Axe-Fx II "Quantum" 2.00 Public Beta Numero Tres

There were no changes to modeling between Beta 2 and Beta 3. It was just some bug fixes. The power of suggestion is amazing.
I should rollback to FW 2.0 beta 2 to compare, but I think it´s good now....Mabye beta2 was wrong installed, who knows? I still trust my ears and play every evening with the axe, so I think I hear also the little differences.......sometimes to much hearing and too less playing...........:(

I´m looking forward to the the official 2.0, hope it will sound like the beta 3!
The Man said "soon", so all of us can relax now. The longest "soon" was only 4-5 months so I am pretty confident it will make its way this year.
shredi knight said;
is that a soon soon, of a Fractal soon (same question applies for the "Wait")? :p

As I grow older, I find a strange phenomena predominantly at play,...
That is,... time seems to be passing faster and faster moment by moment, every day...
Hence,... from my perspective, ‘soon’ is perceived as being sooner than your every day garden variety ‘soon’!
In spite of this phenomena, No matter how you slice it,... soon still, always ends up being.. soon! :rolleyes: :eek: :p
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shredi knight said;
is that a soon soon, of a Fractal soon (same question applies for the "Wait")? :p

As I grow older, I find a strange phenomena predominantly at play,...
That is,... time seems to be passing faster and faster moment by moment, every day...
Hence,... from my perspective, ‘soon’ is perceived as being sooner than your every day garden variety ‘soon’!
In spite of this phenomena, No matter how you slice it,... soon still, always ends up being.. soon! :rolleyes: :eek: :p

My dad worked for my grandfather years ago. He told me a story of when he was my age, he once said basically the same thing you just did.
My grandfather gave him a disapproving scowl. My dad asked him why?
He said, "wait until you're MY age and think about what you just said." :D
Other than the Satriani amp, what's the big rush for an official release? We have all of the changes to the modeling in the beta 3 release.
Other than the Satriani amp, what's the big rush for an official release? We have all of the changes to the modeling in the beta 3 release.

Some people have a fear of beta versions...

I'd personally trust a Axe better to be stable at a big gig far before I would my laptop or any other piece of electronics really
Other than the Satriani amp, what's the big rush for an official release? We have all of the changes to the modeling in the beta 3 release.
When you see the release you'll understand. There is always more going on than just the stuff mentioned in the beta releases.
Plus a major release is usually accompanied by Axe-Edit and/or FractalBot update releases (as required and plus or minus a few days).
Resetting the amp model and changing a few setting has helped. I haven't played much over the last many releases, so most of my presets need some reworking. I'm trying to get caught up.

I should rollback to FW 2.0 beta 2 to compare, but I think it´s good now....Mabye beta2 was wrong installed, who knows? I still trust my ears and play every evening with the axe, so I think I hear also the little differences.......sometimes to much hearing and too less playing...........:(

I´m looking forward to the the official 2.0, hope it will sound like the beta 3!
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