Axe-Edit III 0.08.15 Public Beta

is it possible somewhere to download the previous beta?
I have some issue and would like to come back to understand the point


Can't use my Axe III with Axe Edit 8.15 and my MMGT16
I point out two types of problems

-the stomps are activated very rarely, sometimes yes, and in the same way it often does not work when I turn them off.
- when I change presets there is a double sound hole, rather than one as usual

If I close Axe III Edit, everything works fine.
Not an AE issue.
Can't use my Axe III with Axe Edit 8.15 and my MMGT16
I point out two types of problems

-the stomps are activated very rarely, sometimes yes, and in the same way it often does not work when I turn them off.
- when I change presets there is a double sound hole, rather than one as usual

If I close Axe III Edit, everything works fine.

Pretty sure this is caused by the GT config, not AE.
Not an AE issue.

Pretty sure this is caused by the GT config, not AE.

Infact I can't say for sure is an AE issue, because until yesterday I was using AE 8.14 and also the previous fw of the GT16, and worked fine.
Today I installed both the new beta (to have the bidirectional communication)
do you think somewhere is it possibile to download the previous version of AE?

thanks a lot
The "Revert Preset" in the Preset menu doesn't revert the preset to the one that is saved in the AxeFXIII. (Win10 x64, AE 0.8.15, AxeFX FW 1.14)
Mmmmmm blocks!!!
Thanks heaps

A new version of Axe-Edit III public beta is now available.

If you are running version 0.05.07 or greater then you can auto-update to the new version. Earlier versions of Axe-Edit III will need to use the links below.



Release Notes:

REQUIRES Axe-Fx III Firmware 1.13 or newer.
After installing Axe-Edit III, please select "Refresh after new FW" from the Settings menu to have to access to the latest parameters.

  • On OSX, right-clicking a toggle button now shows the Modifier dialog if the control is modifiable.
  • Moving a block diagonally now causes the EDITED light to come on.
  • Block Copy/Paste now copies and pastes the block's assigned modifiers.
  • Added Block Library support. Note that blocks created for the Axe-Fx II, AX8, and FX8 are not compatible with the Axe-Fx III. (In some cases the EDITED light may not come on when pasting blocks or inserting blocks from the library. This has been fixed in the firmware for a post 1.14 release.)
  • Added "Save as blocks in Library" to Preset menu.
  • Updated the color of the "Presets" and "Scenes" Picker button on the main UI.
  • Updated the icons in the Block menu.
  • Added "Copy current channel to Clipboard" and "Paste Clipboard to current channel" to the Channel menu. Note that copying and pasting a channel will include any assigned modifiers.
  • "Setup" and "Controllers" buttons now show their selected state when clicked.
  • Modified the Cabinet / IR Player cabinet number control to support keyboard shortcuts when the control is selected.
    • Up or Right: Increment the cabinet value. (Hold Ctrl or Command key to increment by 10.)
    • Down or Left: Decrement the cabinet value. (Hold Ctrl or Command key to decrement by 10.)
    • Enter/Return: Display the value edit box.

Axe-Edit III has been released as a public beta for Mac OS X and Windows.

Axe-Edit III is now in the public beta phase. This lets you try out the pre-release version while you wait for it to be completed. The software has been tested and is found stable enough to be of value to our customers, but as a beta, the application is incomplete and may contain bugs. Some features are missing, while others are limited. It is strongly recommended that you use Fractal-Bot to back up custom presets or system data prior to using this software.
They show up, but you don’t have access to them. All the targets for those selections are grayed out. Maybe the selections themselves should be grayed out as well.

But you do get all six channels on the Multiplexer block. :)

You’re right Rex, it would be great to have the selections themselves grayed out as well. Just to make it clearer and avoid confusion.
Any chance of this being built for 32-bit Windows environments? I appreciate needing to be patient and wait if this isn't a simple request :)
The "Revert Preset" in the Preset menu doesn't revert the preset to the one that is saved in the AxeFXIII. (Win10 x64, AE 0.8.15, AxeFX FW 1.14)
Can you elaborate?

In AxeEdit II if you edited a preset but didn't save it, you could revert back the preset to the state that was saved in the AxeFX II. In AxeEdit III the "Revert Preset" doesn't do anything.

Revert Preset.jpg
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Looks like links are still live in the previous posts...

^should get you what you're after?^

thank you, same issue with the previous version of Axe Edit

Not an AE issue.

Pretty sure this is caused by the GT config, not AE.

Your MMGT works fine when Axe Edit is "on"?
Obviously the question makes sense if your GT has been updated with the new bidirectional beta.
In AxeEdit II if you edited a preset but didn't save it, you could revert back the preset to the state that was saved in the AxeFX II. In AxeEdit III the "Revert Preset" doesn't do anything.

View attachment 49061
Ctrl+Shift+F12 works correctly here, didn't try the menu entry
Edit : tried the menu entry and it worked too (Win10, AxeFx III 1.14, Axe3Edit 0.08.15
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