Anybody know what date Atomic is up to on CLR wait list?

You're welcome on the Tweed. I was tweaking yesterday and finding myself a little frustrated. Then I picked the Tweed amp and suddenly all the high end that was bugging me about the models I'd been picking was gone and I found myself immediately making music. I love the Swart, too. My CLR is sitting next me, but I haven't gotten to try it yet (work). What you say about the RCF vs CLR seems to be reflected in everybody's comment who owns both. One is very good, the other awesome. I've loved my RCFs and compared to everything else I've tried, they were clearly the best. The lack of dispersion and the slight "plasticity" to the sound, particularly at lower volumes are my only quibbles, and from what I've heard, the CLR will take care of both concerns.

Tomorrow I'll get to crank it up. Very psyched.

Don't make other plans tomorrow - you'll want to play the rest of the day once you fire up the CLR.

I've had 3 CLRs with me since early april, and continue to be blown away by how great they are each time I use them. Enjoy :)
Don't make other plans tomorrow - you'll want to play the rest of the day once you fire up the CLR.

I've had 3 CLRs with me since early april, and continue to be blown away by how great they are each time I use them. Enjoy :)

Wait a minute, How did you get 3 CLRs since April ? jk ;)
Wait a minute, How did you get 3 CLRs since April ? jk ;)

Tom heard that I can play Tom Dooley like nobodys business, and made it his priority to get them to me before everybody else :)

jk :)

I reserved 3 CLRs just when the wait list was announced and got from the first European batch.

Tom King sent them to me to review - the review is forthcomming within the next couple of days.
Tom heard that I can play Tom Dooley like nobodys business, and made it his priority to get them to me before everybody else :)

jk :)

I reserved 3 CLRs just when the wait list was announced and got from the first European batch.

Tom King sent them to me to review - the review is forthcomming within the next couple of days.

Alright, You've talked yourself out of this one, this time! (goatdamit, I should have reserved 3 insted of 2, grrr )
I just reserved 100 CLR's! :)

why 3? Is it a WDW??

BTW, you guys know you have to have the money saved and in hand BEFORE you get on the reserve list, right?? :)
I just reserved 100 CLR's! :)

why 3? Is it a WDW??

BTW, you guys know you have to have the money saved and in hand BEFORE you get on the reserve list, right?? :)

100 CLRs - Because you are worth it :))))

Yes I use the CLRs in WDW rigs, but also as a personal mono monitor and a mini PA.

I've used it as a mini PA in rooms with 200-250 people with no problem.

About the money - I'll just have my minions print some when I need it.......
Don't make other plans tomorrow - you'll want to play the rest of the day once you fire up the CLR.

I've had 3 CLRs with me since early april, and continue to be blown away by how great they are each time I use them. Enjoy :)

Got it plugged in. Holy S+^%#*balls. I started making presets like a factory. Everything sounds great and like I'd expect/hope. Clean/driven, effects/no effects. It is so clear without being harsh. The dispersion is awesome. Back line problems solved. The level of detail on delays and verbs is very revealing.

Another very happy customer.
Used my a CLR wedge tonight at Praise and Worship rehearsal and it definitely lives up to my expectations. My Axe went into input 1 and my monitor mix into input 2, adjusted the mix, and both myself and the sound man were very very happy. I was able to adjust my guitar signal to the CLR without affecting FOH using output 1 (to CLR) and 2 (to FOH) from the Axe. This combined with the MFC, a Mission SP1, and a TripTik preset was absolutely perfect.

I am glad I ordered one to leave at church and one for home to do my programming given how much they weigh!
Used my a CLR wedge tonight at Praise and Worship rehearsal and it definitely lives up to my expectations. My Axe went into input 1 and my monitor mix into input 2, adjusted the mix, and both myself and the sound man were very very happy. I was able to adjust my guitar signal to the CLR without affecting FOH using output 1 (to CLR) and 2 (to FOH) from the Axe. This combined with the MFC, a Mission SP1, and a TripTik preset was absolutely perfect.

I am glad I ordered one to leave at church and one for home to do my programming given how much they weigh!

Unrelated but I can't believe how many guitar players have trouble moving 60lb amps and wearing 9lb Les Pauls. Moar Deadlifts and Squats, people. It's good to be prepared for life.
Unrelated but I can't believe how many guitar players have trouble moving 60lb amps and wearing 9lb Les Pauls. Moar Deadlifts and Squats, people. It's good to be prepared for life.

Some of us are unable to do "more deadlifts and squats", due to debilitating conditions (mine being arthritis, an artificial hip, etc.). Please don't judge others before you truly know/understand their situations.
I got on the list last week and Tom told me that a European batch is due mid-August. Thinking about it, he didn't actually say that mine would be in that batch... :?
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Is always good to be careful carrying asymmetric heavy weights even if you are younger and stronger. Even bodybuilders can herniate a disk and from what I hear sciatic pain is nothing to joke about.

Maybe it is the doctor in me but I am always thinking about prevention. Same applies to not feeling wimpy about protecting out hearing and doing proper stretching and exercising to avoid carpel tunnel syndrome.

Unrelated but I can't believe how many guitar players have trouble moving 60lb amps and wearing 9lb Les Pauls. Moar Deadlifts and Squats, people. It's good to be prepared for life.
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