Am I alone in keeping the Ultra????

I'm keeping mine. I don't what to f@@k with eBay and am leery of CL. I think every one panic dumping right now is going to lower the value of the Ultra lower than it ought to.

Anyway what would really give me the "regrets" is buying an Axe II and not hearing $2200 better than my Ultra.

The gap between the Utra and the II is to small for me. More over the money is better spend on (FRFR) amps, cabinets and drivers. Only good amplification is able to bring out the quality of these boxes.
I'm sticking with mine for now- I might update at some stage but not until I know it is stable.
I can't have any downtime for a start and I need to use my Ultra every day.
At some stage I will check out the new model but it might be a few months until I start to worry about it, at the earliest.

Today has been a weird day- the whole tone of this forum has changed, perhaps forever- so much whinging butt-hurt from some people.
The gear-chaser mentality is pretty f*cked up.
Lets see now....first and foremost we have our own frickin' subforum. I mean come on it doesn't get any more high roller than that.

I have no doubt that the AxeFXII is an incredible device as it has what appears to be the majority of user requests integrated. Out of all of the new stuff though there is only one that I really get excited about and thats the extra user IR's. Even the second processor and new algorythms don't really excite me because just 2 days ago I had the best tone I've ever had, had 70 frickin killer amps that I haven't gotten all the way through, a buttload of effects, started building up a nice little IR collection (I just bought IR Lab yesterday as a matter of fact), have a pretty cool MIDI pedal setup and EVERYTHING FRICKIN' WORKS HOW I WANT IT TOO.

I have no problem with those that want to or feel compelled to upgrade....I do get a bit irritated by those that act is if someone owes them something for having bought recently or how prices should have been reduced. What I ask is this: If the Countdown was just the firmware v11 and a new AxeEdit would they feel the same way today as they do now? The answer is simple; of course not. Because up to that point they had a great device that worked wonderfully; that hasn't changed one bit.

With all that said I could see myself upgrading later on after we see just what all the hubbub is about and sales kind of level off. I have been looking for a nice retirement gift in the near future and this is one of those things that would be both useful and enjoyable. It's definitely not necessary though and to be honest I may just get a new guitar and stick with what I've got.
to the OP - welcome to the forum and to the world of the AxeFX. Enjoy your days and nights of tweaking and playing and may your tone blow all your peers away!
I spend FAR FAR FAR FAR too much time tweaking the minimal (compared to AFX2) amp settings in the Ultra whilst trying to find 10 good user IR's, let alone bloody 50! I'm sticking with the Ultra for the moment. The new IR's are also the only thing I'd be getting moist about as well, seeing as I've gone FRFR. Will I hear the difference without $3000 monitoring solutions? I don't know. Will it sound the same as an Ultra does now through a $1000 FRFR solution? Who knows....Will we see an AFX2 in the next couple of months in Europe....doubt it.
I'm keeping my Ultra at least through this year. It does all I want it to do and more. As with any new device there will probably be issues to contend with and short supply. Once the dust settles and the Axe II proves itself worthy of dumping an Ultra for, I'll revisit the hassle of selling and upgrading.
I'm keeping mine. I don't what to f@@k with eBay and am leery of CL. I think every one panic dumping right now is going to lower the value of the Ultra lower than it ought to.

Anyway what would really give me the "regrets" is buying an Axe II and not hearing $2200 better than my Ultra.


I'm going to reply to my own post.

I just gave the V11 fw a spin. I'll be the first to admit I don't have "golden ears". Honestly I couldn't hear much of a difference. The bass was a little tighter, I could dial in more MV and bass as a result, but there was not a "night and day" difference. This is what would worry me the most about upgrading. I'm afraid to drop big bux and find out that to my ears there's not that much difference (to my ears) between the Ultra and the AxeII.

So I'm definitely holding for now.

Ultra user since Nov '08 here.
Forum lurker , and very satisfied with my Ultra.

I might be buying Axe-Fx II or III in the future, but still I'll be keeping my first Axe-Fx love....

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I will hold my Ultra,too. It does what i need. I want a U2 sound and i got it with the Ultra i´ve purchased 3 weeks ago... . Everyone should ask himself if he really needs a Axe 2. Or:"Need my guitar-playing more capacities like the Ultra has?"
Nevertheless, USB is a really good thing!!
The moment I saw the AFX-II announcement I excitedly transferred the money to my credit card to buy one, but since then I've calmed down and for now I think I'll stick with my Ultra.

I mean the amp models on my Ultra sound incredible, I really don't see how the AFX-II can improve on them in a significant way. Not to mentioned the effects on the Ultra are regarded as being world class and are certainly more than enough for my humble needs, the extra parameters on the AFX-II would prob be overkill for me.

The two things I've always found disappointing with my Ultra was the looper and the handling of external IR files. While the AFX-II does improve on these I do feel that more could have been done. So my plan now is to take a 2U computer case from work, install a lite quick bootable stable OS (Linux, or a modded version of Win XP) and a live VST hoster (I'm thinking BloXpander) and pair this with my Ultra. This way I can have my multi gig Impulse collection and extensive VST plug-in collection working live alongside my Ultra. It should be sweet :)
I love my Ultra, it has done me proud, it's still an amazing piece of technology. I don't feel that I NEED to updated to the AxeFX II however, I do have a habit of wanting the next best thing so I'll be waiting some clips :)

looks like im keeping mine too! I was thinking of selling it and going for the axefx2 but i guess i'll keep it and maybe the axe2 ultra or the axe3 will get my money in the future. Fractal is becoming so popular that i bet they are already working on simulations that are a few years down the road. in 5 years maybe their recto sim will sound better then the real thing!!!! Imagine mesa calling cliff asking how he got that tone and if they can somehow implement it in their dual rec. hehe
I just gave the V11 fw a spin. I'll be the first to admit I don't have "golden ears". Honestly I couldn't hear much of a difference.

Thank god I'm not alone! I'm sticking to 10.05 for now. 11 made all my patches darker sounding. I don't want to re-tweak a bunch of patches. One of the patches has 4 PEQ's all of them altering the high-end frequencies. It'd be a disaster to just get rid of them like many people are doing. No thanks! :D

I've got here comfortable tweaking the Ultra after an year of owning it. imagine wasting hours tweaking and recreating patches and what not with the AXE II. What a waste of time! I'd rather invest the $2K in a Mutual fund which after 3 yrs will be at least 30% more. :D
Im def. keeping mine. I feel like I havent even explored 50% of this machine yet. So it does way more than I need it to. I dont really feel like I have a need for an Axe II. Maybe in the future if I ever get tired of the Ultra I will get one, but I love the machine I have!!!
I'm def. keeping mine too. My first thought was get axe 2 and keep my ultra as an effects only unit, but after the 11 update I have to say that I'm really happy with my sound(I was happy before, there was just the little nagging tweaks I wanted to do, 11 seems to have cured that).
Now that there is an axe 2 out, I'm gonna assume theres gonna be an axe 3 down the road, so, unless the sound clips for axe 2 are out of this world, or I fall into a pile of money I'm gonna skip axe 2, use my ultra and upgrade next time.
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