Announcement: Atomic Reactor FR - UPDATED 7/27/09

Re: Announcement: Atomic Reactor FR

electronpirate said:
juliancs said:
electronpirate said:
The way it's been explained, you'd use the full range of options...cabs included. As for the 'as good as going into a cab', that's been a debate for some time, since we have alot of 'in the room' discussions. For me, it's absolutely there.

Well, it's 50 tube watts through a very efficient speaker, and a horn for other freq's.

I would be very surprised if it wasn't enough, but YMMV. And you can always get 2...
Thanks dude! Seems the easiest way. And I can use the unbalanced to go straight to a PA if I'm in a bigger venue, turn it around and have the amp infront of me as a monitor?

Not sure if it's been covered, but I'm hoping that it's an XLR out of the cab itself. That's what I would send to FOH (and what I do now out of my FRFR speaker...)

But if there's only an unbalanced out, I'd rather set up a MONO setup, and just do a copy L->R, left to the Fratomic, and send the right to FOH. ... sku=182481

Stereo. Sounds great.
Re: Announcement: Atomic Reactor FR

Ringleader said:
That's just wishful thinking, here's one of his "pressing projects"... J/K


LMAO. This makes my brain hurt! Not because of how funny it is (its plenty funny) but because I can't figure out a scenario in which a car could get lodged like that... damn it just came to me frickin tornado. DUH. Doesn't change the fact that my north-eastern raised (with a dash of upper mid-west) brain couldn't immediately wrap my brain around that and instead induced a short circuit.
Re: Announcement: Atomic Reactor FR

Ringleader said:
Firstpenguin said:
So Cliff or whoever was behind the official fractalaudio username said that the 7.04 firmware would be it for a while so they could, "spend some time on a few pressing projects." Releasing the atomic? MFC. Oh please oh please let it be the MFC!!!
That's just wishful thinking, here's one of his "pressing projects"... J/K


This might be dead on. In the old forum Cliff did post once about having to have his roof fixed. :shock:
Re: Announcement: Atomic Reactor FR

I feel it...'s alive.....!

......on final approach.

Standing by my end of March/April timeframe (although that bummed the crap out of people when I did so...)

Uh, but no, I haven't heard anything different than anyone else....just. got. a. feeling.
Re: Announcement: Atomic Reactor FR

Hey guys, new on this forum. Don't have an Ultra yet, (Thought I might wait 'til this new Atomic Reactor is out, and then pull the trigger on both), just dropped in here to say hi and that I'm really excited about this.

... Although the money is really starting to burn a hole in my pocket at this point... :? :mrgreen:
Re: Announcement: Atomic Reactor FR

Tom King said:
Hey guys, just popping in to say that we are still working hard on the Reactor FR and are every bit as excited to have this available ASAP as you are. Things are progressing a little slower than expected but everything is still moving forward at a decent rate. Just as soon as I have more concrete info, I will post here and update everyone on the list. We should be talking weeks not months for an update but don't sound the alarm if 31 days passes and I haven't nailed it down yet.

Thanks for hanging in there!


No alarms being sounded yet....just a restrained plea for more information and new timelines if you are slipping.

Re: Announcement: Atomic Reactor FR

So...making a long story short for someone like me, that doesnt undestand much about all this stuff:

With the new AR FR...i dont have to bypass the Power Amp emulation, so i can have the same sound it goes to PA in my amp. Am i right?

So...when i am creating a preset in my home studio with some good studio monitors and i have a gig or rehearsal, with the AR FR i won't have to modify my presets?

Thanks in advance and sorry for the dumb obvious questions.
Re: Announcement: Atomic Reactor FR

gambapaketera said:
So...making a long story short for someone like me, that doesnt undestand much about all this stuff:

With the new AR FR...i dont have to bypass the Power Amp emulation, so i can have the same sound it goes to PA in my amp. Am i right?

So...when i am creating a preset in my home studio with some good studio monitors and i have a gig or rehearsal, with the AR FR i won't have to modify my presets?

Thanks in advance and sorry for the dumb obvious questions.

Yes, you are right, that's the idea. The AR, PA, and your monitors are all nominally FRFR systems and can use the same presets, with power amp and cab sims to taste. You would still have to account for volume differences. A preset that works at speaking volume through your monitors will sound different at full-bore gig volume.
Re: Announcement: Atomic Reactor FR

gambapaketera said:
So...when i am creating a preset in my home studio with some good studio monitors and i have a gig or rehearsal, with the AR FR i won't have to modify my presets?
Correct. What you describe is how I am set up as well. However, it's best to expect some minor differences, as each output device you mention will "colour" the sound a bit (or a lot) relative to your studio monitors.

Re: Announcement: Atomic Reactor FR

Many thanks for the reply guys!

Tone Seeker said:
gambapaketera said:
So...when i am creating a preset in my home studio with some good studio monitors and i have a gig or rehearsal, with the AR FR i won't have to modify my presets?
Correct. What you describe is how I am set up as well. However, it's best to expect some minor differences, as each output device you mention will "colour" the sound a bit (or a lot) relative to your studio monitors.


I can live with some differences, of course. But some people are saying they want to stay away from valve power amps because then they must bypass the "power amp model" from the axe, or leave that model but with the "no thump" option.

But anyway...i trust Fractal designers :p. If they say with the AR FR i will get a good sound and similar to the sound i am sending to the PA (not the sound i am getting from the PA), i will be happy waiting for release day!

Re: Announcement: Atomic Reactor FR

gambapaketera said:
I can live with some differences, of course. But some people are saying they want to stay away from valve power amps because then they must bypass the "power amp model" from the axe, or leave that model but with the "no thump" option.
That's normally appropriate advice. In this case the tube amp is designed to be linear throughout the audio spectrum, and the speaker system is full range, consisting of a tweeter and a woofer. You should be able to listen to your iPod through it.

Outside of the guitar world, FRFR tube amplifiers are much sought after by audio purists. My friend uses one to listen to classical recordings, and he paid a hefty price for it.

Re: Announcement: Atomic Reactor FR

Quick question (and I know it's probably been answered somewhere in this thread):

With the tweeter volume knob, if you turn it all the way down does it turn the tweeter all the way off? In otherwords, can you use the Fratomic as a conventional guitar poweramp/cab by turning the tweeter off on the Fratomic and then turning the cab sim off on the Axe-Fx? I'm just wondering for recording purposes if on wanted to record the sound from the fratomic with a mic up close.

Re: Announcement: Atomic Reactor FR

production is going to start very soon (within a couple of weeks)
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