Axe-Fx II XL+

G66 just posted a new product in their shop, called Axe-Fx II XL+.

According to the page: In comparison to the original Axe-Fx II XL, it adds an improved (brighter, sharper) display.

Is this the only change in comparison to Axe-Fx II XL? Price difference of 200 EUR (222 USD) is quite big if that's the only change!
I've just emailed G66 to confirm. Cliff has stated it's the same price as the XL so why should we in Europe have to pay a 200 euro price hike for which is basically the same product albeit with a different screen.
Looks to me they still have stock of the regular XL and no stock of the new +. My guess is they'll wait til the regular XL sells out, then they'll open stock of the + and the price will lower to match at that time.
Looks to me they still have stock of the regular XL and no stock of the new +. My guess is they'll wait til the regular XL sells out, then they'll open stock of the + and the price will lower to match at that time.

IMO, this is not the correct way to go. If you want to sell your old stock, make a small discount. I haven't yet ordered my unit, but G66 reputation already dropped in my eyes.
IMO, this is not the correct way to go. If you want to sell your old stock, make a small discount. I haven't yet ordered my unit, but G66 reputation already dropped in my eyes.

It would seem that, for the US\Canada store, they just waited til the regular XLs were all gone (including the B-stock clearouts) before they even mentioned the + exists.

purchase price for products on stock vs. actual order price including shippig, importing tax, VAT ?!

1€ are actual ...

The assumption is: The XL is on stock at G66, so purchsed in the past from FAS at another EUR:USD rate as the purchase EUR:USD rate will be for XL+ (which is logical wise NOT at stock at moment) orders from FAS, no?! That`s my point... FAS has no different exchange rates over time...
I was thinking of maybe upgrade from a Axe II mark 1 to a XL+, but not for 200 € extra, besides the additional cash I'll have to spend for upgrading.
I understand everyone who's thinking of buying a XL now will probably want the + version. So do I, and G66 might have problems getting rid of their normal XL stock, therefore raising the price for the +?
But 200€ after a statement that the price will be the same?
I don't know.... Maybe it would be a smarter move to give a discount for the older XL instead and get rid of them that way, but maybe G66 don't have enough profit margin to do that?

And...? You could at least explan the logic behind your picture.

Yes, we all know that EUR/USD rate changed dramatically since the start of sanctions of the US and Europe. But your picture does not explain the difference between these two:

1. Price of XL and XL+ in US is the same
2. Price of XL and XL+ in EU is not the same

Why not update the price for both, and indicate that XL is now being sold with discount until stock lasts? Otherwise potential buyers like me gets confused!
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I would not call it old stock. If fractal did not offer a discount on the XL (only the b stock) also with having a nice batch of the old screen's there is no risk with getting the XL other than being the guy who needs the (+) in which case you either pay 200 now or what until all their XL's sell and then probably see the price drop on the +
Why not update the price for both, and indicate that XL is now being sold with discount until stock lasts? Otherwise potential buyers like me gets confused!

Give Jacques a call and tell him you`re confused with different prices, but pleased, if he raise his current in stock XL`s about 200 bucks to match the euro street price of the XL+, calculated on the increased purchase price because of relative more expensive $. ah, sorry ... you mean he should increase XL also to 2899,- but give a discount to 2699,- again? hmmm ,... well ok ...

Time to invest in derivatives to assure from exchange rate bandwidths... those bonus costs would assure from situations like this, but would have have to be calculated into street price again ...
Hi Guys,

I've received this reply from Sussi at G66. This explains why there is the price difference.

"Hi Merv

That’s because of the high dollar, the dollar has increased extremely (20%) the last few months. If you compare the US price and add the shipping, duty and VAT you will see that our price even is a little lower than the US price. The Axe-Fx II XL should also be EUR 2899 with today’s dollar rate, we just haven’t increased that price.

Kind Regards

So.. in effect, they ARE discounting the regular XL.

Fractal HQ is not far south of the Canadian border. When I bought my Axe-Fx II (mark1) the USD was around par with CAN. If I bought an XL today it would cost me an extra $600!
G66 had stated that the price of the XL was going to go up for quite some time. They explained that this would be due to the exchange rate. I guess that they held off on the price change until the new unit came out.
The USD has strengthened a lot against the Euro recently, not that surprising.

To simplify:
G66's XL's in stock were bought before the USD strengthened against the Euro.

G66's new XL+'s were bought recently, after the USD strengthened against the Euro, meaning the exchange rate was not in their favor.

Since I'm in the UK, I convered GBP to EUR to buy my Axe FX last year. They came back in stock at a time when the value of the Euro was low compared to the GBP, which was good for me... less GBP needed to buy enough Euro to buy the Axe FX. If they came back in stock 6 months sooner, I would have ended up paying something like £80 more (I forget the exact amount).

Large corporations will buy Options to hedge against currency risk. If you're Apple, and you're paying for a billion dollars worth of materials and labor to have iphones made in China and you don't pay until they ship, a change in the exchange rate between the Yuan and USD could mean many thousands or millions lost (or saved!).
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