Axe-Fx II Firmware Version 6.01 Up

Is it me or is anyone else have problems choosing just ONE amp. I had my 3 "go to's" prior to 6 but now i'm trapped in a virtual boutique amp store and I cant get out.

Yes, there's much more to choose from.

I force myself to limit the no of amps I actually use live.

I used 5 "main" presets, containing an Amp block with a "X Amp" and "Y Amp". That's 10 amps. Recently I cut that down to just about 5 amps. To fight "option anxiety". And let's face it, there's no need at all to use more when playing live.

I still use X and Y, where one is "Less"and the other "More", regarding the amount of amp gain. I like this approach a lot. It does mean that I can't / won't use all the amps I love, but for live use it really doesn't matter. And I can focus much better on getting the best tone from the ones I do use.

But it's hard to decide on which ones to use. Right now I'm considering exchanging the Vox preset for my new-found Lonestar tone for clean tones. The agony of choice....
funny_polymath said:
Anything to be done withthe value knob - or is it a physical encoder issue? My value knob on the II is still much more fidgety and prone to go back when I'm going forward and vice-versa than my Ultra. Ultra's value wheel never jitters, never moves the 'wrong' way. Wish the II's would act the same!!!

It was that way on my Ultra and II. Lived with it on Ultra. Got encoder replaced on II. Works as expected now.
I still use X and Y, where one is "Less"and the other "More", regarding the amount of amp gain. I like this approach a lot. It does mean that I can't / won't use all the amps I love, but for live use it really doesn't matter. And I can focus much better on getting the best tone from the ones I do use.
I do this too -- more/less gain on X/Y settings. Rarely does it switch amp models, but maybe now I'm going to have to do that.
Thank you Cliff, M@ and the whole FAS bunch!
Just in time, as I got my repaired unit right this afternoon.

Question: did something change with regards to the firmware update speed? Loading 6.01 took at least double the time as other updates before (went fine though).
I don't know if I missed some setting in Axe-Edit (seriously doubt it), or if it is the new mainboard in my Axe II, the new Axe-Edit or version 6.0. Or altogether. Or nothing.

Mine took forever but I believe it went through fine.
Think of things as a process, not a destination. Something might be spot on, but looking at it from another perspective, there is always room to reinterpret the results and make them better.

Trust your ears. Sound better? Is better.

Also note that 'terse' responses are often not 'terse' but rather direct, to the point, and without any sort of emotion - neither positive or negative. Engineers often speak bluntly, to the point, without color. It's not 'terse' except by interpretation and that's not an accurate interpretation in most cases.

Points taken except that 'spot on' is a rather unambiguous thing for an engineer to say. It is blunt, to the point, and without color, and therefore taken at face value. The 'process... destination' analogy directly contradicts this. What I'm saying is FAS can't have its cake and eat it too. If a linguistically unequivocal answer from an engineer later proves to be equivocal, it tends to weaken credibility. Just ask the Challenger Commision. As to 'terse' vs. 'without color' - I can state pretty unequivocally that at times FAS responses sound defensive - to many folks, not just me, and not mere 'engineer-speak'. And that's OK. We're all human, and Cliff and crew have worked like crazy. They're not robots. They have feelings. They are human. Therefore, I do not buy that what they say, ever, is 'without color' - that is not an accurate interpretation, IMHO.
I had thought about offering online therapy services for forum addiction but it may get in the way of forum attendance. :D
I dunno...

This sort of thing confuses me. I received a rather terse response from FAS in another thread that the amp matches were 'spot on', now it turns out they're not? Or am I missing something here?


Perhaps the "spot on" comment was in regards to the amp-model's "EQ-Response and Gain-Characteristics?" The italicized note above regarding Transformer Match seems to me (and I could be wrong) to affect the how "open" or "uncompressed" the sound is. At that point in time (whenever your thread/question was authored) given the latest & greatest tools at their disposal, it is possible that the amp-model in question WAS spot-on (EQ & Gain-wise,) but perhaps needed work in it's responsiveness/compression-characteristic/etc.

Are you missing something here? I dunno...maybe the potentially positive experience of an improved processor, but if you don't think it's the right tool, I doubt anyone forced you to buy it or use it? That all said, you (and everyone else on the Forum) are entitled to their opinion. I think a lot of these discussions help to improve the product in the long-run...

I know I have a LOT to learn regarding the Axe-FX II, but I'll bet if you stick with it and keep learning, the product itself will probably improve while your ability to get the most out of it improves too...

Best of luck with your tonal pursuits!

funny_polymath said:
Points taken except that 'spot on' is a rather unambiguous thing for an engineer to say. It is blunt, to the point, and without color, and therefore taken at face value. The 'process... destination' analogy directly contradicts this. What I'm saying is FAS can't have its cake and eat it too. If a linguistically unequivocal answer from an engineer later proves to be equivocal, it tends to weaken credibility. Just ask the Challenger Commision. As to 'terse' vs. 'without color' - I can state pretty unequivocally that at times FAS responses sound defensive - to many folks, not just me, and not mere 'engineer-speak'. And that's OK. We're all human, and Cliff and crew have worked like crazy. They're not robots. They have feelings. They are human. Therefore, I do not buy that what they say, ever, is 'without color' - that is not an accurate interpretation, IMHO.

If this was a statement of work that I contractually signed on to, I might battle semantics, but for free updates to the far leading product in this space, with an obviously obsessive and zealous team of tone chasers at the top of their game behind it, I think we will cut them some slack.. 8)

BTW, when you say they "worked like crazy" are we to infer they incurred a mental illness and this in some way had a positive or negative impact on their work structure or work ethic? Or that this build seems to be the output of an insane group of men? Or is it just a generally accepted term for 'much hard work'? I for one think the last one is 'Spot on'!
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This update is killing me! I can't wait to update and try the new 5150III. Only problem is I'm home right now with a wrenched back and basically can't move around much or do anything. I had thoughts of doing the update but I know once I do that I'll want to play and that unfortunately is a no no for me in my condition right now. Hope everyone is enjoying the update. Once my back heals I'll be jamming out with 6.01!
Points taken except that 'spot on' is a rather unambiguous thing for an engineer to say. It is blunt, to the point, and without color, and therefore taken at face value. The 'process... destination' analogy directly contradicts this. What I'm saying is FAS can't have its cake and eat it too. If a linguistically unequivocal answer from an engineer later proves to be equivocal, it tends to weaken credibility. Just ask the Challenger Commision. As to 'terse' vs. 'without color' - I can state pretty unequivocally that at times FAS responses sound defensive - to many folks, not just me, and not mere 'engineer-speak'. And that's OK. We're all human, and Cliff and crew have worked like crazy. They're not robots. They have feelings. They are human. Therefore, I do not buy that what they say, ever, is 'without color' - that is not an accurate interpretation, IMHO.

Seems like a confusion between hyperbole and the evolution of the AxeFx platform?

Why would anyone create a new model Marshall or Fender? Or tweak an amp design or speaker or cab design?

So far the changes feel like free new features, corrections of mistakes, re-thinking about certain things, and breakthroughs in the research going on behind the scenes.

I try not to lose sight of the fact that this is a pioneering technology. IMO, the AxeFx is on the forefront of what *is* possible right now. Pretty dayum miraculous to me since I've been lugging tubes and tolex my whole teenage and adult life.

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