9.02 Amp Model Poll

9.02 Amp Model Poll

  • I like both the clean and high-gain models better than 9.00

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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After updating to 9.02, I thought it sounded very similar to what I had with 9.0. Then I recorded a part on one idea I had, and realized that it had more of the stuff I've aimed for, but now with less post-eq.

Very good job, Cliff. 9.02 FTMFW!

Oh yeah, I do high gain stuff. Maybe even more gain than Mark.

Maybe. ;)
I love the new update. It so easy get an awesome tone now. :cool: The FAS Modern sim is really a monster now!!! Put a TS808 up front with level set to 0, tone to taste, 75% level and 65% mix, drop the bass on the amp a little while giving a slight boost to the mids, treble, presence, and master, then top it off with your cab of choice. That's it. It smokes, with like like 1 minute's worth of knob turning, if even that. Also, the 59Bassguy sounds awesome. The stock preset "Vintage Digital Delays" is my favorite clean tone to date. That is exactly everything I like about a clean tone.

On a side note, what a world we guitarist live in. One of the most common complaints of the Axe-Fx was it took too much time to tweak. People would rather just plug into a real amp and have it. Now that we have an update that takes minimal tweaking, we are complaining about that. :roll:
I will be receiving my AXE Standard with v9.02 FW this week. That means I'll start tweaking my presets without having any experience with the older FW versions. From what I've read in this thread it sounds like I'll be able to get my tones dialed in very easily with this new firmware!!
MusicManJP6 said:
I will be receiving my AXE Standard with v9.02 FW this week. That means I'll start tweaking my presets without having any experience with the older FW versions. From what I've read in this thread it sounds like I'll be able to get my tones dialed in very easily with this new firmware!!

Good to have you on the axe team, I remember you from the boogie forum when i had trouble with my mark iv :D
biggness said:
I love the new update. It so easy get an awesome tone now. :cool: The FAS Modern sim is really a monster now!!! Put a TS808 up front with level set to 0, tone to taste, 75% level and 65% mix, drop the bass on the amp a little while giving a slight boost to the mids, treble, presence, and master, then top it off with your cab of choice. That's it. It smokes, with like like 1 minute's worth of knob turning, if even that.

Just tried this. Wow. Instant fantastic rock tone.
Thanks for the hint, biggness !
I voted for 9.02 on both counts but...

I'm am not a metal head by any means and I usually stick to the vintage models which do sound great now. But one of my favorite patches uses the Fryette D60M model and owning a VHT Pittbull I have an idea of what it should sound like. With 9.02 it has gone from stiff and aggressive to squishy and sweet sounding which doesn't seem right. My Pittbull is a great amp, but "squishy" and "sweet" it is not and I wouldn't think the Deliverance is either. I think I understand where some of the high gain guys are coming from on this one.
For whatever reason I'm more happy with the stock cabs after this update than I even have been. I don't play a of of high gain but the clean to mid-gain sounds I am getting are really good throughout the stock cabs, even with the lowly Power Engine. :) , but maybe it's just my ears.

I had a lot of fun last night with the Jr Blues, 1x10 blue and the new bb pedal. This morning I moved on to the Wreck, "old" 4x10 bassman cab and the bb. I hope I never take this thing for granted!
marshall2553 said:
I voted for 9.02 on both counts but...

I'm am not a metal head by any means and I usually stick to the vintage models which do sound great now. But one of my favorite patches uses the Fryette D60M model and owning a VHT Pittbull I have an idea of what it should sound like. With 9.02 it has gone from stiff and aggressive to squishy and sweet sounding which doesn't seem right. My Pittbull is a great amp, but "squishy" and "sweet" it is not and I wouldn't think the Deliverance is either. I think I understand where some of the high gain guys are coming from on this one.

I've owned the Pittbull 45 (head and combo, so I've had the amp twice), the 50-ST and a Deliverance. Of them all the Deliverance was the 'least' VHT-like of the Fryette days of that company. In fact, I shipped mine back to Tone Merchants after one day because it was really a duck out of water compared to what I was used to. The Deliverance is NOT of the metal ilk; it's a mid-gainer.

Same as the analog counter-part, drop your drive control WAY down, like 2.00 with the master on 6.00 to hear what the "M" channel really does sound like.

Fryette UL/CL VHT's and the Pittbull line do not sound anything like the Deliverance.

just did a quick test, hmm, feels like the hi gain models sound more compressed and noisy.
i had a 5150 preset that sounded heavy and precussive,
now it sounds much more saturated and kinda fizzy.
i have to admit that my ears are not in the best condition right now.
caught a light cold, i hope that's the main reason for the "strange" sound.

Scott Peterson said:
I've owned the Pittbull 45 (head and combo, so I've had the amp twice), the 50-ST and a Deliverance. Of them all the Deliverance was the 'least' VHT-like of the Fryette days of that company. In fact, I shipped mine back to Tone Merchants after one day because it was really a duck out of water compared to what I was used to. The Deliverance is NOT of the metal ilk; it's a mid-gainer.

Same as the analog counter-part, drop your drive control WAY down, like 2.00 with the master on 6.00 to hear what the "M" channel really does sound like.

Fryette CL VHT's and the Pittbull line do not sound anything like the Deliverance.


Thanks Scott. I've never played the Deliverance but was able to tweak the 9.0 D60M model to get pretty close to my Pittbull. With the reworked power amp I don't think that's possible now. Not that that's a bad thing, I'm all for improved accuracy in the modeling even if that means rethinking some of my tones.
Soultrash said:
i had a 5150 preset that sounded heavy and precussive,
now it sounds much more saturated and kinda fizzy.
This is the general feeling I'm getting on the few high gain patches I have. Not as aggressive, more squishy and saturated. But to be fair I haven't reset everything to the defaults and started from scratch. I may just need to lower the drive.
marshall2553 said:
Soultrash said:
i had a 5150 preset that sounded heavy and precussive,
now it sounds much more saturated and kinda fizzy.
This is the general feeling I'm getting on the few high gain patches I have. Not as aggressive, more squishy and saturated. But to be fair I haven't reset everything to the defaults and started from scratch. I may just need to lower the drive.

Hate to sound like a broken record, but please try it. I think you'll find it a very positive experience.
Scott Peterson said:
marshall2553 said:
Soultrash said:
i had a 5150 preset that sounded heavy and precussive,
now it sounds much more saturated and kinda fizzy.
This is the general feeling I'm getting on the few high gain patches I have. Not as aggressive, more squishy and saturated. But to be fair I haven't reset everything to the defaults and started from scratch. I may just need to lower the drive.

Hate to sound like a broken record, but please try it. I think you'll find it a very positive experience.

so i should delete the preset and start making a new one!? :)
Soultrash said:
so i should delete the preset and start making a new one!? :)

No, not the entire preset; just the amp block. Initialize it back to default settings and then dial it in from scratch. It's easier than ever before, faster than ever before and frankly I'd recommend doing it to every pre-9.02 preset you have before you make up your mind about 9.02. Read my prior posts on this thread; it's time to 'reset' how we dial this box at this point. it's as easy as pie; but you have to start over with a blank slate on the amp block. IMHO, YMMV.
Well, didn't vote until a few minutes ago because I didn't test my higher-gain patches with 9.02. Ended up voting for option 1. Didn't even have to change anything to my patch at all. Dropping the volume on the guitar also revealed the character of the string being played a lot more when I lowered the volume to almost clean level with the same patch, which was kinda present before, but not exactly in a pleasant way. Now, I really like what I hear. Great update.

And man am I happier with the Fenders!
I haven't really had time to check out 9.02 extensively, but from what I've been reading, I have to say I couldn't be happier with the philosophy behind the update. Reading the bit about Cliff sitting down with the Axe and a Fender and tweaking the Axe's sim until they matched was great to hear.

I am absolutely all for anything Cliff does that brings the Axe-FX's amp sims closer to "realism." I mean, all of the tone shaping options and advanced parameters in the Axe-FX are fantastic, obviously, but it would be truly impressive to be able to sit down with an Axe-FX rig and a [well maintained, actual tube amp that's been emulated within the Axe-FX here] rig and be able to dial the Axe-FX in so as to exactly duplicate the setups to the point that another player couldn't tell the difference between the two, whatever the volume, with the Axe-FX's basic amp controls set remarkably similar to the actual amp's controls.

I understand and agree with the Axe-FX's philosophy on effects being the reproduction of the theoretical intended effect rather than the emulation of some specific effect pedal or rack unit and I think it's a brilliant strategy for effects processing, but when we listen to actual tube amps or think of "tube tone," we hear a sound that is usually quite different from what the amp makers' original schematics dictate, whether it's because of varying component tollerances or whatever, and those are the sounds we've come to love and associate with the amps and good tube tone. If those sounds are made more easily attainable with the Axe-FX right off the bat, then I think we'll all be happier because of it.

If that is in fact what 9.02 attempts to do over previous versions, then I'm all for 9.02 and for Cliff's efforts to continue on in this direction.
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