Axe 2 sound through my Presonus StudioLive board not so good



I will be the first to admit that I am out of my league on this one. I've read through the forum but can't seem to find what I'm looking for. My setup is very simple (maybe to simple), i'm just running an XLR cable out one of the outs on one of my K12's into one of the inputs on the StudioLive board. I'm very new at all this and the combination of the Axe, the MFC, the K12's, and this new SL board have me really scratching my head. I'd like to record myself so I can play it back and get a good feel for how bad my tone really is. I'm using a pair of M-Audio CX8 Studio Monitors with the Presonus SL board and they don't sound to bad for keys and drums but my guitar sounds nothing like what it sounds like through my K12's. Maybe I just can't get there from here. However, I know there are some amazingly sharp guys on this forum that can figure this out in a nano second. If any of you have an extra minute to set me straight I would appreciate it greatly. If you do not have the time, I do understand. Wow! NY just tied Green Bay with only 51 sec left. Got to run.


Try running the Axe directly into the CX8s and see what that sounds like.
Get in touch with Big Joe Daddy on this board - he has your setup and gigs it. Same board, same PA speakers and an Axe-FX II. He gets killer tones, I know first hand.
axefx -> k12 -> presonus -> studio monitors?

so you like how it sounds out of the k12, but don't like what it sounds like out of the studio monitors after you recorded right?

try this: axefx -> presonus -> k12

then play it. the listen to the recording through the same speakers. any difference?
I would have to agree with what the other guys said. The difference is probably coming from the speakers. I just played with my axe2 xlr into a studiolive, recorded the service with capture, and it sounds exactly the same coming out as it did going in. Which, minus my less than amazing playing, sounds awesome!
Another possibility: unless you're recording with high volume in the room, you're also hearing some of your guitar's acoustic sound when you play. When you play back the track, the acoustic sound won't be there, so the overall sound will be different.

Thanks for the quick response. I appreciate your time. One more question, what would I need to do to run from the Output 2 on the Axe to the Presonus StudioLive. Thanks again.


Thanks for the quick response. I appreciate your time. One more question, what would I need to do to run from the Output 2 on the Axe to the Presonus StudioLive. Thanks again.

a couple of mic cables... to run stereo.
I have the AxeII and a PreSonus 24.4.1 mixing board.

I use XLR to TRS cables to run L/R out of the AxeII into the TRS inputs of two channels on the PreSonus.

I stereo link the two input channels on the PreSonus and run everything flat or off on the fat channels (except for the fader:))

I run a PreSonus 24.4.1 Aux out -> powered wedge for monitoring.

Sounds killer.

I recommend running straight to the board then use an Aux out for the K12 input.

StudioLive sounds great.. Used multiple speakers. They all sound different.. That´s the nature of the speakers. Try switching from V30´s to GT75 or Greenbacks, with the same... Same thing. IMHO
I found the daisy chaining of the K12 between the AxeII and the mixer to be odd?

Also, I have not tried to use the mic XLR inputs for line level sources either. I use XLR -> TRS cables.

We've been gigging with a SL board for a few years. I've been running direct with the Ultra for most of that time. Never had any issues. I set the mixer to flat.

You need to run with your real mains - not the studio monitors. There's no way you're going to get results that are meaningful.
I also run K12's and the Presonus StudioLive. Sometimes we run wedge monitors and sometimes we run in-ears. Here's our setup.

With Wedge Monitors

We run the Axe II Output 1 via an XLR to TRS cable to the StudioLive. The Axe II output is line level, so running into the 'Line In' jack on the StudioLive results in your input trim on the SL positioned without any extremes.

We set the Fat Channel on my guitar channel flat.

On the Axe II I/O configuration, I use the Copy Output 1 to Output 2 feature so the output is the same.

I run the Output 2 from the Axe FX directly to my K12 wedge. Since I keep the Axe FX on a stand near me, I can easily reach over and adjust Output 2 for my monitor level, without disrupting the Output 1 level which is going to FOH.

For my vocal monitor, I run one of the Aux Sends on the SL to the 2nd input on the K12. You are probably aware of this, but the K Series have multiple inputs which is rather handy. If there are any other instruments that I want to pull into my wedge, I can set it easily on my individual Aux channel on the StudioLive.

Also, we always engage the 'Sub Out' switch on the K Series wedge speakers. This engages the on board crossover for use with a sub. As a floor wedge, it simply works like a low cut filter by omitting anything under 100 Hz from the audio. Helps keep some of the stage rumble under control.

With In-Ears
I just run the Axe FX direct to a channel strip on the StudioLive as in the wedge example above.

For in-ears I simply run my individual Aux channel output to my wireless in-ears transmitter via a 1/4 TRS cable. If I want to go stereo with the in-ears, I need to 'link' two aux channels and send both channels to the in-ears transmitter.

It's pretty simple really.

Other Stuff
What's really slick is the Presonus StudioLive Remote app for the iPad. I can wirelessly control the Aux mixes from my iPad. Here's a link to a short video I put together a few months ago. StudioLive iPad Remote App - YouTube
What's really cool is the new version of the app that's coming out soon that will allow multiple players to control their own aux mix via an iPad, iPod, or iPhone. You can do it with the existing software but the compromise is that it puts all the controls in the hands of everyone who is connected with an iPad. The new version scheduled to release soon, will allow the user/administrator to set up permissions so each bandmember will only have access to their individual aux channel, which will keep everyone else's mix off limits. It's called the 'Wheel of Me'.

FWIW, I have K10's and K12's. I prefer the K12's with the Axe FX, but I prefer the K10 for vocal monitors. Sometimes I'll run two wedges. A K12 for the Axe FX and a K10 for vocals.

All in all, it works pretty good. Setup is simple, sound is consistent.
+1 to several of the tips above. I also use XLR to TRS cables to the Studiolive in order to keep the input trim to a reasonable setting. The StudioLive is a great mixer IMO, I rank it up there as one of the best music purchases I've ever made, maybe #2 to the Axe-Fx.

Big Joe Daddy - I didn't know the new remote app was going to do that. Awesome!

Again, thank you for the assistance. A very special thanks goes out to Big Joe Daddy. Thanks Scott for the "heads up". Big Joe Daddy, if you find the time do you have any helpful hints or tips for using the Axe II with stereo K12's. I'm an old rocker and this new equipment has a very sharp learning curve for me. I'm use to a combo and a $hit load of noisy pedals. This is definitely a new game. I'll have to study your suggestions carefully and see if I can figure it out. Nonetheless, I sincerely appreciate everyone time.


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What's really cool is the new version of the app that's coming out soon that will allow multiple players to control their own aux mix via an iPad, iPod, or iPhone. You can do it with the existing software but the compromise is that it puts all the controls in the hands of everyone who is connected with an iPad. The new version scheduled to release soon, will allow the user/administrator to set up permissions so each bandmember will only have access to their individual aux channel, which will keep everyone else's mix off limits. It's called the 'Wheel of Me'.

I have been waiting for this! We use the iPad app to mix our ears, and while we just have two or three people right now, the more start playing with us, the more worried I get that someone will accidentally adjust the main mix. Love using this instead of the Avioms we had with our last church.

We're also using an iPad for lighting control (with the app Luminair), a wiimote to cue up loops, and an iPod touch for video in the kids space. We were using an iPad for lyrics on stage, but now have a hard wired monitor. Gotta love technology!

Again, thank you for the assistance. A very special thanks goes out to Big Joe Daddy. Thanks Scott for the "heads up". Big Joe Daddy, if you find the time do you have any helpful hints or tips for using the Axe II with stereo K12's. I'm an old rocker and this new equipment has a very sharp learning curve for me. I'm use to a combo and a $hit load of noisy pedals. This is definitely a new game. I'll have to study your suggestions carefully and see if I can figure it out. Nonetheless, I sincerely appreciate everyone time.



For two channel monitor mixes, the StudioLive aux channels can be stereo linked just like the input channels.

So use a linked pair of aux sends and run one into each K12 (or to your IEM transmitter etc.).

+1 to several of the tips above. I also use XLR to TRS cables to the Studiolive in order to keep the input trim to a reasonable setting. The StudioLive is a great mixer IMO, I rank it up there as one of the best music purchases I've ever made, maybe #2 to the Axe-Fx.

Big Joe Daddy - I didn't know the new remote app was going to do that. Awesome!

I always pack a handfull of those XLR - TRS adapters along when we gig. It seems we're always pulling one out for something. This way, any old xlr cable will do.

I attended the first annual Presonusphere in Baton Rouge a couple weeks ago. It was the bomb. Presonus is gonna be rockin' the airwaves in the coming months. They've got some stuff coming that will blow everybody's mind. It's gonna be a whole new game in live sound.

Plus, if any of you haven't checked out their Studio One version 2 DAW software, it's worth a look. Really nice package.

Again, thank you for the assistance. A very special thanks goes out to Big Joe Daddy. Thanks Scott for the "heads up". Big Joe Daddy, if you find the time do you have any helpful hints or tips for using the Axe II with stereo K12's. I'm an old rocker and this new equipment has a very sharp learning curve for me. I'm use to a combo and a $hit load of noisy pedals. This is definitely a new game. I'll have to study your suggestions carefully and see if I can figure it out. Nonetheless, I sincerely appreciate everyone time.



I gave a pair of K-12's in stereo a try and it does sound good. But on the other hand, it takes up a whole lot of real estate on stage. At the end of the day my mission is to get the best possible sound to FOH. My monitor mix takes 2nd position to FOH. For that reason I'm okay with running my single K-12 and a mono configuration. Don't get me wrong, I'm very satisfied with the tone I'm pulling out of my K-12. But I must admit Scott Peterson has me thinking with that new wedge he's running.

I'd be more than happy to share any of the tips and tricks that I've been able to muster. But keep in mind, like you, I'm just old dog trying to learn some new tricks. ;-) That being said, I'm absolutely loving the Axe II and feel like I'm finally getting my arms halfway around it. So if you have any questions about my rig, feel free to give me a shout.

Let's rock!
I have been waiting for this! We use the iPad app to mix our ears, and while we just have two or three people right now, the more start playing with us, the more worried I get that someone will accidentally adjust the main mix. Love using this instead of the Avioms we had with our last church.

We're also using an iPad for lighting control (with the app Luminair), a wiimote to cue up loops, and an iPod touch for video in the kids space. We were using an iPad for lyrics on stage, but now have a hard wired monitor. Gotta love technology!

I'd be really interested in hearing more about how you're running that lighting control and cueing loops and such. Sounds slick!
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