install this firmware.
The firmware is now comprised of two components: a main firmware image and a Dyna-Cab data image. BOTH must be installed in the correct order: firmware first, Dyna-Cab data last.
NOTE: The current version of Axe-Edit is not fully compatible.
1. Download new Fractal-Bot:
Extract the appropriate version for your operating system from the archive.
2. Download firmware files:
Extract the firmware .syx file and the dyna_cabs.syx file from the archive.
3. Install the the new firmware as usual. After rebooting you will see a warning that the Dyna-Cab data is not installed. Press Exit.
4. Install the Dyna-Cab data. Be sure to use the new Fractal-Bot from step #1. Drag-and-drop dyna_cabs.syx onto Fractal-Bot as you would a firmware image. Send the data. Reboot when instructed.
There are currently 25 Dyna-Cabs. We expect about a dozen more for the final release including some bass cabs.
The firmware is now comprised of two components: a main firmware image and a Dyna-Cab data image. BOTH must be installed in the correct order: firmware first, Dyna-Cab data last.
NOTE: The current version of Axe-Edit is not fully compatible.
1. Download new Fractal-Bot:
Extract the appropriate version for your operating system from the archive.
2. Download firmware files:
Extract the firmware .syx file and the dyna_cabs.syx file from the archive.
3. Install the the new firmware as usual. After rebooting you will see a warning that the Dyna-Cab data is not installed. Press Exit.
4. Install the Dyna-Cab data. Be sure to use the new Fractal-Bot from step #1. Drag-and-drop dyna_cabs.syx onto Fractal-Bot as you would a firmware image. Send the data. Reboot when instructed.
There are currently 25 Dyna-Cabs. We expect about a dozen more for the final release including some bass cabs.