Axe-Fx Firmware Version 21.00 Public Beta #2 (Beta 2)

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Exactly this yes. Cool to read that as sometimes I’m not sure I’m clearly understood as I am not « English » .
I used the boost as a final solution when a high gain Amp needs to be more focused and tight sounding . after many test, the maxon was the one that don’t do a mid bump and not color the amp, but just add a little bit of the precision i like. And the previous version was like the original I owned, because I own tons of od pedals before choosing one. With the latest betas the sound lost precision with the maxon. I tried the others od and now the ts9 is the king . This is what I expect from a boost . Then if it’s accurate, not accurate … don’t know. But something has changed yes . As the amps are more and more dirty to make them sound more realistic, maybe the combinaison is now dirty too 🤔
if you want boost without mid bump or too much coloring, try BB Pre type, drive 0, volume 9.5, bass noon, treble 1 o´clock... IMO by far the best od for those purposes.
Whether it’s my ears playing tricks or confirmation bias, etc. the Fenders all sound better to me. Although, blind AB ing things can be a major eye opener.
Ears can be kinda like tasting bourbon…depends on what you’ve eaten…your mood, etc.
I re-did my studio with all new professional design and then got a Trinnov on top of that to make sure I’m hearing things correctly.
Edit: I didn’t spend all of that money to make sure I was hearing the Axefx correctly btw lol.
All the non-MV amps sound better due to the "more accurate interaction with output transformer".
Good grief, seriously? I have no idea how you could even remotely draw the conclusion that was what I was suggesting. No one ever alluded to doing this for all of the amps in any way, shape or form.

Getting a little worked up over nothing, guy. Shahar said, “I think we all need to get in the habit of recording a short DI clip and provide real before and after sound clips.”

My question was more of a “and how will you know which amps changed?” scenario. Do you do a before and after of all the amps? Shahar responded that he was more concerned with the amps he uses, which is a logical answer. Too bad the looper can’t be used, altho you could do a re-amped recording and then compare the results.
Here's my comparison of beta 2 vs beta 1 using Recto 2 and the Maxon. This is my first time ever reamping something so I hope I did it correctly. Same settings for both but I reset the amp and drive blocks beforehand just in case. First half is beta 2, second half is beta 1.

In beta 2, it sounds/feels a bit more boomy in the low end or perhaps low mids. Not sure if that sort of thing will come across in this clip or if I'm imagining it.

Also I'm sure most people will find this to be fizzy garbage. Sounds ferocious to me. :cool:

First half sounds much better.
no that's in 20.04 were od's got the “Chase Transform Technique for converting analog networks to equivalent digital filters"
Exactly this yes. Cool to read that as sometimes I’m not sure I’m clearly understood as I am not « English » .
I used an od boost as a final solution when a high gain Amp needs to be more focused and tight sounding . after many test, the maxon was the one that don’t do a mid bump and not color the amp, but just add a little bit of the precision i like. And the previous version was like the original I owned, because I own tons of od pedals before choosing one. With the latest betas the sound lost precision with the maxon. I tried the others od and now the ts9 is the king . This is what I expect from a boost . Then if it’s accurate, not accurate … don’t know. But something has changed yes . As the amps are more and more dirty to make them sound more realistic, maybe the combinaison is now dirty too 🤔
I use the TS9 valve driver a lot someone posted a copy of their Mesa Grid Slammer and it was based on that model changing the diodes to 2 and a few other tweaks
It sounds great
So if nothing changed then there must be a parameter that was reset
There were no changes or parameter resets for the Drive block. There were several parameters reset in the Amp block: bias, negative feedback, bias excursion times, Input EQ Low Cut, and several others.

If you had manually changed the Input EQ Low Cut to a higher value it would've been reset to default by the latest beta. That could possibly be what some people are experiencing.

In the end it doesn't matter what someone's OPINION of what sounds better is. All that matters is how the models compare to the reference amps and every firmware is an improvement in that regard. The latest beta solves several minor but nagging inaccuracies that have been bedeviling me for years.

FWIW, Rectos are big, flubby, messy sounding things. What you hear on recordings have been heavily eq'd to sit in the mix. Because Rectos are big, flubby, messy sounding things they respond well to subtractive EQ, which is the technique used by producers and engineers when mixing.
I made a preset with the SLO-100 lead on channel A and X99 lead on channel B. Switching to channel B causes a glitched out sound, like a dying battery on my pickups, which I thought it was. But going back to channel A is all normal.

Had the same thing happening with AMP 2 in a dual amp-preset (AC20 and Euro Blue models). A soft reset of the channel fixed this. BTW, my Amp block is a global block, yours too?
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