Am I alone in keeping the Ultra????

Had mine a little 6 months and will be keeping it. I will be getting the Axe II in the future but this isn't going anywhere
Im sure the Ultra will take me right to the AxeFx III

Same here. In some years, when FA releases the III all say "Wow thats such a warm, woody, transparent blablabla tone. Its muuuch better then the old II.

Thats so childish. Since the release of the II, the FA-Forum is worse than useless.
At one time it was different.

The gap between the Utra and the II is to small for me. More over the money is better spend on (FRFR) amps, cabinets and drivers. Only good amplification is able to bring out the quality of these boxes.

Dont forget guitars with kick ass pickups.
I have mixed feelings. Firstly I highly doubt I can afford an AFX2 any time soon :( so my descision may well be made for me. However:

I have had my Axe for nearly 3 years, and love it. The most importnat thing to me are the Sims in truth - Im not a heavy FX user. that sais, I ummd and rrrd for ages over the initial standard/Ultra choice and went for a standard. I have sonce then been "almost ready" to upgrade to an Ultra - particularly recently as a couple of my patches are overloading the CPU when I turn on the cab sims (Im an amp/cab guy normally, but need the sims for recording) - which means I have to take a block out when I need to use them.

So - enter the AFX2, G2 sims - which can only be better - but by how much? all the space I need so no more compromising on FX chains when recording, The extras weve asked for, particularly headphone skt, USB, real front pannel knobs - and a way of using MFC and Axe Edit together. when considering these points on top of the compromise of the standard v Ultra it makes the new plaform tempting.

Ultimately I think I will jump, when I have the cash, but if I had an Ultra rather than a standard right now? probably not.
Eventually I think I will get one, but not in a rush. I'll let the new car fever die down first. Only had the ultra a year, got it used. The MFC was a big deal for me. That and Yeks patches. I have everything how I want it now. I'll keep up with firmware updates so I can mess with the new amp models as they show up. Not a huge effects guy, just a little coloration here and there.
i'll be keeping mine for the foreseeable future. Love it and it does everything I need; i'm sure GAS and the inevitable raves on this board will eventually get the best of me ;)
Regardless, i plan to keep the Ultra as backup rig.
Once people start receiving their Axe II's en-mass, I suppose those of us saving our $/£/€ will have plenty of fun while we are waiting, reading the posts of users & the evergreen illegal forum cliche ('barely scratched the surface') over and over again.... I chuckle every time I read that one, and admit I may have once used it myself in the dim & distant past....
If I was lucky enough to own an Ultra I would not be selling it. I bet in 5 years or so the second hand value of the Ultra will be worth more than the SH Axe II. This is because there will be tons of the AXE 2 out there in the market place, and they might even be available to try and buy in guitar shops! I know crazy yeah. This will be due to the ramping up of the production to cover the demand, so the Ultra will be still a very tricky unit to buy. So the guys selling up now will loose out in the long run. But the guys buying the 6 month old Ultra’s will be sorted.

You know what I find crazy is the amount of cash folks have got to just go out and spend. I'm a well paid Electronics engineer and I've been saving for ages to get an Ultra. I have been on the list for the past 3 months, not long compared to some. So to see all these guys jumping ship to go and spend another 2K is just amazing to me. I wonder how many have actually got the cash or is it all credit?
What each person needs to ask themselves is, "Is the gear I have helping me to accomplish what I want to do musically?" If the answer is yes, then there's no reason to pursue new gear, other than out of sheer lust for the new-shiny.

When the time comes and I purchase the Axe-II, the Ultra will still share a proud spot in my rack for years to come.

I dont know about anyone else, but im single so my money goes where ever i want into go. I dont have a care payment anymore and have been trying to keep my old 2000 eclipse running. It just went over 100,000 miles, and i bought it new. I avoid the new car fever so i can be all my music toys that i want. I also have a good friend that im renting a room for like 250 a week so he has a place to play his drums which helps as well with new gear acquisitions. I have my bank send 50 bucks automatically to a credit union every week. I dont go to this CU all the time so the extra money builds up fast and next thing you know i got cash for buying gear. Last year i did break down and put about $900 on a credit card, which im still working on paying off.I find that the 4 payment plays at online stores like zzounds work out pretty well for me for buying gear.
i'm holding on to my Ultra (purchased 3 mos. ago) i stopped reading the ubiquitous posts about the AXE II (which was depressing me:) --due to my usual shallow need for the bigger better deal....and just started playing my Ultra. I am getting the sounds that make me very happy/gives me what I need now, so why should I gas for something else? that said, perhaps after all the hype is over and there are some real convincing posts/clips a/b'd stuf etc...that may sway me to purchase the newer unit...but only then, and likely not for a year or so.
Ultra Owners Unite

Hey I hope that existing Ultra Owners will continue to be united in their love of the device. My wife would have a cow among other things if I bought the Axe FX II after just getting the Ultra 5 months ago. I love the Ultra. Simply fantastic.

My only concerns are people selling their ultras at rediculosly low prices (Ebay has a ton of them for sale suddenly after not in stock at Fractal) to get the II and then screwing everyone else who owns the Ultra today. Additionally Fractal should continue to reiterate its support of ultra Owners who wont upgrade anytime soon.
As a full time lurker and part time poster I have to say that I will be keeping my Ultra for a long time. I've been tweaking my patches to suit version 11 since it's release and I can't believe the tones I am getting. Initially I thought that there wasn't a major difference from 10.05 but as I started to tweak my patches the difference, for me, became dramatic. Every night since has been like Christmas as I check out amps that I didn't care for before and re-discover my favorite old amps with new improved tones.

Another positive that I see from this whole situation is that with all the people dumping their Ultras and Standards on the market at low ball prices there will be a bunch of new users that will buy up these units who maybe couldn't afford it before or were sitting on the fence about buying one. New blood in any group can only lead to positives. That's my thoughts anyways.
i'm holding on to my Ultra (purchased 3 mos. ago) i stopped reading the ubiquitous posts about the AXE II (which was depressing me:) --due to my usual shallow need for the bigger better deal....and just started playing my Ultra. I am getting the sounds that make me very happy/gives me what I need now, so why should I gas for something else? that said, perhaps after all the hype is over and there are some real convincing posts/clips a/b'd stuf etc...that may sway me to purchase the newer unit...but only then, and likely not for a year or so.

+1 on that.

I started a new thread with this. I am pretty sure I am not alone!!
I gotta say, I like the tones that I am hearing. But, I am not hearing any thing that I cant do with the Ultra or that blows me away....Yet! Don't get me wrong, I know the 2 is gonna be great and is the next step in the evolution of the Axe. I am pretty sure when Mark Day gets his little paws on one I will be recanting this:lol. I also know that in 1 to 2 years I will probably be jumping into a 2. I am bummed that the timing was what it was but I was playin my rig today and all I can say is WOW. If it gets better than this, that is awsome and I will have to have one.....Someday.

If you see someone sleepin under a bridge with a new Axe Fx II under their arm in the next few months, you will know I got one..........Do ya think she really meant it :?: :lol
I am keeping my Ultra too. After upgrading to v11 the sounds are heavenly!!! I could not be more happy with the sounds. Perhaps if my playing improve in the future I will take a look at the Axe II ;)
I have had Ultra for year and a half and gonna keep it for a while, no doubt,
it sounds and works amazing and gets better by every new firmware update.
AxeFX II does look interesting nonetheless, will see what future holds. :)
I am still completely happy with the Ultra. It's been a perfect fit for me this far.
I'm sure the AxeFx II is awesome, but I dont need it. Im holding onto the Ultra.
If I was lucky enough to own an Ultra I would not be selling it. I bet in 5 years or so the second hand value of the Ultra will be worth more than the SH Axe II. This is because there will be tons of the AXE 2 out there in the market place, and they might even be available to try and buy in guitar shops! I know crazy yeah. This will be due to the ramping up of the production to cover the demand, so the Ultra will be still a very tricky unit to buy. So the guys selling up now will loose out in the long run. But the guys buying the 6 month old Ultra’s will be sorted.

That may be true if the Ultra offered something the Axe II did not, but I don't really see that as the case. I am not sure I see any upside paying more for an Ultra then an Axe II. You generally don't see digital gear out-pricing the replacement if the replacement is considered a significant step up.

You know what I find crazy is the amount of cash folks have got to just go out and spend. I'm a well paid Electronics engineer and I've been saving for ages to get an Ultra. I have been on the list for the past 3 months, not long compared to some. So to see all these guys jumping ship to go and spend another 2K is just amazing to me. I wonder how many have actually got the cash or is it all credit?

Some people have the money to spend, some don't. I think most people here probably have the money to buy a new one, it's just a question as to whether that money should or should not be used for something else. It's all about choices. And remember, if you 'jump ship' by selling, say, your Ultra, then you aren't really thowing another 2k at it, more like ~$700 or so.
Some people have the money to spend, some don't. I think most people here probably have the money to buy a new one, it's just a question as to whether that money should or should not be used for something else. It's all about choices. And remember, if you 'jump ship' by selling, say, your Ultra, then you aren't really thowing another 2k at it, more like ~$700 or so.

^^ This.

Hard to justify upgrading to an Axe-II on release when I still need a decent speaker setup :p Also hard to part with an Ultra when it would make such an amazing backup.
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