Amp sim requests

YEY - I can finally get rid of my VHT head !!!! and stop gassing for a Sig X (very similay to the deliverence but 3 channels not 1)

The Dr Z is droolsome too.


Now all I need is a Cornford MK50, a Cornell Romany, and a Matamp 1224 and Ill be completely happy !!!!!
paulmapp8306 said:
YEY - I can finally get rid of my VHT head !!!! and stop gassing for a Sig X (very similay to the deliverence but 3 channels not 1)

The Dr Z is droolsome too.


Now all I need is a Cornford MK50, a Cornell Romany, and a Matamp 1224 and Ill be completely happy !!!!!

Cornford MK50!! Now that's an amp I'm been waiting for! But I'm already very happy with all the amps we have now
+++ for the new amp models in upcoming firmware, thanks Cliff! Just amazing!
creek_devil said:
Randall Warhead?

Dime was Dime, and alot of brutality came out of this amp.

Also wouldn't mind a 5150 either.
Don't want to sound ungrateful either!
I still gotta wish for Dimebag models. Maybe one solid state and one tube amp:
- SS: Randall Century 200 Head (Pantera: Vulgar Display of Power and Far Beyond Driven) or Randall RG-100 Head (Pantera: Cowboys from Hell and Great Southern Trendkill)
- Tube: KranK Krankenstein+ or Revolution (Damageplan: New Found Power)

And maybe matching cab sims
- Randall Jaguar and Celestion speakers cab
- KranK cab (this one we have already, thanks to Clawfinger)
FractalAudio said:
Added Dr. Z MAZ38, Deliverance 60 and Uberschall for next firmware release.
Deliverance 60 ? AWESOME !!!

Please, please, please...did you model it in MORE mode ?
knoll said:
I still gotta wish for Dimebag models. Maybe one solid state and one tube amp:
- SS: Randall Century 200 Head (Pantera: Vulgar Display of Power and Far Beyond Driven) or Randall RG-100 Head (Pantera: Cowboys from Hell and Great Southern Trendkill)
- Tube: KranK Krankenstein+ or Revolution (Damageplan: New Found Power)

And maybe matching cab sims
- Randall Jaguar and Celestion speakers cab
- KranK cab (this one we have already, thanks to Clawfinger)

I thought he was still using Randalls on the Damageplan album. Hrm.
Tom said:
knoll said:
I still gotta wish for Dimebag models. Maybe one solid state and one tube amp:
- SS: Randall Century 200 Head (Pantera: Vulgar Display of Power and Far Beyond Driven) or Randall RG-100 Head (Pantera: Cowboys from Hell and Great Southern Trendkill)
- Tube: KranK Krankenstein+ or Revolution (Damageplan: New Found Power)

And maybe matching cab sims
- Randall Jaguar and Celestion speakers cab
- KranK cab (this one we have already, thanks to Clawfinger)

I thought he was still using Randalls on the Damageplan album. Hrm.
mmm... you may be right. I found out from one source that he would have started using Revolution in late 2004 and Damageplan album came out in Feb 2004. So he may have used Randall Warhead on that album.
Nice additions. I look forward to them.

I'd like to see an Orange Rockerverb 50. 4 x 6V6 output section so perhaps offers something different?

Also I'd like to see an Orange AD30 or AD15, just because I have the real deal.

Cornford Mk50 would be cool as well.

Of course, there are more amp sims in their at the moment than I could ever use, but as this is a request thread...

Cant wait to try them out. Love to try out that Uberschall. The Powerball model had never really done it for me, but really like Das Metal. We could use another modern hi-gain amp model.

Cliff, did you model them from the amps & schematics or just schematics? Just asking cause Im really digging the Rebel model a bunch & you had that one there to model in person - in addition to the schematics.
FractalAudio said:
Added Dr. Z MAZ38, Deliverance 60 and Uberschall for next firmware release.

Wow. I have to start paying more attention to this thread.

It's just like... man... I don't even know... I guess it's like... we subscribed to some sick Amp of the Month Club... we don't know what we're going to get... but these new amps show up on our front step... it's almost like illegal or something... :cool:

Cliff - if I can do anything to assist you in getting an Engl Invader 100 and a Carvin Legacy into the firmware... would a $100 donation help? I'm freakin' serious... :shock:
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