9.02 Amp Model Poll

9.02 Amp Model Poll

  • I like both the clean and high-gain models better than 9.00

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
VegaBaby said:
It's difficult.

What can lead to confusion is that most of the real clean amps, namely Fenders have been reworked (especially the Deluxe). Now, I definitely prefer the reworked models. The Deluxe sounds a lot more like the real deal. What I don't like is that everything sounds slightly midscooped now, a little artificial for lack of better term which I blame on the tweaked poweramp sim.

An interesting experiment would be to hear the reworked Fenders, but with the 9.00 poweramp simulation. So my vote is going to be 9.00, since the reworked models have nothing to do with the poweramp sim (as far as I can understand from the release notes).

+1. It would be great to test a FW version containing everything from 9.02 except the poweramp change. I voted option 2, but almost went with 3 (9.0).
Slightly OT, but what I find most interesting is that Cliff started a poll. I could be out on a limb here, but usually Cliff seems to know quite well what is good for tone / for us. There weren't really more complaints than with any other FW update. I'm probably entirely wrong, but for a second here I'll assume that maybe Cliff isn't so sure about this update either...
I think it's too early to take this poll.
I wonder how many of the the players who voted for 9.00
might change their mind once they toss out their old presets and build new ones from
the ground up.

I prefer 9.02 for both.
Yes the cleans are impressive but so are the high gains.
You can now have a bright tone without sounding harsh.
All the "fixes" that I used to use in my DAW like channel strips, fancy vintage EQs, maximizers and image control tools are no longer needed.
9.02 sits much better in a mix.... so I am very happy.

- I am not in the camp of "let's make this thing sound as an amp in the room"
- What I call "high gain" is sometimes called "almost clean" by the "brutalz people"

Very good of you to even have this poll Cliff. It means you're listening with out prejudice. No matter what the result, that's always good to know.

Is it not technically possible to have both power amp models Cliff?
but what qualifies as high gain? great results for heavy crunch, I never play metal so I don't go all energyball on anyone so I wouldn't know where to start with those anyway. So if there was some duel poweramp integration 9.02 for cleans 9.00 for high gain, are you going to take away my new found love for these great plexi sims
I voted for 1 without any hesitation.

After installing 9.02, at first I was disappointed by how different some of my patches sounded...
But after some tweaking they now sound much - and I mean much - better!

Cliff, for me this update is plain success.
Thank you again for all this!!
marvinx said:
Very good of you to even have this poll Cliff. It means you're listening with out prejudice. No matter what the result, that's always good to know.

Is it not technically possible to have both power amp models Cliff?

This reminds me of the "PASSIVE vs ACTIVE" tone stack debate.
Eventually Cliff made them both available, mainly for those who couldn't
live without the old ACTIVE one...... but he made the PASSIVE one default.

I wonder if anybody is still using the ACTIVE ones today????

almost forgot feedback, i find 9.0 to give me a much squishier high end on my high gain models, and to be denser overall. Also i noticed i was't able to dial in anything usable with the fryette gain model on 9.2.

Im going to keep trying to tweak just no success there yet.

end feedback.
AndrewSimon said:
marvinx said:
Very good of you to even have this poll Cliff. It means you're listening with out prejudice. No matter what the result, that's always good to know.

Is it not technically possible to have both power amp models Cliff?

This reminds me of the "PASSIVE vs ACTIVE" tone stack debate.
Eventually Cliff made them both available, mainly for those who couldn't
live without the old ACTIVE one...... but he made the PASSIVE one default.

I wonder if anybody is still using the ACTIVE ones today????


See that would be awesome. And i do use active every now and then. It makes perfect sense, why not have both available? Only reason i could see is if the power amp model just used up such a huge amount of firmware memory that more than one just couldn't fit. Even then a poweramp A firmware or Poweramp B firmware would be great. even though i know that will never happen.
marvinx said:
See that would be awesome. And i do use active every now and then. It makes perfect sense, why not have both available? Only reason i could see is if the power amp model just used up such a huge amount of firmware memory that more than one just couldn't fit.

Only Cliff can anwser that... but I think:

Creating seperate "amp versions" of the same sim is pretty much out of the question.
He can probably create a setting that will bypass the "new code" but this might create all kind of headaces down the road.

AndrewSimon said:
marvinx said:
See that would be awesome. And i do use active every now and then. It makes perfect sense, why not have both available? Only reason i could see is if the power amp model just used up such a huge amount of firmware memory that more than one just couldn't fit.

Only Cliff can anwser that... but I think:

Creating seperate "amp versions" of the same sim is pretty much out of the question.
He can probably create a setting that will bypass the "new code" but this might create all kind of headaces down the road.

I mean like... not seperate amp versions per se. More of... on each amp sim you could select power amp a or power amp b. It wouldnt mean double the amp models, because i believe all of the amp models use the same power amp modeling.
Voted #1.
Sure, my patches needed work after updating, but it was never easier. I just set the amp settings back to default and adjusted Master, Drive, tone (including Bright and Presence) controls and in a few cases Sag.
Don't rush and vote for 9.0 after listening to 9.02 with presets made for an older OS.

Get in there and build up a few new sounds from scratch... I did and then voted for 9.02 across the board!
I voted #1. At the time I first saw the poll, I hadn't yet played with the high gain sounds much but the cleans were absolutely better. Having now spent time with the high gain patches, they're better for me now too. Harmonics seem a little more pronounced and complex. Presets that I'd gotten very close to my other amps in A/B tests are now even closer; indistinguishable in the real world.
I need to wait till Iv'e gigged 9.02 before I vote.

Have re-done all my patches and they sound great in the studio, but live for me is where the test is..

Other than one patch with the Carol anne (which I use occasionally when we do out 2 heavy rock songs) the highest gain model I use is the JCM 800.
AndrewSimon said:
marvinx said:
Very good of you to even have this poll Cliff. It means you're listening with out prejudice. No matter what the result, that's always good to know.
Is it not technically possible to have both power amp models Cliff?
I wonder if anybody is still using the ACTIVE ones today????

I do - but I prefer Baxandal in the real world.
Matman said:
Don't rush and vote for 9.0 after listening to 9.02 with presets made for an older OS.

Get in there and build up a few new sounds from scratch... I did and then voted for 9.02 across the board!
Couldn't agree more!
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