Axe Fx II Shipping Date....?

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I think I figured it out. Cliff actually sent an email to sales two weeks ago to have them start taking orders. As soon as sales gets to the email we'll be in business. :twisted
Who needs to RTFM anyway?!?!?! Plug and play, baby! And if you really are a nerd, download the pdf when it's available?!

Just think, every 456 AXE IIs sold equals ONE MILLION DOLLARS!

Mwa hah hah haha......
When I got my Ultra, shipping was $50. So if it hasn't gone up, it'll be $2249, or if it has gone up, I wouldn't think it'd be more than $2259 tops.

So 6 months worth of gas for the truck. When put in perspective, not all that bad! :lol
countdown -12 hours pst, from 2 wk timeline. hopefully we will get it before the new rapture 2012 end of mayan calendar, bohohowasawsawawawawwawwwwazxcv)(*&)(*^*&%*&^%$&*$^&%&(*&^)*&*^$%$@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oprah's final show just might be the II release date.... Who would of thought that one....

Thanks a lot Liam.

That's the kind of update I was looking for.
This will ease my pain... A lot! :)

At least, I know it's not in 3 weeks like lots of folks were speculating.
Oprah's final show just might be the II release date.... Who would of thought that one....
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