Announcing AxeCapture: A plugin to save Axe-FX presets in your DAW project.

really, what a great plugin... fantastically generous of you to offer it for free. Is there somewhere I can make a small donation?

If anyone would like to express your thanks financially, here's a worthwhile charitable organization that would put a donation to good use. They do great work in promoting the use of music in education:

Some more followers on my facebook page would be appreciated though :)
If anyone would like to express your thanks financially, here's a worthwhile charitable organization that would put a donation to good use. They do great work in promoting the use of music in education:

Some more followers on my facebook page would be appreciated though :)
that's a classy move, just donated.
already was following on facebook... some incredibly inspiring stuff to look(and hear) there!
thank you again for being awesome!
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If anyone would like to express your thanks financially, here's a worthwhile charitable organization that would put a donation to good use. They do great work in promoting the use of music in education:

Some more followers on my facebook page would be appreciated though :)
As a luthier I get given cheapo (mostly acoustic) guitars on a pretty regular basis. I thank them, repair, restring, and set them up, then give them to kids that are learning. I've done this about twenty times over the years. I have two in my stable right now that are about ready to find a new home. Good on ya!
Awesome idea! I've struggled with this a lot and the way I "solved" the problem doesn't work unfortunately… This plugin is a must-have!!
I knew this thread felt familiar, and then I realized that you were the one who started the original thread on this topic last September. Great friggin' work man, happy to see you didn't sit around and wait for somebody else to build it first
I knew this thread felt familiar, and then I realized that you were the one who started the original thread on this topic last September. Great friggin' work man, happy to see you didn't sit around and wait for somebody else to build it first
Yes, I started that thread years ago, then thought some more about it last year when you and I discussed it. I actually wrote AxeCapture early this year and I’ve been using it for months, but I had to wait for the recent AxeEdit update before releasing it.
I notice there is an AAX64 version for Mac, any Windows64 AAX version on the horizon?
I could use it with Bluecat Patchwork but prefer not to in Pro Tools.

Awesome offering in any case though Glenn.
I notice there is an AAX64 version for Mac, any Windows64 AAX version on the horizon?
I could use it with Bluecat Patchwork but prefer not to in Pro Tools.

Awesome offering in any case though Glenn.
No promises, but I‘ll try to make some time for that later this month.
Manual schemes to handle this problem like saving the .syx file with the name of the track fall apart when tracks get renamed, deleted, or when you do anything that makes it difficult to determine which preset file goes with which track.

A better solution is needed, so I wrote a plugin, AxeCapture, to help with this issue. Using AxeCapture, you can save the AxeFX preset in your DAW project. That way you can resume work on the song at a later date, open the plugin for a particular track and, with the press of a button, load that preset back into the AxeFX and record your punch-in or overdub with the same preset that was used when originally recording the track.
Thanks, I tried to get the windows version but the link is for Tungsten. Can you check the link.
Thanks again
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